21. Kidnapped (partly +18+)

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- So, how was your morning, guys? – Jimin tried to act naturally, as if he hadn't heard anything from Lisa, as he sat down at the table with his loaded tray.

- I almost finished the sculpture of you. Those toned muscles in motion made me sweat though... But it turned out pretty well – Jungkook answered.

Jimin blushed and giggled into his hand.

- My muscles in motion will make you sweat a few more times I promise – he joked making the others laugh.

- How's been your day, Taehyung? – he asked.

- I missed you baby – Tae answered with a teasing smirk.

Jimin looked down at his full plate, unsure of what to believe and what not to believe from whatever this guy was saying.

Jungkook felt a little sad, that Taehyung didn't say he missed him too, but he accepted that that certain arrow points only to Jimin, and he can't do anything about it.

- And how was your class, Jimin? – Jungkook asked.

- Fine, the dancing part went well. But after class, in the shower Bang Chan accused me of having sex with the dance instructor to get the lead role – he put a bite of food into his mouth and glanced up to Taehyung to see his reaction.

- What an asshole, he must envy you so bad – Tae said and Jungkook nodded with his mouth full.

- Would any of you ever fuck a prof to pass an exam or to get a role? – Jimin went further, looking deep into Tae's eyes, so that the other could suspect that he knows.

While observing Taehyung, he didn't notice Jungkook blushing hard and almost choking on the food.

- I've never fucked anyone out of such interest, for I'm not a whore, but if that prof was hot... and of course if I didn't have my sexy boyfriends... I wouldn't mind getting laid by them. But for the fun and not for the grades.

- The media history prof is quite hot, don't you think? Mr. Ok Taecyeon – Jimin didn't give up.

- Hm, I don't know him, I don't have media history this semester – said Taehyung.

"Shit, he is a really good actor. He lies like a rug. Unbelievable" – Jimin thought. Jungkook on the other hand started to sweat and his heart pounded like crazy.

- Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom – he excused himself and rushed to the toilet. He leaned against the basin and tried to get himself together. "Does he know? How? From whom? Mr. Ok surely didn't tell anyone... His sister...? She doesn't know Jimin, she's not even a student..."

In the meantime, Jimin took advantage of Jungkook's absence. He leaned closer to Taehyung and whispered through his teeth:

- I know everything, don't fucking lie to me!

- What are you talking about? – Tae asked chewing on his food, raising an eyebrow.

- No need to keep lying, his sister spilled to Lisa, and she told me!

- Whose sister said what? Are you okay, baby? I really don't understand a word.

- I know... that you... slept... with... Professor Ok Taecyeon... yesterday... morning – Jimin said punctuating each word.

- But I didn't. Why would anyone say that to you? – Tae shrugged with a confused face. He was really convincing for he was truly not guilty – Oooooh, Lisa! I see! The girl I rejected! And that bitch is now spreading rumors about me! Fantastic...

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