12. gloves

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Izuku woke up dazed and confused, he didn't know where he was. The door opens and he jumps, looking at who had entered.

An old lady? He looks around and sees he's in another hospital. What happened?

"You're awake, good good. It seems like you may have manifested your quirk." The old lady says.

Izuku looks down. That's right, he had manifested it when telling Aizawa to look out for a boulder. And instead of helping him, he made everything worse by putting the rest of them in danger too.

"How are you feeling, dear? You're not tired or anything? Not sore anywhere?" Izuku shakes his head.

"Good good, I'll go tell Mr Aizawa that you're ok, he's been standing outside for the past three hours worrying about you." Izuku tilts his head.

He spent that long outside just so he could know if he was alright? No one's ever done that for him before, and now Aizawas done that twice.

The door opens again and this time two people walk in, it was recovery-girl and Aizawa. Aizawa walked over to izuku and izuku shuffled back. Aizawa stopped, noticing this behaviour. "How are you feeling?" He asks. Izuku looks down. "I-i feel ok…" Aizawa nods and steps closer, but izuku stops him. "D-don't come any closer.. I don't want to hurt you…" izuku says, his voice quiet. "You won't hurt me kid, my quirk is Erasure, if your quirk gets out of control again I can just erase it." Izuku nods slowly. "Uhm.. how is your class? Were any of them hurt?"

Aizawa shakes his head. "no, none of them were injured. Izuku sighs in relief. "That's good, I'm glad no one was hurt.." he lifts his hands and looks at them, afraid to touch anything.

Recovery-girl leaves and returns soon after with a glass of water, handing it to izuku. He doesn't want to take it at first, but the recovery-girl said to at least try and have a sip of the water, so he hesitantly takes it and he goes to take a sip, but it breaks in his hand, the glass cutting his hand and falling on his lap.

Izuku whimpers and starts to cry, confused as to why his quirk had to manifest at the worst time. Aizawa rushes over and helps Izuku get out of bed so recovery-girl can clean up the glass.

Aizawa takes Izuku's hand and checks it. "Looks like the glass just scratched you, your hands will heal up just fine." Izuku nods. "Izuku, can you test one thing for me?" Izuku nods slowly.

"Ok, I want you to hold this." Aizawa says, handing Izuku an empty pen from his pocket. "B-but what if i use my quirk on it?" Aizawa smiles softly. "It's ok if you do, this is to help me find out something about your quirk."

Izuku nods and takes the pen into his hand, the pen breaking into really little pieces. "It doesn't look like you can turn your quirk off, it seems to be on all the time." Izuku looks down. Aizawa pills out another empty pen and hands it it izuku, asking him to only hold it with four fingers first, then five. It crumbled as soon as his fifth finger touched the pen, but was fine when he only touched it with four. "Um.. this guy who I was living with wore these special gloves that had a finger missing on them so he didn't use his quirk all the time.. maybe it'll work for me too." Izuku mumbles. Aizawa thinks for a moment, then nods. "Yeah, that might work."

Recovery girl finished cleaning up the glass then checked Izuku's hands, telling him that he would be alright and was free to go, telling Aizawa that Izuku did have a fever and to just keep an eye on him to make sure it doesn't get worse. Izuku and Aizawa then headed to the support students' work place. They opened the door and saw shinsou and mei hatsume.

Izuku and Aizawa go up to them. "Oh, hey izuku. The voice changer idea is in progress, mei is just making a few tweaks to the mask, what are you up to?" Shinsou asks. Izuku looks down.

"I-i need gloves made so I don't hurt people with my quirk.. I'm sorry by the way, and I'm glad none of you got hurt.." Shinsou looks down to see Izuku's sad expression. "don't be sorry, there was no way of knowing your quirk would manifest at that time." Izuku nods.

Mei finished up the final things on Shinsou's mask and he put it on. He then turned some dials and spoke. Izuku was amazed, it sounded just like him. Shinsou then took it off. "Looks like it works great, thanks for the idea izuku." Izuku nods. Mei turns to izuku.

"Well hiya kid, what are you here for?" Mei asks, she's gotten heaps better with not rambling, especially with little kids since they tend to get frightened by it.

"Uhm.. well I need a pair of gloves, I can't turn my quirk off and it makes anything I touch break into lots of little pieces.. I have to use all five fingers to use it so maybe if you make a pair of gloves with one of the fingers missing I'll be able to hold things normally." Izuku speaks quietly as Mei nods.

"Ok, I think I know what you mean, I should be able to make something like that in around half an hour. Izuku nods and Aizawa and him leave.

As they were walking back to the teacher dorms, Izuku looked at the 1a dorms. "Aizawa? Can we visit the 1a dorms? I wanna make sure they're ok." Aizawa nods.

"Sure kid, let's go." Aizawa and Izuku begin walking over to the dorms, and they see Uraraka and Tsu outside with Bakugo being floated. They spot izuku and come running over to them, bakugou being left there to float.

"Izuku, how are you feeling? I'm so glad you didn't get hurt back there, that must have been scary, you were so brave." Uraraka says, tsu nodding in agreement.

"I'm ok, I'm glad you guys aren't hurt.. I was so worried I had hurt you guys…" izuku says. Aizawa looks at bakugou and sighs. "Uraraka, mind telling me why bakugou is floating?" Uraraka looks up. "Oh, he got a little too aggressive, so I had to float him so he didn't blow up the building. Aizawa nods.

"Ok, I think you can release him now." Uraraka nods and releases him. As soon as he gets up off the floor he comes running towards them. "Damn you pink cheeks!! I'll kill you!" Izuku looks at him frightened.

"No.. don't kill uraraka, I don't want her to die." Bakugo looks down. "Don't worry kid, I'm not actually going to kill her, I'm just mad at her because he was floating me for ages, I'm all dizzy now." Bakugo growls. Tsu then spoke. "oh, the rest of the class have been worried about you izuku, do you wanna go see them?" She asks. Izuku nods and he walks with Aizawa, uraraka and tsu to the dorms.

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