14. Confusion

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Taehyung suddenly jumped out of the bed and rushed towards the door.

- Taehyungie... are you okay? - Jimin asked worriedly.

- Yeah, I just... need to use the bathroom! - Tae said, not even looking at the others.

He teared the door open and ran to the bathroom as if the bedroom was on fire. He closed the door and leaned against the basin to face the mirror. He was butt-naked, with a messy hair and a blushed face.

Love confessions... The worst and apparently unavoidable part of his otherwise carefree and happy life. Always followed by sadness, crying and fights, for the other never wants to accept that he won't change his habits, won't settle down, won't get into a serious thing, and won't stay loyal to one person. It's just not his thing. He loves to be free, with no strings attached, enjoying diversity, avoiding the troubles and boredom of a relationship. And now, after an amazingly enjoyable threesome sex his best friend confesses love to him...

"Why, why the hell is this happening to me, why can't life just be simple and fun like it was before? I don't want this, I don't want to hurt this guy, I love him like my little brother, I would die for him, and I promised not to hurt him. And if it wouldn't be enough, he confessed to Jimin too... To the only person who managed to evoke such intensive feelings in me, that no one else could before... Feelings that I didn't even know could be this strong and powerful, totally taking control over me" - he thought to himself. "How is that even possible? How can he be in love with two people at the same time? It's... weird... I'd say Jungkookie's brain is flooded with hormones after this awesome fuck and he can't think straight, but he referred to what he said before, when he was sober. He loves me... he fucking loves me... What the hell am I doing with this now? What does he want me to do with this?"

He stepped under the shower and opened it, letting the warm water clean his messy body and messy thoughts.

Meanwhile in the bed the two lovebirds were still cuddling, stroking and kissing each other.

- I love you too, Kookie... But... I'm still feeling strange, even if you, for some weird reasons, like this, that I'm fucked by another man in front of you... Even just... saying this out loud, I feel awkward and ashamed... Is this really love you feel for me?

- Of course it is! Why are you ashamed, we all wanted this, this is just fun, nothing serious! And Taetae isn't some stranger, he's my best friend - Jungkook said with an innocent look on his face.

Jimin turned on his back, looking at the ceiling, pursing his lips.

- Kookie... I... For me... it is serious.

- What do you mean, baby?

- You said you're in love with him, and I don't find it strange because... I feel the same... I love you and him too. I fell in love with him the very first moment I saw him. And what I think is... either he's a very good actor, which we all know he is, or... he falls for me more than if this was just having a little fun with friends... This is why I feel somewhat guilty, and when we did it for the first time this guilt was unbearable...

- Well... It seems like we both love each other and him too, so I don't have the right to feel jealous... it still feels very weird though... But please don't feel guilty, because then I'm guilty too, for the same reason...

For about ten minutes they were both lying on their backs in silence, trying to understand their own situation and to clear their minds. Then they took turns in the shower, and while JK was in the bathroom, Jimin went to the kitchen to have a refreshing drink before going to sleep. He found Taehyung sitting on the couch with arms on his knees, dressed in pj's. He poured a glass of juice for him too and joined him.

- Are you shocked? - Jimin asked.

- Yeah, sort of. What am I going to do with this confession?

Jimin rubbed his back gently.

- What is so frightening in love? - he asked softly.

- Expectations I can't fulfill...

- I think I know what you mean, but... JK is your friend. He's always accepted you the way you are. I think nothing ever will change about that. He expressed his feelings to us, which I think is cute, and that's what friends do, speak honestly.

Taehyung looked into Jimin's caring gaze and felt that tears were pooling up in his eyes. He leaned closer and muzzled into the blonde's chest, who hugged him tightly and kissed into his wavy hair.

- Just stick to what is important to you, someone who loves you won't expect you to change for them. Otherwise, it's not true love - Jimin continued.

Tae lifted his teary face so Jimin could see he was crying. The dancer wiped his tears with his small hands, cupped his cheeks and kissed him deeply. At this moment, Jungkook entered the room unnoticed. He stood still at the door, watching them silently.

The kiss took really long, and it wasn't lustful this time, it was rather comforting, caring, gentle and warm. When they parted, Taehyung began to speak in a low voice:

- Jiminie... you're a real angel. No one ever has made me feel like this, no one has ever been as kind to me as you. You're too lovely, too cute and too sexy for this world... If I ever fell in love, I'd do it with you and nobody else.

- Don't talk nonsense, Taetae... - Jimin giggled like a little bell - Let's go to bed. You can sleep with us if you want to.

- I think it's better if he sleeps in his own bed, Jimin - the fierce voice of Jungkook frightened them a little, for they haven't even noticed him till now. The youngest was still standing at the door, looking down at the floor, frowning and clenching his teeth, and he looked kind of... scary.

- It's okay, I'd rather stay here for a while anyway. Just go without me... - Tae said.

Jimin stroked his shiny hair reassuringly, stood up and walked to his boyfriend with a startled face.

- What's wrong baby? - he whispered but didn't get an answer from the younger. He just turned around and walked back to his room and Jimin followed him.

 He just turned around and walked back to his room and Jimin followed him

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