7. ua high school

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Izuku wakes up to light streaming into his room. He kept waking up throughout the night, Aizawa having to come in and calm him down, so he didn't get as much sleep as he would have liked. Aizawa comes in with a pair of clothes and izuku changes into them, Aizawa looking away. Then he goes to the kitchen where mic heated up the rest of izuku's pancakes for him to eat.

After eating, Aizawa headed off, leaving Izuku at home with hizashi. Izuku didn't know this though, because he was in his room when Aizawa left.

When he came out to look for Aizawa and couldn't find him, he freaked out. He started running around crying, trying to find Aizawa. He opened every door, looking in each room. When Hizashi saw him doing this he tried to calm him down and explain where Aizawa went but he wouldn't calm down.

"Ok class, today-" Aizawa was interrupted by a knock at the door. He sighs heavily before going over and opening it. As soon as he opened it izuku came rushing in crying. "Hey hey kid, what's wrong?" Aizawa knelt down to meet his level, half forgetting about the class when he saw izuku crying. "He's really fond of you shota, when he found out you left he started freaking out and I couldn't calm him down, sorry I brought him here." Aizawa looks up at hizashi. "It's fine, maybe just let me know beforehand next time." Hizashi nods. "Well since I'm here I might as well be teaching, so see you later." Aizawa nods tiredly. When the door closes the class erupt with questions, and izuku flinches, hiding behind aizawa, gripping on tightly to his shirt.

Aizawa raises his hand and the class quiets down. "Ok, you all need to be quiet, to answer your questions, he's not my son, he's not my 'secret love child', his name is izuku and yes, he's staying with you guys today so treat him nicely." The class nodded.

Uraraka goes up to izuku. "Hiya, I'm uraraka, you wanna sit with me?" Izuku's eyes widen and he shakes his head, stepping away. "s-sir.. why is a villain here...?" Izuku whispers to Aizawa. Uraraka hears him and she looks at him confused. "What do you mean villian? I'm training to be a hero." Izuku inspects her closely. "You look exactly like a villain I saw..." "what.. I've never hung out with- wait, toga took some of my blood.. did you also see a villain named toga? Uhm- blond hair, always put in two buns, and fangs?" Izuku nods slightly. "Mhm, you know her..?" Uraraka nods. "Yeah, don't worry, the uraraka you saw wasn't me, it was actually toga. Her quirk lets her transform into people." Izuku nods. "S-so you won't.. hurt me then..?" Urarakas heart drops when she hears that sentence, the kid sounded so scared. "Of course I won't." She says. Izuku looks up at Aizawa. "It's ok kid, you can sit with her." Izuku nods and shyly goes with Uraraka, sitting on the floor next to her. She was sitting behind a blond haired kid. (Since midoriya is a kid and isn't in class 1a I'm sitting uraraka behind bakugo, and shinsou is in class 1a sitting where uraraka usually would be sitting, which is the very left seat on the last row.)

(U=uraraka s=shinsou)

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(U=uraraka s=shinsou)

Izuku looks around, and keeps coming back to look at the blond haired kid, his hair looks spiky, he wondered if it would prick him. He stands up and stands behind him, reaching up and putting his hand on his head, he had to stand on his tippy toes to reach. Bakugo whips his head around and izuku flinches and falls to the ground. "What were you doing?" Bakugo growls. "I-it looks spiky.. so I wanted to see if your h-hair was like the little spiky animals..." izuku mumbles. "I-im sorry..." he then whispers, tears pricking his eyes. "Tch, here." Bakugo says, leaning down. Izuku reaches out again and feels bakugos hair. "It's soft.." he says in awe. "By the way the spiky animal you were talking about is called a hedgehog." Bakugo grunts, turning to the front. "Aww bakubro! That was so nice of you." Someone says, a red head. Their hair also looks spiky, izuku wonders if it was soft like bakugos. "Tch, whatever. I just don't want detention from sensei." Bakugo says. The redhead chuckles and looks back to the front.

Izuku sits back near uraraka as Aizawa teaches, looking at her every once in a while to make sure she wasn't going to hurt him. Aizawa finally finishes and the class forward out to lunch. Bakugo was about to leave, but sees izuku goes over to aizawa. He went back over. "Is the kid hungry?" He asks. Aizawa looks down. Izuku was fiddling with his fingers. "izuku, are you hungry?" Izuku nods slightly, still hesitant to respond to people, used to being beaten for talking and simple things like being hungry and needing to go to the bathroom. "Kid, you wanna come with me to get some food?" Bakugo asks. Izuku looks at him wearily before nodding slowly. Bakugo motions for him to follow him and Izuku does, taking one more glance at Aizawa before he does, Aizawa smiling at him reassuringly.

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