8. bakugo

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When bakugo and izuku got to the cafeteria, izuku blocked his ears. he wasn't used to so much noise.

Bakugo notices and crouches down. "Stay here, I'll go and get some food and we'll go some place quiet." Izuku nods slowly. Bakugo then slips out from izuku's view, and just as he was about to worry he was back with two trays of food. Izuku follows Bakugou as he goes through halls and sits down on a set of stairs. Izuku sits down as well and Bakugou hands him a tray of food. "Thank you.." izuku mumbles.

Bakugo stabs his fork into a piece of his food and picks it up, eating it. Izuku picks up a piece of his food as well, eating it slowly. "So, are you staying with Mr Aizawa?" Bakugo asks. Izuku nods. "Mhm.." "how is it there? I bet it's swarmed with cats." Izuku nods again. "How'd you know..?" "He had one in his scarf one time, it just jumped out in the middle of class, half the class started screaming thinking it was a rat." Izuku giggles.

"The cats are scary.." bakugo chuckles, stabbing another piece of his food. "Nah, birds are what's scary." "Birds..?" Izuku repeats questioningly. "Yeah, do you not know what a bird is?" Izuku shakes his head. "Do you know tokoyami? The one with the beak, in our class?" Izuku nods. "He's a type of bird." Izuku nods again. "So does that mean you're scared of him?" Bakugou laughs. "Nah, I'm not scared of him." "What about snakes? Do you know what they are?" Izuku shakes his head. "No, what's a snake?" Bakugo thinks. "Do you know what a lizard looks like?" "Nuh uh.." bakugo sighs. "Nevermind then. Anyway how old are you kid?"

"I don't know.. but Aizawa said I was around four or five.. sorry." "You don't even know your own age?" "No.. papa never told me my age..." bakugo nods, shoving another piece of food in his mouth.

"Sir.. what's your name..?" "It's bakugo, but you can call me Kat or Suki, they're easier to say and remember." Izuku nods. "Ok.. I'm gonna call you Suki." Bakugo nods, finishing off his plate. He looks over to izuku, who had only finished half his plate. "Are you going to eat any more?" Izuku shakes his head.

Bakugo takes the tray away from him and they walk back to the cafeteria, which now had not as many people, because everyone was heading to their next class. Bakugo and izuku went up to the lunch people and handed their trays back, and izuku quietly thanked them for the food. After they did then they walked back.

The next class they had was with mic, and while the students went to their class, izuku stayed with Aizawa. Aizawa brought the notebook that was on izuku's desk and by the time the student had to go back to the dorms, he had quite a few notes about some of them, such as their name, hair colour, and how nice they were to him. Sure some of the words were spelt wrong, but he did exceptionally well for not going to school and having a father who only taught him the absolute basics.

Before some of the students left, they wanted to say bye to izuku. They knocked on their homeroom door and one of them opened it. Standing there were kirishima, uraraka, mina and bakugou. "Hey sensei, we just want to say goodbye to izuku." Kirishima says. Izuku looks up and looks at Mina's horns. He goes up to them, feeling safe because Aizawa was in the room.

"Hey uh, miss..?" He asks. Mina looks at him and smiles brightly. "Yes?" "Your horns are really cool.." He says. Mina giggles. "Thanks! Wanna touch them?" Izuku nods slowly. Mina leans down and he feels them, they're bumpy. "Woah.." he whispers. After feeling Mina's horns, he turns to kirishima. "Sir, I have a question. Is your hair soft like Suki's? Or is it spiky like.. a- hedge..hog. Did I say that right?" He asks. Kirishima and Kaminari snicker at the name Suki, then Kirishima shakes his head. "I don't think so, it has gel in it so it sticks up. And yeah, you said it right." Kirishima bends down as well and izuku feels it. It was way harder than bakugos. "This is what I thought Suki's hair would feel like." Izuku says. Kirishima smiles. "Really? I thought that too, but it's super soft." Izuku nods. "Mhm." He then goes over to his notebook and writes down more things. 'Mina's horns are bumpie.' And 'kirrishima has spykier hair than Suki.'

Uraraka goes and looks at what he's writing. "Are you writing things about us?" Izuku nods. "Mhm.. sorry if you don't want me to..." "no no, I think it's a great way to practice writing!" She says. Izuku nods. Uraraka smiles and they all say bye before heading off to their dorms.

After around half an hour, Hizashi, Aizawa and Izuku all head back to the teacher dorms. As soon as they got in, Izuku fell asleep on the couch, being tired from having to interact with so many people, he wasn't used to doing that many things in one day.

"Hey Zashi, can I talk to you? It's about izuku." Hizashi looks over at Aizawa, who was holding the blond cat he saved a few days ago, he was trying to get it to be less aggressive.

"Sure, what's up sho?" Aizawa goes over to hizashi. "Well today I was in class with him, and he said uraraka looked exactly like a villain he saw. Then uraraka asked if he knew a villain named toga and said he did, to which uraraka explained it was most likely toga changing into her since she had taken some of her blood. And while we were in the hospital, he kept referring to 'shiggy' which sounds an awful lot like a certain villain we know.

What I'm trying to say is that I think the league had something to do with izuku." Hizashi nods, taking in all the information. "Yeah, that's a good lead, we've captured one of the league's members, kurogiri I think his name was, so maybe we can ask him about izuku?" Aizawa nods. "Yeah.." he yawns. Hizashi smiles sweetly at Aizawa. "Ok, how about you go get some sleep, you were up almost all night." "Hmm, okay. Wake me up when I have to go on patrols." Hizashi nods. "Sure thing sho."

Aizawa goes over to Izuku and shakes him lightly. He gasps and sits up, instantly relaxing when he notices where he was. "Come on, let's get you into your own bed." Izuku nods tiredly and follows Aizawa to his bed. Once he was in it Aizawa turned the light off and kept the door open, going to his own room and falling asleep.

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