6. home

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They arrived at the teacher dorms, and Hizashi and Aizawa got out, Aizawa opening Izuku's door so he could get out too.

When izuku entered the door he was swarmed by cats, and he freaked out. "Uh.. h-help! What's happening!?" He stammers, tripping over one of the cats and tumbling to the ground. Aizawa goes to his side and shoos the cats away, Hizashi locking them in a room. Izuku sits there with tears streaming down his face, Aizawa telling him it was ok.

When izuku calmed down he looked at Aizawa, a little confused. "What were they..?" He asks. "They're cats I saved from the streets, they won't hurt you, they were just excited to see someone other than me and mic." Aizawa explains. Izuku nods. "Oh, just maybe don't go near the blond one, he's a little bit aggressive, I only just got him off the streets the other day and is still warming up to the place." Izuku nods again. "Ok, let's go, I'll show you you're room." Izuku stands up and follows Aizawa to a room. it was 100 times better than where he used to stay, which was a basement with an old bed which was barely even usable. He wanders around the place, looking at all the things. He had his own desk, it had a notebook and pens, and there was a little plant on it. On the bed there were a few animal plushies and fairy lights hanging from the bedframe. Izuku looks in awe as he explores. "Looks like mic went late night shopping last night." Aizawa says to himself.

"Thank you.. I really like this." Izuku says. Aizawa smiles. "Are you hungry? Mics making food." Izuku nods. They both head out to the living room and Hizashi hands them both a plate. It had pancakes on it. "What are these?" "They're called pancakes, they're really delicious." Izuku picks it up and bites into it. He was right, it was delicious. He ate two of them before he couldn't eat anything else.

After eating, izuku, Aizawa and mic headed into the bathroom. Mic used to have a job at the hair salon in high school to get some extra cash and izuku wanted his hair cut, so hizashi got all the tools he needed and got to work. Hizashi finished around an hour later and Izuku's hair was now neat and tidy.

After that izuku was tired, so Aizawa tucked izuku into bed, keeping his door open so it wasn't too dark. "Mine and mics room is just next door if you need anything, ok?" Izuku nods. "Goodnight izuku." "Night.." Aizawa heads out and izuku closes his eyes, falling asleep pretty easily.

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