13. 1a dorms

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They get inside and Izuku sees that everyone is surrounded in the common rooms with food. "Guys! Look who's here!!" Uraraka shouts. The class turn their heads and smile when they see izuku alright.

"Izuku! So glad your ok dude, that quirk of yours is so manly, it's super strong too." "Mhm, yeah and the way you were running over to Aizawa to save him from that boulder was really brave!" Everyone started talking at once, which made Izuku a little frightened as he covered his ears. It reminded him of when the league would fight and would all talk at once.

Aizawa raised his hand and they all quietened down. Izuku shuffles forward and looks down at his hands.

"I'm sorry about what happened.. and I'm really glad none of you guys got hurt, and I promise I'll train my quirk so I never ever hurt anybody." Izuku says, trying to talk loud enough so everyone could hear him. Iida stands.

"Thank you izuku, I'm sure you'll have excellent control of your quirk soon." He says, doing his signature hand chops. The class agreed. Aizawa yawned, looking out the window. "Ok, I think it's time we head back down to hatume before it gets too dark." Aizawa says, looking down at izuku. Izuku nods, and they leave the dorms.

They enter the workshop where Mei is working on the gloves. "Oh, hey you two! I'm almost finished with the gloves." Mei looks at the gloves and makes a few final adjustments before holding them up. "Here, try them on."

She hands Izuku the gloves and he tries them on. They were black gloves with the pointer finger missing on it, it also had a strap around the wrist to tighten it. "They're lightweight so it shouldn't cause your hands any strain at all, and If it needs any adjustment just come and find me and I'll be happy to fix it. Izuku nods, admiring the gloves.

"Thank you so much!" He says. "One more thing, hold this." Aizawa says, taking out another pen. Izuku grabs it and it doesn't break, izuku smiling. "Hey Aizawa, not that I didn't want to make izuku those gloves, I really enjoyed making them, but couldn't you have just bought a pair of those art gloves?"

Aizawa shakes his head. "I used to do art as a hobby when I was at ua training to be a hero, and I know from experience that those gloves aren't comfortable to wear all the time. Though if I had to, it would work good in a pinch." Mei nods. "Ah, alrighty then, that makes sense." Aizawa nods and izuku thanks mei as they leave to go to the teacher dorms.

When they arrive they see Hizashi holding one of the cats. Izuku holds onto Aizawa's shirt as they go closer. "Hey izuku, wanna pet him? He won't hurt you I promise, he's the calmest out of all the cats here."

Izuku shyly goes over to Hizashi and reaches out for the cat, petting it. "It's so soft.." he says, still only petting the cat with only two of his fingers, scared he might still break it.

"Are you two hungry? I made some food a little while ago but you two didn't show up." Aizawa chuckles. "Sorry about that, we had to go and pick up a pair of gloves for izuku." Hizashi looks over at izuku.

"Those are some fancy gloves." Izuku nods. "Mhm, it's so I don't break anything with my quirk." "Ah ok, well come on, I've heated up the food so come eat." Izuku nods and sits down next to Aizawa, Hizashi handing them plates. Izuku thanks him and he starts eating.

After eating, Izuku went straight to bed, and Aizawa tucked him in, checking to see if Izuku still had the fever or not. He didn't. After Aizawa tucked him in he sat down with hizashi.

"I'm thinking about seeing Kurogiri tomorrow, I need to know what izukus involvement with the league is." "How do you know for certain that he has something to do with the league?"

"Well first he said he knew toga, and today he told me he was living with someone who had to wear gloves similar to the ones he has so he wouldn't use his quirk all the time." "Shigaraki.." Hizashi mutters. Aizawa nods. "Yeah, so I'm going to go and visit Kurogiri so I can find out what the league has to do with izuku."

"Will you be ok on your own there? You remember how you were last time we visited him." Aizawa nods. "I'll be fine." Aizawa says, yawning. "I'm gonna go to bed, night zashi." Aizawa gets up, then goes over to Hizashi and kisses him on the head before going to his room. "Ok, night sho." Hizashi yells out.

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