12. Having a little fun (+18+)

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I light little smut chapter before the heavy one ;) Like foreplay?

It was Friday and unlike the past days Tae didn't go to the library and he didn't have evening rehearsal either. JK was surprised to see him home so early and furthermore, he was in a good mood, which was even more surprising.

- Don't you invite Jimin over? - he asked. I haven't seen him here for a while.

- I thought it made you uncomfortable when he's here - JK answered with widened eyes.

Tae shrugged and smiled.

- Well, okay, I'll call him then - the younger said and grabbed his phone.

In an hour the little blonde male was standing in the door with his genuine crescent eye smile both of them missed since that certain night. Soon they all were sitting on the couch sipping red wine and playing a car racing video game over pizza leftovers.

- Let's make this game a little more interesting - Tae suggested - After each round we play truth or dare, the winner tells the loser what to do. Hm?

The two others agreed gladly and they went on playing by the new rules. The game consisted of short rounds where 3 speedy sport cars drove through different obstructions to win the race. They could push each other off the road or cause a crash, and a whole round took about only 2 minutes.

After the next one Taehyung jumped up from the couch cheering and Jimin was the last one to cross the finish line.

- Truth or dare? - the winner asked.

- Dare - Jimin said with a mischievous grin.

- Okay, then... tease us using some object you find here in this room.

- Hm, can it be a body part?

- Nooo, it must be an inanimate object! And it can't be any of JK's naughty toys from the bedroom drawer - Tae giggled. The youngest stood up offended: - What, I don't even have any naughty toys!!

- Well, how should I know! - the older shrugged with a wide boxy smile.

Jimin's eyes scanned the room for the appropriate object and stopped upon a life-sized white marble bust of a young woman standing on the dresser.

- Good choice - JK laughed out - I made that last year.

Tae clapped his hands in excitement.
Jimin stepped close to the sculpture, surveying it with a seductive look, then began to caress her shoulder with his fingertips, hardly touching it. - Why are you so cold, baby? - he whispered into her ear, slowly moving his hand up to the back of her head, while his lips were ghosting over her neck, breathing sensually. Then he started to press gentle little kisses along her marble "skin", slowly reaching her jawline and cheek. He held on to her chin with one hand and placed small licks onto the slightly open mouth before pressing his plump soft lips onto the hard stone ones, moving them passionately with eyes fluttered shut. Then he slowly parted from the sculpture girl and started giggling, getting back to the couch between the two amused friends.

- Wow, this was surprisingly hot! - they admitted in agreement.

- I think he doesn't like me - the blonde said with a pout - She didn't kiss me back.

- Well, she must be made of stone then, who on earth can resist your lips - JK chuckled.

- I feel something else getting stone hard right now - Tae replied with a sigh making the others snicker.

- Well let's get back to the game - Jimin suggested, grabbing his controller.

The engines started up with a loud vroom and the race began again. Unexpectedly Jungkook lost this time, for his mind was still around the previous scene and he didn't notice an oil puddle right in front of his car, which made him drift off the road. Taehyung won again, and JK chose "truth".

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