5. going home

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"Ok, you're allowed to stay eraserhead." Judy says, walking back into the room. She goes over to Izuku, him flinching as she does. She looks down at the food. "You're not going to eat anything else?" Izuku shakes his head. "No.. I can't eat anything else.. I'm sorry." "You don't have to apologize to me, it's fine." Judy picks up the tray and Aizawa thanks her as she leaves.

Aizawa takes out his phone and calls someone. Izuku lifts his head at the ringing, intrigued at the phone. Someone picks up at the other end and Izuku is shocked that there was a voice.

"Hey mic, I'm staying at the hospital tonight, just thought I'd let you know."

"What, Why? Weren't you just staying late? Not staying the whole night."

"Change of plans, it's hard to explain but I found that kid I bumped into in an alleyway, I'm staying with him for the night."

"Oh, ok. How is he doing?"

"He's doing ok, he's stable right now, and he's been able to eat and drink."

Aizawa looks up to see Izuku out of his bed, stumbling over to him.

"Kid? What are you doing out of bed?" Izuku looks at the phone.

"What's that..?

"It's a phone."

"Uhm.. is that person stuck in the phone...?"

Izuku could hear laughing from the other side, which made him jump.

"No, I'm not stuck inside the phone, don't worry."

"Oh.. ok." Aizawa smiles softly. "Ok kid, let's get you back into bed." Izuku nods. "I'll see you tomorrow zashi, bye."

Aizawa then hangs up.

He helps Izuku get into bed and he puts the blankets on him before sitting himself on the chair again.

Around half an hour later izuku stirred in his sleep, a slight whimper escaping his lips. Aizawa looks up from his phone to him. He looks stressed. He whimpers again, a little louder. Izuku then turned and settled down, and Aizawa was about to make himself comfortable when he heard Izuku scream.

He was quick to his side, not touching him, instead talking to him, telling him he was alright. After a few minutes izuku calmed down and was now fast asleep.

Aizawa made himself comfortable as he watched izuku.

Izuku woke up 6 more times after that first time, and before he knew it it was morning, and Judy was checking on him. She enters the room with a bowl of oatmeal. She hands it to Izuku and he thanks her quietly, not wanting to wake Aizawa who had fallen asleep not even five minutes ago.

He took a spoonful of it, it was good, and he ate about half the bowl, Judy supervising him.

Aizawa wakes up when Izuku is eating, and Judy notices and heads over to him. "Ah, good morning eraserhead, how was izuku last night?" Aizawa rubs his eyes and sits up properly. "He woke up quite a few times scared from nightmares, but other than that I don't think it was too bad, he didn't have any panic attacks or anything." Judy nods. "That's good, let me just check his vitals and if it's all good he's free to go." Aizawa nods and thanks her as she inspects izuku carefully. She makes sure to tell him exactly what she's doing so he doesn't freak out.

After checking he was good she let them leave. Aizawa leads izuku to a car, and when he opens the back izuku sees someone in the driver seat. Aizawa hops in next to the man and turns to izuku. "Are you ok with the seatbelt?" Izuku nods. "Ah, so this is the famous izuku my husband keeps talking about." Izuku shyly looks down.

"Are you the guy who was stuck in Aizawa's phone..?" Hizashi laughed loudly, which made izuku flinch. "Hizashi, not so loud." Aizawa says. Hizashi stops laughing and looks back at Izuku, who looked a little scared. "Oops, sorry kiddo, I tend to forget how loud I'm being, so if I'm being too loud don't be afraid to tell me." Izuku nods. "To answer your question, yes I was the one who was stuck in Aizawa's phone." Izuku nods. "So that means your name is mic." Hizashi nods as he turns back and starts driving.

"Haven't you ever seen a phone before kid?" Hizashi suddenly asks. Izuku is quiet for a moment, thinking whether to respond. "I have.. but only the ones on the wall." He mutters. Hizashi just nods as he continues driving, his eyes never once leaving the road.

Izuku didn't know how to feel about mic, he was loud, and very outgoing. It made him a little intimidated.

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