22. monoma

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"So, you're izuku. It's nice to meet you kid." izuku holds onto aizawa's shirt as he gives a small wave. It was after school and Monoma was at the teacher dorms to help Izuku with his quirk. "Ok, so how my quirk works is that if I touch someone I can use their quirk for a short time. So, am I allowed to touch you?" izuku nods slowly. Monoma goes up to him and gently touches his arm.

"Here." Aizawa hands Monoma a rock he had picked up on the way back to the teacher dorms.

The blond holds onto it with three of his fingers, before touching it with all five, it crumbling into a sand like texture.

"Wow, this is one amazing quirk." Izuku shakes his head.

"No.. I can hurt people with my quirk… that means it's not cool.." izuku mutters.

"Look kid, I'm sure everyone could find at least one way to hurt someone with their quirk, it doesn't mean it's not cool." Monoma takes another rock, it crumbles as well.

"Can you tell me more about your quirk? I might be able to help you better if I know as much as I can about it." Izuku nods.

"Well I have to use all five of my fingers to use it, and if I focus I can decide how much something splits, and If I overuse my quirk I'll end up getting tired, and if I use it after I'm tired I'll pass out." Monoma nods.

"Okay then." He takes another rock and focuses, splitting it in half.

"Huh, there's a really wide range of how much you can split something, whether it's in half, or into fine dust." Izuku nods. "Mhm.."

"Here, why don't you try and split the rock in half, so I can see what level you're at with your quirk." Izuku freezes. "You don't seem too excited, something wrong kid?"

Izuku looks down and shuffles his feet. "Well.. I hurt someone with my quirk… I ended up killing them.. so I'm scared to use it.." monoma nods.

"Ah, I heard about that.. you'll only be holding rocks though, and I won't come anywhere near you if it makes you more comfortable." Izuku shakes his head. "I don't wanna use it.." Aizawa sighs. "We won't force you to, but you'll have to use it at some point so you can get better at using it. For now you can watch monoma." Izuku nods softly. "Ok.. thanks…"

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