18. the trip

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"Izuku, it's time to wake up." Hizashi shakes izuku lightly and he wakes up, his breathing heavy. He notices where he is and calms down.

"Morning, come on let's get you dressed, Aizawa is making food." Izuku nods tiredly and walks with Hizashi to his drawers and picks out a pair of clothes. They were an orange shirt with the words 'plus Ultra' and a pair of black cargo shorts.

Once he was dressed he went to the kitchen to see what Aizawa was cooking. He hadn't smelt this before.

"Morning, are you hungry?" Izuku nods. "What are you making..?" He looks over at aizawas hands curiously.

"This is called onigiri, it's rice with filling in it, and I've wrapped it in seaweed." Aizawa hands one to izuku and he bites into it. "It's really good!" He says, his mouth half full of food.

"I'm glad you like it." Izuku sits down at the table while eating his food, and Hizashi goes over to Aizawa and kisses him.

"Morning shota."

"Morning, here." Aizawa hands Hizashi an onigiri and he takes it. "Thanks sho." He says, biting into it. Aizawa takes one and bites into it as well.

Once everyone ate it was off to school. Izuku went with Aizawa to his class. Aizawa opened the door and the class all quieted down and we're in their chairs. "Good morning class, today we're doing something a little different from normal. So I want you all to head outside where there is a bus waiting for us."

The class were a little confused, but they all headed out nonetheless. "Sir, won't we need our hero suits?"
Aizawa shakes his head. "We won't be needing them today."

Iida gets more confused as he heads outside, Aizawa and Izuku following. Aizawa let Kouda join 1b for the day, knowing that where they were going might upset him.

They arrive at the bus and they all get on, izuku finding a spot next to bakugou. He was going to sit at the front with Aizawa, but Aoyama doesn't do well in buses, usually getting motion sick so he's at the front instead, which Izuku didn't mind.

"Oi kid, do you know where we're going?" Izuku shakes his head. "Nuh uh.." bakugo sighs as he looks out the window.

"Hey Suki..?" "Hm?" "Do you know what my name is..? You keep calling me kid." Bakugo shrugs. "I don't know most of these extras' names. But I know your name is Izuku, I just prefer to call you kid." Izuku nods.

"It's true, he's only used my name like, once." Kaminari leans out into the aisle. "Shut up, dunce face." Kaminari laughs. "See." He says, leaning back into his seat.

The bus stops at their destination 30 minutes later. "A zoo?" Mina says curiously. Izuku kneels on the chair to see the window. "What's a zoo?" He asks. "You don't know what a zoo is? It's a place where you can go see animals." Izuku's eyes light up. "Really!?" He says excitedly.

Everyone gets off and iida counts everyone, making sure everyone is here. "Where's kouda?" He asks. "I let him join 1b for the day, he isn't very fond of zoos." Aizawa explains. Iida nods. "Alright then, that means everyone is here." Aizawa nods and lets everyone head inside.

"Stay in groups of at least two, meet at the entrance at three." The class nods as they split off into groups. Izuku joined bakugou and kirishima as they walked through the zoo, izuku stopping to admire every animal, bakugou and kirishima telling him the names.

They made it to the bird enclosure, and bakugou audibly gulped. It was one of those enclosures where you could go in and birds would land on you.

Izuku looks up at bakugou. "You don't have to come in if you don't want to.. me and kirishima can go in."

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