15. kurogiri

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(idrk how this convo between kurogiri and aizawa would go, so here's this ig)

The next day Hizashi helped Izuku get ready, Aizawa was the one cooking food this time. He wasn't as good as Hizashi at cooking, but his food was edible at least, unlike a lot of denkis attempts at cooking, they usually ended up in something being electrically fried.

Izuku sits down at the table as Aizawa puts three plates on the table. It was pancakes, a simple dish Aizawa was actually able to make really well.

Aizawa was the first one to finish the food, standing up and putting on his capture scarf. "I'm off you two." He says.

"Hm? Where are you going?" Izuku asks. "I'm going to visit an old friend, I'll be back soon." Izuku nods. "See you later sho, don't push yourself too hard there ok?" Aizawa nods and gives hizashi a kiss as he leaves.

"What do you want to do today?" Hizashi asks, putting his and izukus empty plates in the sink. Izuku thinks for a moment. "Can you show me what a bird looks like?" Hizashi nods. "Of course, let's go outside to look for one." Izuku nods and follows Hizashi outside excitedly.

"Oh, there's one!" Hizashi says, pointing to a bird in a tree. Izuku laughs. "He's so cute, I don't see why Suki is scared of them." Mic laughs. "Bakugo is scared of birds!?" Izuku nods.

With Aizawa

Aizawa walks into a room that's separated from Kurogiri by a thick piece of glass. "Oh, it's you again, you said I was someone one you knew, right? What was his name again, oboro shirakumo if I remember correctly?" Kurogiri says. Aizawa sits down. "Do you know a kid named izuku? He has green hair and is around 5." Aizawa says, cutting straight to the chase. "No, I've never heard of him in my life." Kurogiri says, looking directly at Aizawa."I believe you do, he's mentioned a few of the league's members and seems to know them quite well."

Kurogiri gave him a puzzled look. "We've never had a kid in the league, let alone a five year old kid. My only job is to help shigaraki, not babysit." Kurogiri says.

Aizawa sighs. "What's his involvement with the league, I know he has something to do with them."

Kurogiri shook is head. "I'm telling you I don't know who this 'izuku' kid is, I've never heard of that name." Aizawa sighs. "Alright then." He says, getting up and leaving.

He didn't want to deal with Kurogiri at that moment. he hated the fact that his friend was turned into Kurogiri and had been helping the league, not like he knows he's doing that anyway.

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