6. The first kiss

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- You can take a break now - JK said, and Jimin jumped off the stool immediately. It was the end of the 4th hour he's been spending on it this afternoon, and he was tired of sitting as hell.

- Wanna see it? I'm almost ready.

The model stepped next to the artist, as JK put the molding stick down and carefully started to smooth the surface of the clay sculpture with his thumbs.

- So? What do you think?

- It's amazing, Jungkook... How can a piece of clay look so alive? It's like... a better version of me... I wish I was him, especially right now...

- What do you mean by that? - JK raised his eyebrows, brushing away some unevenness from the sculpture's mouth with his fingertips.

Jimin didn't answer, just smiled, licking his lips.

- Oooh, you mean...! Oh! You little...! - the sculptor laughed before washing his hands at the sink.

- Take him out already, Kookie! - Yoongi shouted out from the other end of the room, making the other students laugh.

- Yeah, he's damn right, I mean, the boy was sitting there for days, he deserves a good dinner or something! - a girl joined him snickering.

JK glanced at his model, who was still smiling sweetly with crescent eyes. He found him adorable.

- Let's go then - he tilted his head towards the door. He quickly got rid of his smudgy clothes and covered the bust before opening the door for Jimin.

The last few days, during their sessions they got really close, talking for hours or just working/sitting there silently, so now they felt like they knew each other for a long time. But till now, they didn't hang out outside of the Academy.

JK took him to a cozy little restaurant a few blocks away from the campus, which was famous for its delicious seafood and intimate atmosphere.

- So, since your portrait of me is finished, what comes next? - Jimin asked.

- I thought about some dance movement studies, if you're in. Don't be scared, you don't have to keep those poses for hours, I would just take some photos to work from.

- Well, okay, I guess... Let's do it. A few photos won't hurt...

They talked and laughed a lot, drinking some glasses of fine wine and it was late at night when they finished their meals and left the restaurant. They walked towards Jimin's dorm to move a little after the long hours of sitting and even after reaching the building they didn't seem to want to part from each other. They stood before the entrance, trying to admit that it was time to say goodbye for today.

- So... you wanted to be your portrait today, right? - JK asked.

- Yes, I did... - Jimin said with an embarrassed smile.

- Well, I'm not sure if I understood it right, but... was it because I did this...? - the taller placed his hands around the dancer's face and gently stroked his cheeks with his thumbs. Then he brushed his plump lips with his fingertips, just like he did to the clay version of him a few hours ago.

- Yes... - Jimin's eyes fluttered shut, melting under the touch.

- Well, you feel so much warmer and softer... I wonder what it could feel like to kiss you - the sculptor whispered, leaning closer, placing soft little kisses onto the blonde boy's cheek, humming into the silky skin.

Jimin's lips slightly parted as he let out a shaky breath, feeling the cool little metal ring approaching his mouth kiss by kiss. When reaching it, Jungkook stopped kissing, he grazed his slender lips over the other's plump ones, gently rubbing their noses together, feeling the dancer's arms wrapping around his waist, pulling his body closer. He then pressed his mouth softly onto his, nibbling on his lower lip, gliding his tongue over it before asking for entrance, growling into the kiss. Jimin opened up and let the tongue in, sucking and biting on it gently, twirling his own around it, while he tangled his fingers into the taller's raven hair.

Jungkook tightened the hug and broke the kiss, gently placing his chin over the smaller's shoulder.

- Thank you for this day, Jimin, thank you so much...

They parted from each other, saying goodbye and after the dancer disappeared behind the tall building's door, JK walked to the bus station with a constant smile on his face.

Arriving home, he greeted Taehyung who was sitting on the couch, studying his lines from a textbook.

- At last! I thought I'd never see you anymore - he yelled, looking up from the pages.

- Don't be so dramatic. I took Jimin out for dinner.

- Oh, you did?! Good for him!

- What's wrong with you now?

- Nothing, Kookie, nothing at all. I hope you had a good time - Tae answered in a sarcastic voice.

- Well, I did. I had the time of my life, thank you for sharing my happiness like a good friend.

- I'm happy for you, I was just worried! It's midnight and you didn't even reply to my texts.

- I'm a grownup for fuck's sake, and you're not my mom! - JK shouted annoyed, opening the fridge to take out a bottle of banana milk.

The older stood up from the couch and walked to his friend, hugging him from behind.

- I'm sorry Kookie... I'm happy for you, really - he mumbled into his back - Did you fuck him?

- I'm not you.

- No, coz if you were me, you would've fucked him a week ago.

- And I would've dropped him right after.

- That's not at all that sure! Maybe he'd been worth a few more fucks before that.

- You're disgusting - JK shook him off, pushing his arms away. He opened the bottle and drank a sip.

- Then? What did you do? Talk? - he spat the last word like it was the cringiest thing to do with someone.

- Yes, imagine this, there are people who talk before fucking. You should try it once. And we kissed. And it was amazing, if you want to know.

- Kissed!! WOOOOOWWW! This soon! Now that's a tempo! Shouldn't you slow down a little? You'll scare him.

- You're such a jerk - Jungkook walked into his room and shut the door behind him.

Taehyung followed him, earning a 'Get the fuck out!' from the younger, who was sitting on his bed, but he ignored it.

- You know that I'm joking, don't you? - he said softly.

- You have a terrible sense of humor.

- I know.

Tae sat down beside his friend, putting his arm around his shoulder.

- How was the kiss? - he asked in a low voice, leaning so close to his face that their lips almost touched - Will you show me?

- How was the kiss? - he asked in a low voice, leaning so close to his face that their lips almost touched - Will you show me?

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JK looked at his sensual lips and beautiful brown eyes and for a quick second he forgot what a jerk he thought he was. Then he pushed him harshly away, shouting:

- I feel pity for you, Tae, you know?! For you'll never experience a real good kiss, because you're unable to feel anything more than arousal, you're unable to love, even the word respect is unknown to you! Now get the fuck out of my room!!!

Tae almost fell off the bed when JK pushed him away, he wobbled a few steps back, looking at the younger who had trembling lips and teary eyes from anger. They both knew that he overreacted and that there was so much more behind this than just Tae's terrible sense of humor.

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