4. Aizawa meets izuku for the second time

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Aizawa and the nurse head to Izuku's room and the nurse knocks and enters. "Hey izuku, it's me again, you've got a visitor, can he come in?" Izuku looks down. "W-who is it..?" "They're a pro hero, they're not here to hurt you I promise." Izuku thinks carefully before nodding slowly. The nurse let's Aizawa in and Izuku looks up at him. "Hey.. you're the guy I bumped into.." Izuku whispers. Aizawa nods. "Yes, I am. How are you feeling?" Midoriya looks down. "I-i feel alright.."

Judy smiles sweetly. "I'll leave you two, just press that button if you need anything." Aizawa nods. Once the nurse left, Aizawa slowly went over to the chair in the corner to not spook izuku.

"Do you have any family, izuku?" "U-uhm- I have papa.. but shiggy said he got arrested a little while ago and now he's in jail..." Aizawa nods. "Alright, well when you're discharged from here you're going to be coming home with me, ok?" Izuku tenses up. "Hey, don't worry I won't hurt you. I'm a pro hero, pro hero's don't hurt people." Izuku looks down. "but shiggy said that pro hero's aren't good people, and they only care about fame and money.." "Sure, some heroes are like that, but most of them aren't, they genuinely want to help people." Izuku looks up. "O-ok.. I'll come home with you, but you have to promise me something..." "of course." "Promise you won't hurt me.. ok..?" "I won't hurt you I promise, I wouldn't even think of doing that to you." Izuku nods. Aizawa smiles softly, something he rarely ever does.

"Uh sir? I-im sorry but uh... uhm.. n-never mind.." izuku mumbles, stumbling over his words. "What is it kid?" "Uhm.. well, can you get me some water please..?" Izuku trembles lightly, scared Aizawa will get mad at him. Aizawa notices this and gets even more concerned. "Of course, I'll be back in a second." Aizawa gets up and leaves, returning with a cup of water. He hands it to izuku and izuku takes it with shaky hands, thanking Aizawa. He takes a sip, and as soon as he does he realises how thirsty he actually was, because he drank it all in 2 seconds flat.

Judy returns a few minutes later with a plate of food, handing it to izuku. "You should be able to be discharged tomorrow if you're doing as well as this." She says. Izuku nods. "Thank you." He mutters. His talking is pretty quiet, Aizawa wonders why. Was he not allowed to talk back with whoever he was staying with?

"Uhm sir?" Izuku says. Aizawa looks up. "Yes?" "Well, it's just.. I don't know your name..." Izuku looks down at his food, eating the Mac and cheese on his plate. "You can call me Aizawa." Aizawa responds. Midoriya nods "ok." Judy turns to Aizawa. "I'm sorry sir, but visiting hours are almost over." Aizawa nods. Izuku looks visibly uncomfortable by the mention of that. "izuku, is everything ok?" "Mhm.. it's just that.. I don't feel safe by myself... is it ok if he stays? Only if he wants to though, it's ok if he doesn't want to." Judy smiles softly. "I'll have to ask, but if he's allowed then of course." Aizawa nods. "I'll be happy to stay if it's allowed, but I'll have to send a text to mic to let him know." Izuku gives him a puzzled look. "Mic?" "Yeah, he's my husband, a pro hero like me." Izuku nods. "Ok, is he mean..?" "No, he's just loud." Judy chuckled and left to sort things out.

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