19. practicing his quirk

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It was the next day, and izuku was getting dressed to go outside with Aizawa to practice with his quirk. They went to a quiet spot with no people and they sat down.

Aizawa put a bag on the ground, he opened it and it has a bunch of balled up paper and different things. Aizawa handed izuku one of the balls of paper, and izuku took one of his gloves, hesitantly holding the ball. As soon as he touched it, it broke into little pieces. "Ok, what I want you to try and do is break it into larger pieces." Izuku nods and focuses as he grabs another ball, it also crumbling.

He grabbed a few more until finally the pieces were a little bigger than the others. "I did it!" He says. Aizawa smiles.

They do a few different things, izuku trying to control how much the items break, until he suddenly starts to feel light headed. "Hm.. sir… I feel really tired…" he says. He starts to sway and Aizawa goes over to him, picking him up. "We'll continue training later, let's get you back." Izuku nods and Aizawa leans down and picks the bag up, scooping the broken items into the bag as best he could before he went back to the teacher dorms.

When they got back izuku was already fast asleep, and Aizawa set him on the couch before putting the bag on the table, zipping it up so the cats couldn't get into it, he was planning to make toys for them out of the things izuku used his quirk on.

Hizashi returned a few hours later, Izuku was on the couch sipping on a cup of juice and Aizawa was feeding the cats. "Hey, How'd training go?" "It was good, we found something new about my quirk." Izuku says. "Oh? What did you learn?"

"If I use it too much I start to feel really tired, and if I keep using it after that I'll pass out ." Izuku says. Hizashi nods. "That's useful to know." Izuku takes a sip of his drink as Hizashi sits down next to him. "Whatcha drinking?"

"Hmm.. it's juice." Izuku responds. Hizashi pets one of the cats that were on the couch as he flicks through the channels. He stopped on a recent villain attack, and watched what it said.

"Woah.. is that kirishima with a hero?" Izuku asks, amazed. Hizashi nods. "mhm, they started their work studies so I guess kirishima fought a big villain and it got on tv."

Izuku watches it for a little while before deciding to go to his room. Once he got in there he started to draw something, but grew tired and fell asleep at his desk.

Aizawa came in to check on him and saw him asleep at his desk so he gently picked him up and placed him into his bed, peeking at the picture on the way out. It was a picture of izuku and bakugou at the lemur enclosure at the zoo.

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