17. meeting izukus father

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The next day was sunday, and izuku was up and dressed before mic and Aizawa, and he sat patiently on the couch with his bottle of water as he waited for Aizawa and mic to get up. While waiting a cat came up to him, it was the blond one. Izuku looked down at him and he jumped up next to izuku, almost as if he knew if he jumped directly on izuku he would freak out. Izuku smiles as he pet the cat, the cat purring at the touch.

Hizashi walks in on izuku petting the cat and smiles, going over to him. "Seems like you made a new friend izuku." Hizashi says. Izuku nods, not looking up from the cat. "What's his name?" "It's ash." "That's a pretty name.." izuku says. Hizashi smiles lightly as he nods. "Are you hungry?" Izuku nods. "Pancakes again?" Izuku nods again. "Can I help you make them?" Hizashi smiles. "Of course." Izuku smiles excitedly as he gets up and follows hizashi to the kitchen. He watched as Hizashi grabbed all the ingredients and Izuku helped pour them in.

Aizawa walks out to a delicious smell. "Morning, what are you cooking 'zashi?" He asks tiredly. "It's not me cooking." Hizashi says. Aizawa gives him a puzzled look as he rounds the corner to see izuku on a chair in the kitchen. "Oh, you're the one cooking izuku, how's it going?" Izuku turns his head and smiles widely. "Good! I've made.. five pancakes already." He says, counting all the pancakes on the plate.

Aizawa goes over to the two and kisses hizashi on the head. "Those smell delicious." Izuku nods. "Mic, can you help me flip this one please..?" He asks. Hizashi nods and takes the spatula, flipping the pancake.

The three of them are now in the car all fed. Hizashi is driving. They go over to a really high tech prison and Aizawa helps Izuku get out, holding his hand as they enter.

A police officer leads them to where all for one is staying and they enter the room. All for one is shocked to see who walked in. "Izuku, is that you?" He asks. Izuku nods shyly. "Hi Papa." He says. Aizawa and Hizashi sit down, izuku still standing while holding Aizawas hand. "My my, you've grown, it's been so long." Izuku nods. "Why are you with these people? Don't you remember what I told you?" Izuku looks down. "I-i do.. but they're really nice, they haven't been mean to me once." Izuku says. "They'll turn on you soon, izuku. you can't trust heros, they do nothing to help people."

"Please don't spout nonsense that isn't true, he'll take it seriously." Aizawa states. All-for-one laughs. "Tell us why you left izuku in the league's care." Aizawa then says abruptly, izuku now in his lap, still holding each other's hand.

"Izuku was of no use to me, he hadn't manifested his quirk yet and he was a pain to deal with, always running away. So I let the league do whatever they wanted to him." Izuku's eyes widened. "So.. you left me with the league knowing that they might be hurting me…?" All for one chuckles. "You didn't actually believe I cared about you, did you? You were an accident, I didn't want you, but your mother insisted on keeping you, and I couldn't say no because I loved her." Izuku looks down, tears in his eyes.

"Why did you kill her then..? You loved her so much, but you still killed her.." Aizawa looks down at Izuku and holds his hand tighter, he had no idea his mother was killed by all for one, his own father.

"She was weak, and I didn't want her getting in my way, though it did hurt me a little when I killed her." Izuku holds back his tears, not wanting his father to yell at him for being weak.

"Okay, I think that's enough for the day sho, this must be hard on izuku." Hizashi says. Aizawa nods, standing up and leaving with izuku in his arms and hizashi following. "Don't forget izuku, they'll turn on you eventually! Don't trust them!!" All-for-one yells out before they leave.

When they got back to the car izuku began crying, holding Aizawas shirt tightly as he wiped away his tears with his other hand.

"Put me down please.." he muttered. Aizawa nodded me set the kid down, him not making eye contact, looking at the hot concrete beneath him.

Aizawa kneels in front of him. "It's ok to cry, that must have been hard to hear from him." Izuku sniffles. "He knew about what the league was going to do to me.. but he still let them take me…" Aizawa slowly hugs izuku, izuku hugging back. He picks izuku up and gets into the back with him, hizashi driving back to the dorms.

Back at the dorms, Izuku sat on the couch silent. Aizawa and Hizashi were a little worried about him. "Uhm.. you won't actually turn on me.. right…?" Izuku asks, trying not to cry.

Aizawas heart drops when he hears that. "Of course we won't, we would never do that to you." He says.


"We promise izuku." Hizashi says. Izuku smiles and goes up to them, hugging them one at a time.

A little while later izuku was asleep on the couch and hizashi was talking to Aizawa. "Sho, do you think he'll be ok? I mean he just found out his dad doesn't even care about him and thinks of him as a mistake." Aizawa sighs. "Yeah, Izukus is strong, he'll be ok." Hizashi nods. "Yeah, hey, I have an idea to make izuku feel better." Aizawa listens as Hizashi talks about the idea.

His eyes lit and and he nodded in agreement, saying he would try and organise something with nezu.

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