20. the league

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Izuku practiced his quirk for the next week, getting pretty good at controlling how many pieces the items he trained on split into.

Today izuku was with class 1a at gym gamma, and was excited to see how their quirks had grown.

He was watching them while happily taking notes when something appeqred in the corner on his vision, someone stepping into view.

Izuku's eyes widened as he ran to Aizawa, holding onto him tightly. It was the league. Shigaraki looks around and spots Izuku, smirking. "Izuku! It's been so long, how've you been?" Izuku whimpers as he hides behind Aizawa more.

"Now now, don't be shy, you know how I get when you're like this." Izuku steps into shigarakis view as four other people step through the portal, Dabi, toga, twice and spinner.

"Oh my god it's little izuku! I thought you died in that alleyway!" Toga says. Izuku looks down, tears starting to well in his eyes. "Wait.. how do you guys know izuku!?" Kaminari asks.

"He never told you? He used to live with us." Toga giggled. "Somehow that isn't surprising." Mina says.

The class takes position, ready to fight the villains. Shigaraki steps closer to Izuku and Aizawa stands in front of him, activating his quirk. "Don't worry, I just wanna talk to the kid." He says, raising his hands up in defence.

Aizawa keeps activating his quirk as izuku steps into shigarakis view once again. He notices the gloves and smirks. "These are nice gloves, they look really similar to mine, don't they izuku?" He grabs one of Izuku's hands gently, toying with the strap, before doing it to the other one.

"This is very nice handiwork." Izuku whimpers as he looks down. He hated shigarakis' voice, he hated how it was all scratchy, and he hated the way he talked.

"Now, how about we get to the real fun." Izuku's eyes widened as shigaraki started walking over to one of the students, it was kaminari.

Shigaraki takes off his gloves and Izuku sprint's over to Kaminari, knowing what Shigaraki was about to do. Little did he know Aizawa was still using his quirk on him, and Kaminari was very capable of looking after himself.

He gets close enough to Kaminari and reaches out for him, his gloves falling off. The next thing Izuku knew Kaminari was on the floor.

Izuku stepped back, his eyes wide and his mind racing. He didn't mean to do that. He didn't want to do that.

He was dead. He had used his quirk on kaminari and killed him.

"Oh wow, seems like your quirk is similar to mine as well, hm? Looks like you're a full fledged villain now, having killed someone and all."  Shigaraki chuckles as he picks up izukus gloves, disintegrating them.

Izuku fell to the ground sobbing, he was hyperventilating and couldn't focus on anything else but kaminari. The class looked at Kaminari terrified, he was beyond repair, all broken up into pieces. "No no no no no no no..!! I-i- I didn't mean to! I'm sorry! Kaminari, I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" Izuku spirals as he picks up a piece of kaminari, picking up another and trying to piece him back together. "It's ok I'll put you back together… y-you'll be ok!"

His hands were covered in blood, and he looked so scared. Izuku didn't want that to happen, he was only trying to save him..

Shigaraki laughs as he goes back over to the portal. "Well I guess that we'll leave now, all might isn't here so there's no point staying. it was great seeing you again izuku, hope to see you again soon!" He rasps, going through the portal with the others. The class stood shocked as they watched as shigaraki went through the portal, and izuku piece kaminari back together.

Aizawa had tears in his eyes as he knelt down next to izuku, placing his hand on izuku's back. Izuku flinched and stood up, stepping back, terror painting his face. Aizawa tried to go near him, but izuku stepped back again. "No.. don't come near me! I don't want to hurt you..!" Izuku spoke, his voice shaky, tears spilling from his eyes. Aizawa activated his quirk.

"Izuku, you can't hurt me now, I've disabled your quirk" izuku trembles as he goes straight past Aizawa and to Kaminari. He crouches next to him sobbing.

Aizawa goes next to him. "I-i didn't want to kill him.. we- we can heal him… right..?" Aizawa sighs. "I'm sorry izuku.. but unfortunately there's nothing we can do.." izuku stands up and runs out, Aizawa following him. He went outside of Gym gamma but he had already lost sight of izuku.

Aizawa sighs as he makes his way back in. "Everyone we are going to look for izuku, he doesn't have his gloves so who knows what might happen." The class nodded and ran out, kirishima staying, he hadn't fully processed that Kaminari was actually gone.

The class all searched for the small greenie, but they hadn't found him yet. They kept searching, no stone left unturned. The fields, the dorms, the school, the class was spread out, hoping izuku would turn up soon, they were worried about him.

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