9. panic

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Izuku woke up in a panic, his head going blank of any sense as he sat up, gasping and choking for air. His breathing was heavy and his eyes seem lost, glazed over, tears pricking the corners of them. He begins to cry as soon as Hizashi rushes in to try and calm him down.

Hizashi kneels at the side of the bed to meet izuku's level, talking to him calmly. "Izuku it's ok, you're safe here. it's me, mic, I'm not here to hurt you I promise." Izuku looks at Hizashi and begins to back away from him. Hizashi goes to go closer but he stops himself, instead taking out his phone and calling Aizawa.

"Zashi? What are you calling me for? I'm on patrol. Is it about izuku?"

"Yeah, it's about izuku. He woke up having a panic attack, I'll try and calm him down but if I can't I'll call you back, I just thought I'd let you know before it gets too bad."

"Ok, I gotta get back to fighting a villian but tell me if it gets worse."

Aizawa then hangs up as Hizashi goes back over to izuku. "Izuku, I need you to look at me, can you do that?" Izuku hesitantly looks at Hizashi, trembling violently. "Good, now, I want you to take deep breaths with me, do you think you can do that?" Izuku nods once. "Ok, in… out… in… out… you're doing really well izuku, keep going." Izuku breathes with hizashi, his nerves calming and his mind coming back to his senses.

When he realised what had happened he felt bad for Hizashi, he felt like he was being a burden to him. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to freak out like that..." Izuku mumbles. "Don't apologise, you never have to apologise for that." Izuku looks down and nods. "Ok, do you think you can go back to sleep?" Izuku nods. "Uhm.. can you stay in here until I do..?" Hizashi smiles and nods. "Of course kiddo." Hizashi then sits down beside izuku's bed, izuku snuggling back into his blankets, but then he sits up again, grabbing one of his pillows and handing it to hizashi. "I know how uncomfortable it is to sleep on the ground.." he mutters. Hizashi thanks him and puts his head on the pillow. Izuku fell asleep soon after, feeling safe with Hizashi in the room.

Aizawa returns soon after being exhausted, and the first thing he does when he gets back is head to Izuku's room. He enters the room to see izuku fast asleep, and hizashi asleep on the ground.

He chuckled as he went over to Hizashi, shaking him. Hizashi squints his eyes at Aizawa. "Hey zashi, how'd it go with izuku?" Hizashi yawns. "Yeah it went well, I calmed him down and he fell asleep." Aizawa nods. "Ok, well how about you go back to our room, I'll stay in here to make sure izuku is ok." Hizashi shakes his head. "No you've been out all night, I bet you're probably seconds away from falling asleep right now, I can stay in here." Aizawa grumbles out a response and leaves, coming back with two sleeping bags, handing one to hizashi. He slips into his own and sits down. Hizashi also slips into his, sitting next to Aizawa. By the time Hizashi looked over to Aizawa, he was fast asleep.

Izuku wakes up two hours later to a really good smell. He carefully gets out of bed and goes to the kitchen where Hizashi was cooking food. "Morning kiddo, is Aizawa still asleep?" Izuku nods. "Mhm, what are you cooking? It smells good." Hizashi hands izuku a plate. "It's eggs and bacon." Izuku takes the plate and sits down. He gets the fork and lifts it up to his mouth, eating the eggs and bacon. It was delicious.

Aizawa wakes up as izuku finishes his food and quickly grabs a piece of bacon and eats it before helping izuku get some clothes out.

Once izuku was changed the three of them went to ua. Aizawa and Hizashi thought it was a good idea for Izuku to go to UA with them to help him be more social and get better at communicating.

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