9. Temptation

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Jimin soon went home to get some rest and to get ready for the evening. He was about to meet up with Hoseok and some other friends from the dance department to go to the party together.

JK and Tae were sipping some wine in the kitchen to get in the mood for the night, then they took their turns in the bathroom to have a shower. When Jungkook arrived back to his room with damp hair, wearing only boxers and a towel thrown over his shoulder, Taehyung was already dressed up in an expensive looking shirt with floral prints, black leather pants and an elegant black blazer, to which he added some thin, glittering necklaces and earrings for a more glamourous look. He entered JK's room to ask about his opinion.

- You look stunning, I don't even have these kinds of stuff in my closet - the sculptor chuckled, browsing among his clothes, looking for the appropriate outfit to wear.

- And I don't have those muscles and cool tattoos. Let me help you - Tae said pushing the younger aside, and within seconds he tossed a black dress shirt, tight black jeans and a black leather jacket onto the bed. - Here you go, these will do.

He took the towel off his friend's shoulder and reached for the shirt to put it on him as if he was a child. He licked his lips looking at the exposed muscular upper body, taking the time to pull the shirt up on his arms and buttoning it up slowly. He took a deep breath and spun the younger around so they both faced the mirror on the wall, Tae standing behind JK, adjusting the backside of the shirt on his shoulders and the damp hair strands that reached under his cheekbones.

- You're so fucking handsome - the older sighed before pressing a long, soft kiss on his friend's nape, then stepped to the door and left the room without waiting for a response.

Jungkook felt a shiver along his spine and his cheeks heated up, but then he forced his thoughts to turn to Jimin and continued getting dressed in the clothes his friend picked for him.


Jungkook and Tae were standing near the bar counter of The Green Fairy with full glasses in their hands, chatting with friends when a strikingly graceful group of people entered the place. Dressed up decently elegant, chins held up, with straight backs and smooth motions 5 people walked along, greeting familiar faces around them. In the middle walked a slender figured male with an angelic smile, obviously searching for someone among the crowd. Next to him came Hoseok who was shining as well, he dropped his arm around the smaller's shoulder and whispered something into his ear making him blush and giggle in his hand. Three petite girls walked beside them, all in short dresses, showing their pretty legs to the world.

- The dancers arrived - said Yoongi, motioning his head at the team.

JK immediately turned around to have a look and a wide bunny smile appeared on his face when he recognized his little boyfriend. Jimin was wearing an ivory V-necked silk shirt, tight black slim jeans ripped above the knees, a black velvet choker around his neck and a pair of sparkling earrings. Slight smokey make up decorated his eyes and a light rosy layer of lip gloss enhanced his plump lips.

Both Jungkook and Tae were amazed by the sight. The blonde boy finally found them, putting a soft kiss on his boyfriend's lips, twining his arms around the sculptor's neck. He kindly greeted the others and started to sway his hips to the rhythm of the music. JK considered himself the luckiest man on earth and Taehyung felt that the ground was shaking under his feet.

They occupied a larger table by the wall, chatting, drinking, some of them went dancing or meeting up with friends from other majors.

„Come, please, dance with me" - Jimin pleaded, pulling Jungkook at both of his hands, heading to the dancefloor. The younger felt a little self-doubt for his partner being a professional while he was just a craggy sculptor, but the feeling was quickly swept away when Jimin took the lead and his fluent movements melted into the music and his man's touches. With him JK effortlessly knew just how to move and what to do.

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