21. the big three

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"I didn't want to hurt kaminari… I promised I wouldn't hurt anybody ever…" izuku whispered to himself, sniffling. He didn't know where he was running, but he knew he couldn't be near anyone right now. But of course that wasn't going to happen. He bumped into someone and he hit the ground with a thud, lifting his hands up before his quirk activated.

"Hey little guy, are you lost? How'd you get in here?" Izuku whimpers as he stands up, moving back. "G-go away…"

"why would I do that? I want to make sure you're ok." Izuku shakes his head, taking another step back.

"I don't wanna hurt you.." he whispers. The guy looks down at izuku's hands to see that he's trying not to touch anything. "Hm? What do you mean by that?" Izuku looks down as he slowly speaks. "I-i don't wanna end up hurting you with my quirk.. I lost my gloves so I can't touch anything…." The guy smiles at him.

"It's ok, if you come with me I'll get you a pair of gloves." Izuku is hesitant at first, but he slowly nods, following the guy.

"Uh.. sir? What's your name?" Izuku asks. "It's mirio!" The blond says happily.

Izuku follows mirio into a room, and when they get in there mirio begins to look in a few drawers before pulling out a pair of gloves, handing them to izuku.

Izuku takes the gloves with two fingers, inspecting them, before handing them back. "I'm sorry but I can't wear these.. I'll just end up breaking them… If I touch something with all five of my fingers I'll split it." Mirio nods and takes out a pair of scissors, cutting the pointer finger out of both the gloves.

"Here ya go!" Mirio hands the gloves to Izuku again and he thanks him quietly, taking the gloves and putting them on.

Two other people enter the room and izuku flinches, moving back. There was a girl with bright purplish hair, and a bit with dark navy blue hair. The girl looks at him and smiles brightly.

"Who's this? They're so cute, Mirio! Where'd you find him!?" She squeals.

The blue haired guy sighs. "Nejire you're scaring him, look at his face." The girl -nejire- looks at izukus scared expression on his face. "Oops, I'm so sorry! Hey Tamaki, do you think we'll be able to keep him?" Nejire whispers.

"Nejire no, we have to help find his parents!" Mirio says. Nejire sighs. "Awh alright." Tamaki goes over to izuku. "Hey, where are your parents?" Izuku whimpers, stepping back.

Mirio and nejire crowd around him, Tamaki keeping his distance and telling them to back off a little as Izuku starts panicking.

The door opens again and someone walks through. "Oi extras! Get away from him, you're scaring him!" It was bakugou.

Izuku runs up to him hugging him, but stops to look at his hands, realising he has gloves on. Bakugo picks him up, glaring at the three others before leaving to find Aizawa.

"Izuku, are you ok?" Bakugou asks as he carried the small boy down the halls. Izuku keeps his head low, resting it on bakugos chest. "Suki.. am I a villain?" He asks. Bakugo tenses up. "No, I saw shigaraki loosening the straps on your gloves, it's his fault, you've done nothing wrong." Izuku nods, still feeling extremely guilty about it.

Bakugo walks around until he finds Aizawa looking around, Aizawa noticing them and going over. "Good you found him. I'll take him back to the dorms, tell the class he's been found." "Yeah whatever." Bakugo gives izuku over to Mr Aizawa and heads off to find his class. Izuku tucks his head into Aizawa's scarf, trying not to cry.

After a few minutes he sniffles and looks up at Aizawa. "Uhm.. sir? Suki said that I wasn't a villain for what happened but… is that really true? I feel so bad about kami.. I feel like it's all my fault that he's dead…." Izuku whispers, tears forming in his eyes.

"Izuku, of course what bakugou said was true, what happened wasn't your fault, never think of yourself as a villain, because you're not."

Izuku sniffles. "Why do I feel so bad then..?" Aizawa sets izuku down on the ground, crouching to his level. "It's ok to feel bad about what happened, but I promise it wasn't your fault." Izuku nods as he hugs Aizawa, tucking his head back into Aizawa's scarf. "Sir.. can we go home..? I'm tired…" izuku mumbles. "Of course."

Aizawa stands back up with izuku in his hands and starts walking back to the dorms. Once there he set izuku down on the couch and gave him a glass of water. Izuku takes it and thanks him, taking a sip of it before speaking. "Aizawa, what are we going to do about my gloves?" Aizawa grabs a glass of his own, filling it with coffee. "We'll ask hatsume to make another pair tomorrow since shigaraki disintegrated your old ones." izuku nods, a cat jumping on the couch next to him. "Okay" he takes another sip of his water, looking around the living room.

Hizashi walks into the room with someone trailing behind him. Izuku looked over to see that the person was shinsou, and he was holding something. Shinsou walks over to Izuku after greeting Aizawa and hands him something.

They were gloves, almost identical to the ones izuku had before. "I had to get my mask readjusted so I asked hatsume to make a new pair of gloves." Izuku takes them and smiles slightly. "Thank you.." he whispers, taking the gloves he already had on off, and putting the ones Shinsou gave him on.

He opens and closes his hands a few times, making sure they are comfortable before picking up his glass again. He takes another sip. "Hey izuku, tomorrow somones going to come over to try and help you with your quirk, is that ok?" Aizawa asks.

Izuku nods slowly. "Who is it?" "It's a boy from class 1b, his names monoma." "oh, ok.. He can come over I guess.. Is he nice..?" Aizawa tilts his head side to side. "Yeah, he's just a little intimidating and overconfident." He says. All izuku does is nod, eventually falling asleep on the couch, one of the cats curled up with him.

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