10. training

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They arrive at Ua and Izuku goes with Aizawa to his class. He opens the door and spots Bakugou working. He goes over with Aizawa to his desk where his notebook was.

Once the whole class was there Aizawa began speaking. "Ok class, go get into your hero costumes, we're going to gym gamma to work on your quirks." The class nods and stands up, going over to their hero costumes and grabbing them.

(Btw this is before ectoplasm helps them because ✨I simply can and I need a plot✨)

Aizawa and Izuku head over to the gym while the class changes. When they get out, Izuku gasps. They looked so cool. His eyes lit up as he saw all of them walking out. "Wait, when did izuku get here?" Kaminari asks. "He's been here the whole time dude." Kirishima responds. The class all stand in front of Aizawa and Mina giggles at the sight of izuku. "You look happy." She says. Izuku nods. "Your hero costumes are so cool!" He says, smiling. It was the first time they'd seen him smile and they absolutely freaked. "Oh my god his smile is so cute!!" Uraraka says. Bakugo tch'd. "What? Do you not like izuku's adorable smile?" Kaminari teases bakugo. "I didn't say that. Can we start training now?" Aizawa nods. "Yeah, go and train."

The class nod their heads and begin to use their quirks, training. Izuku watches as they train, taking notes on their quirks. How they work, different ways they can use them ect. Aizawa watches as he does this, amazed at how good he is at analysing quirks. He was still misspelling things, but with a little teaching he should get really good at spelling. "You really like writing things huh, izuku?" Izuku nods. "Mhm, since I haven't gotten a quirk yet, I like seeing what other people can do with theirs.."

He looks up at Bakugou and sees him using his explosions. "Hey sir? Do you think 'Suki would be able to fire at one spot..? Like if he focused his quirk on one part of his hand would he be able to shoot it like a Laser blast, kind of like that guy?" Izuku points to Aoyama, who was using his quirk to blast through a rock.

Aizawa thinks. "I'm not sure. Bakugou! Can you come here for a second?" Bakugou looks over, and heads over to aizawa.

"Izuku, can you explain what you just said to me to him?" "Mhm.. can you try and focus your quirk on a single part of your hand to create a laser like blast?" Izuku asks. Bakugo thinks. "I can try, I don't know if my quirk allows me to do that though."

Bakugo goes over to a rock, focusing really hard. Then, he activated his quirk, and holy cow. Izuku's idea had worked. Izuku's eyes light up, and he smiles widely. "That was so cool!" He says, bakugo going over to him. "Ah, thanks kid, I didn't know my quirk could even do that." Izuku nods. "I got the idea from someone who has a similar quirk as you.. They used their quirk as a kind of laser when fighting sometimes." Bakugo nods. "You got any more ideas?" Izuku nods. "Mhm, I have one for.. that one, and that one." Izuku says, pointing to Mina and shinsou. Aizawa nods. He calls the two over.

"Izuku had some ideas for you two." They nod. "Ok.. well you have a quirk that lets you shoot acid from your hands right..?" "Mhm." "I saw that you were trying to shoot further. If you do this with your hands.." izuku makes a nozzle with his hands. "Then you might be able to shoot your acid further, kind of like a hose..." "Hey, that's a good idea!" She says.

Izuku then turns to shinsou. "Do you have to make the person you're brainwashing talk to you every time?" Shinsou nods. "Yes, they have to answer a question I ask them if I want to brainwash them." Izuku nods. "Maybe you could try a voice changer..? Once more people get to know you, they'll know your voice and not respond to it. If you have a voice changer, you could mimic people's teammates' voices and they'll be more likely to respond.. And if they don't respond, they'll never know if it's their teammate talking or not which will take away their communication." Shinsou stands there thinking about it.

"That's actually pretty smart, you've put a lot of thought into that, thanks." Izuku nods. They go back to training, Mina trying out the nozzle thing and shinsou keeping a mental note to ask the support class if they could make him a voice changer.

Aizawa watches as Izuku takes more and more notes, also watching his students. Suddenly someone enters. Izuku jumps and stands up, standing behind aizawa.

He peeks his head out to see who it was. All might. His dad hated all might with a passion, and had told izuku countless times how bad he was.

Izuku began to tremble as he came up to Aizawa. "How are all the students doing with their quirks?" Aizawa blinks tiredly. "They're doing fine, what are you doing here?" "I just wanted to watch the students." He says.

He looks down and spots izuku, and he kneels down. "Well hello, what's your name?" Izuku starts trembling even worse. Aizawa looks down and sees him trembling. "All might, you're scaring him." All-might laughs "Don't be scared of me, I just want to say hello." All-might says, attempting to talk softer than he usually does. Izuku grips onto Aizawa's shirt and hides even more from his view, to which all-might just stood up and watched the students.

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