3. the alleyway

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Aizawa is back out on patrol again. it's nighttime, his favourite time to patrol. He still keeps thinking back to that kid, wondering if he's safe. It's been a few months at this point, and he hasn't been able to get him mind off of him, no matter how hard he tried.

While patrolling, he sees something in an alleyway from the rooftop, and goes down to inspect it. Well, it looks like he got his answer. The same kid who tumbled into him is right there, bleeding out. His shirt was all ripped up and his hair was long and matted. He was still muddy and he looked terrible. Aizawa quickly picked him up, he was really thin, and was unconscious.

He ran to the hospital, and as soon as the nurses saw the state the boy was in, they immediately got him into a room. Aizawa was forced to sit in the waiting room as they treated the kid. His mind was spinning with thoughts and worries, and he couldn't block them out. What happened to him? Is he homeless? Or do his parents abuse him? What if he didn't get to the kid fast enough and now he's dead?

He pulls out his phone to send a quick message to Hizashi saying that he'll be out really late and to not worry as he tries to get his thoughts to stop. When Hizashi asked why, Aizawa responded that he found someone who needed to be taken to the hospital, and wanted to make sure they're ok.

Izuku wakes up on something comfortable. He wasn't on the cold concrete anymore. He looks around. He wasn't even in the alleyway anymore. Where was he? He looks around trying to figure it out, when he hears the door open. He flinches and scrambles back, his breathing speeding up.

His dad was right, only he was nice to him. Those people were mean. Even toga, and she seemed nice at first, until they got back, then she was scary, with all her knives and needles, but she secretly fed him sometimes, so izuku thinks she's the nicest out of them all. He would say dabi was the nicest, but he never came to see him, so he didn't know how to feel about him.

When the person walks closer he raises his fists, he can't trust anyone. "It's ok, I'm not here to hurt you, I just want to see how you're doing." She says calmly. He puts his arms down, but he doesn't let down his guard, that's exactly what toga had said to him her first time seeing him at the crew's house. She kept her word, and only checked up on him, but only that one time. After that she would always cut him, even if it was just a little bit before leaving.

"My name is Judy, I'm going to be your nurse." She says, going closer. Izuku looks down and notices something sticking into his arm. A needle? He starts breathing more heavily and tries to rip it out, the nurse hurrying over to him and holding his hand so he can't get to it. "Hey hey kid, it's ok, this is to help you get your strength back." She explains. Izuku's breathing starts to calm down and she lets go of his wrist. "I-its not putting anything bad into me, right?" Judy shakes her head. "No, I promise you that it's only good things." Izuku nods. "O-ok.." "Can you answer a few questions for me please?" Izuku hesitates. "Y-your not going to hurt me, are you?" "I promise I'm only here to ask some questions." Izuku agrees to answer them and Judy smiles. "Ok, how old are you and what's your name?" "My name is Izuku, and uh- m-my age is... um-..." Judy looks at him sweetly. "Do you not know how old you are?" Izuku shakes his head. "S-sorry.." "That's ok, you don't have to apologize." "Do you have a quirk?" Izuku his head. "No, I haven't gotten it yet." Judy nods and writes something down. "Okay, thank you." Just smiles. "I have to go now, but if you need anything just press that button there." Judy points to a button and izuku nods before she leaves.

Judy goes into the waiting room and stands in front of Aizawa. "You brought that kid in, is that correct?" "Yes, how is he doing?" Aizawa asks. "He's stable right now and his wounds appear to be fine, but he seems to be wary of people. I think he might have pretty severe psychological damage." Aizawa nods. "Okay, have you found anything out about him?" "Yes, his name is izuku. We are unsure of his age, but he doesn't have a quirk so I'm guessing he's around 4 or 5." "Didn't you ask him for his age?" "We did, but he said he didn't know how old he was." Aizawa stared at her blankly before nodding. That's a little strange, not knowing how old you are. "Is he allowed visitors?" "Well yes, but I don't know how good of an idea it is for him to have visitors at the moment." Aizawa nods. "Can I go see him then? I met him a few months ago briefly, so he might remember me." The nurse nods. " Of course, right this way."

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