26. Happiness

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Jungkook jumped up from the bed when he heard Taehyung's phone ring on the nightstand. Tae opened his eyes as well and grabbed JK's arm, who was staring at the phone in shock. It was 6 am and the device showed the detective's name on its screen.

It was either the worst or the best news ever that they were about to hear the next few seconds, and Jungkook was not sure if he was ready to answer the phone.

They looked at each other hoping to get some strength from the other, as Taehyung squeezed the younger's arm reassuringly.

- Give me the phone - he said softly.

JK handed it over to him and buried his head between his arms and knees. His heart pounded frantically in his chest as he prayed for good news. Tae swiped his trembling finger over the screen to answer the call.

- Hello... - he breathed shakily into the phone.

After a few seconds he pressed his palm firmly against his mouth, he squeezed his eyes shut as his shoulders began to shake. Tears run down his cheeks and Jungkook didn't know it they were tears of joy or grief. He looked at him with questioning doe eyes and shook his arm eagerly to get an answer from him.

- Thank you... We'll be right there... - Tae sobbed into the phone before hanging up.

- What is it?! Huh??! Speak!!!

- They found him!

- And???

- He's alive, he's in the Hope hospital, we can go visit him - Taehyung smiled hugging Jungkook, who let out the biggest sigh of relief, shedding tears of joy while hugging the older back as tightly as he could.


Jimin was lying in the clean white hospital bed after having his first shower and first fresh, warm meal in 5 days. His injuries had been treated and he had undergone a thorough medical examination. Now he was in a sweet state of a deep sleep, as the door silently opened, and his boyfriends entered with careful steps. A nurse smiled at them and motioned for them to come closer.

They stood beside the bed in awe, looking at the bruised, yet angelically relaxed face, not wanting to wake him, but Jimin somehow sensed their presence and fluttered his eyes open. The boys leaned in for a careful, warm hug, stroking his freshly washed hair, kissing him softly on the cheeks and forehead, without saying a single word. The nurse standing at the wall smiled and sniffed, wiping a tear out of her eye. Then he left the room to send the journalists away who were eagerly knocking on the door hoping to get an interview or a photo of the kidnapped and rescued boy.

- Can we take him home? - Taehyung asked her as she returned.

- He must stay another day for observation, but I guess the doctor will release him tomorrow.

When she left again, they turned back to Jimin.

- They hurt you... - Tae run his fingers through Jimin's hair with a sad glance on his bruises.

- Did they... you know... hurt you... in other ways too? - Jungkook asked worriedly, not really wanting to hear the answer.

Jimin wasn't sure if he should tell them the truth, so he hesitated, but then decided to be honest. The doctors and the police would tell them anyway, and it would all end up in court... So he pursed his lips and nodded.

- Oh no... my poor baby... - Jungkook hugged him, resting his head on Jimin's chest. Taehyung frowned and took his hand, pulling it to his lips.

- Kookie, I'm the happiest man alive - Jimin smiled - I survived and I'm having you guys by my side, no matter what happened before!

- Those bastards will get the punishment they deserve! - Taehyung grunted.

They were talking for about an hour before they let Jimin have his well deserved rest. In a few hours his parents and brother arrived too, along with Hobi, who brought chocolates and flowers. Hobi told him that Bang Chan and Minho had been arrested and the stage performance was postponed so he could dance his role as soon as he recovered. He brought a box of milk too, to show him that his photo was printed on it as a missing person.

- See? You've become famous! - he giggled making Jimin smile - It was in the news today morning that a married couple noticed your morse signals, maybe you could meet them!

- I already did - Jimin nodded smiling - But I surely will once more. They literally saved me from... - his voice cracked and Hobi's smile disappeared.

- Yeah... they acted just in time, I've heard about it...

- ...

- I'm so happy that you're with us again, Jimin, you have no idea! The whole class was worrying their ass off!

- Thank you, Hobi. I missed you all too, especially you.

Jimin was allowed to go home the next day, so his boyfriends took him to their apartment and treated him like a king who had just returned from a victorious battle. Jungkook cooked his favorite meals, and they fulfilled his every wish, though he didn't want much. He was simply grateful and happy to be alive and among his loved ones and tried to forget everything he had been through.

This story will soon come to an end, I'm about to close it with a last fluff threesome smut part, so stay tuned. ;P

Thank you for reading this far, I hope you enjoyed! If so, please be so kind and vote for your favorite chapters! Luv u all! <3

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