2. izukus pov

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(I tried writing this from a kids perspective, so sorry if this chapter is kinda trash)

Izuku pov
I ran into a man today, I don't know why but he seemed nice. That can't be true though, my dad said he was the only person who would ever be nice to me, and I believe him. I ended up running away from that man when I heard papa's voice, his voice is scary, and I don't like it when he hits me, but I know he only hurts me because he cares for me, and wants me to be safe.

I was running away from papa because he yelled at me, I thought he was going to do what he did to mama to me when he started getting closer so I ran, his face was all mad and scary. I also ran away because I saw white stuff falling from the sky, and I wanted to feel it, it looked so pretty.

he ended up catching me, and instead of being hit for going out of the house, he gave me a hug. It felt weird, he's only ever done that one other time. Usually I get scolded for leaving the house because it's too dangerous, so it was strange for him to hug me instead.

Now I'm back at home, and dad is scolding me again, I knew it would happen soon. He says that I'm not even allowed to go out to the backyard anymore, which seems kind of unfair. But I understand why he says I can't, he doesn't want me to get hurt.

Two days later

I woke up to my dad yelling at me, he said I have to clean the living room up because we're having guests over, and once it's clean I have to stay in my room and not come out.

As I was finishing cleaning there was a knock at the door, and my dad told me to go to my room. I did as I was told, knowing that if I didn't I would get hit.

I hid in my room while I listened to papa and the guest talk, and I started to feel hungry, I hadn't eaten all day. I guess it wouldn't be too bad if I got food if the guest and papa don't see me, then I won't get hit.

I quietly sneak out and go to the kitchen, but the guest spots me. More like all the guests spot me. I didn't know there were more than one, I only heard one of them speaking. "Oh my god who is this!? They're so cute!!" One of them said, They look really pretty, she has buns in her hair and she has fangs. Her fangs look cool, and pointy. Papa looks over to me and I freeze. He looks mad, really mad. "Go back to your room, you're not supposed to be out here." He says. I nod my head quickly and scamper back to my room.

I hear footsteps, they don't sound like papas, papas are a lot louder. My door opens and I see a man with blue hair approach me, he's wearing all black with white gloves that have a missing finger. I cower to the corner of my bed as he sits down on it. "Hey kid, what's your name?" He asks. I stare at him blankly. "Answer me kid." He sounds scary. "Uh, i-Izuku.." I say. "Well izuku, you're coming with me and my crew, got that?" He scratches his neck as my eyes widen. I don't want to go with them. Papa says that only he's good to me, and I don't like this blue haired guy.

When I don't respond to what he said, he takes me by the arm and drags me out of my room. I wriggle and squirm, trying to get out of his grasp, but he's really strong.

The girl I saw before approaches us smiling. "Ooo shiggy let me take him, he's so cute!" She says. So the blue haired guy is named Shiggy, that's a funny name. "That's a great idea! That's very irresponsible don't let toga take him." Someone says, he talks kinda funny, like he can't make up his mind. I look at the girl with buns. So her name's toga, I like that name. "Don't worry twice, I'm not letting her take him, not until we're back at least." Ok, and the funny talking guy is named twice. I'll try not to forget their names.

I look around the house, trying to find papa, but i can't. I don't want these people to take me.

Shiggy takes me outside to a truck, where a lizard guy is in the driver seat. I get put in the back with twice and toga, twice now holding onto me. I wonder why they won't let toga near me. Shiggy goes to the front with the lizard guy and he starts driving. I try to stay calm during all of this, not knowing if lashing out will get me hit. "Why are we bringing this brat with us?" Someone says. He had burns on his face. "Come on dabi, don't be like that, this is the master's kid." Ok, so his name is dabi. "Yeah, like that makes it any better." Dabi muttered.

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