Chapter 1

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Addison sat on her Bed, Chewing her thumbnail, as she scrolled through the Story she was reading on her Laptop. It was a Romance Story, and things had just gotten Juicy.

It wasn't just any Romance Story, However, it was a Zombie and Human Romance Story.

Addisons Parents would kill her is they found out she was reading Erotic Zombie Fanfiction before School, but she just couldn't help herself. She was always intrigued by Zombies, and it seemed like Millions of other people on the internet where too.

" Addison! Are you ready?!"

Addison jumped and slammed her laptop shut. " Yeah!" She shouted back, hopping off her Bed and rushing over to the Mirror to check herself. Fall had just begun, and it was getting chilly, so she wore a cute White, Long-sleeved Buttonup shirt, a Pink, Black, and White Sweater Vest, a pair of Jeans, and a pair of Ugg's.
She brushed out her hair once more, feeling just how Soft and Silky it was. Her hair was as White as Snow, and her parents used to make a Big show out of it when she was little. They absolutely Adored her Hair, and would take any chance they had to Show Addison and her White hair Off.

There was a Small Period of time where Addison wore a Wig to hide it, Middle School bullies where Mean as hell, but soon the wigs got itchy, and when Highschool first Started, Addison ditched the Wigs entirely.

Addison jogged down the Stairs and was Greeted by her Mother, who gave her a kiss on the Forehead. Her Father walked by with a Cup of Coffee. " Heyy, My little Cheerleader Star!" He ruffled her smooth white Hair. " Ready for Cheer Tryouts today?" " Yeah! I'm so excited! I'm definitely going to crush it." Addison boasted as she walked into the kitchen and poured herself a bit of her Fathers Coffee.

" Oh, Sweetheart. There's something I need to speak to you about.." Addisons mother said in a worried tone. " The Zombie thing? You told me about that a Million times!" " You have told her a Million times, Dear. I counted." Addisons Father spoke up, making Addison giggle as she sipped the Coffee. " I can't help but Worry, Dale! Ooh, I don't know what the city council was thinking! They're more of them than there are Us!" Addisons Father put a hand on her Mother's shoulder.

Addison left the house soon after that whole thing, only to find the Bright and Beautiful Street was crawling in Police Officers, along with a Large brick Tunnel in the Middle of the Street.

" Um, Excuse me?" Addison tapped on a Policeman's Shoulder. " Whats that for?" " To keep the Zombies in Order. A Nice Straight, Single File line straight to the School. You don't have nothin to worry about, Young Lady." Addison nodded and began walking on the Sidewalk to the School.


Rusty hinges squeaked as a Sickly pale teen boy with a very noticeable Limp stepped outside. His hair was Matted and was Green as Puke, with Very Dark circles around his Eyes. His Left eye was Bloodshot and his Right eye was all Foggy and Faded. He stood on his Porch with Pigeon Toes as he looked at the Dried up and Dead flower he had put in a broken flower pot a while ago.

He hummed to himself before turning to the giant Water hose and turning it on, hovering it above the flower pot as only a tiny drop fell onto the dry dirt.

Zombies didn't have any Jobs to pay any Bills, so there was little to no Water, Electricity, or Heating and Cooling on this side of Town. All the Zombies had were Solar Panels, and that seemed to do the trick with lighting up their side of Town nicely at Night.

The Boy put the hose back and limped down the Porch stairs. There was a lot of commotion on the Street today, and Human Police Officers. He growled under his Breath as he limped over to the Cauliflower Brains stand.

" Heyy, Zed! Football!" The Zombie at the Cauliflower Brain stand laughed and Tossed Zed a Head of Pink Cauliflower. Zed laughed too and bit into the Painted Vegetable. It wasn't actually Painted, he just didn't know what it was covered in.

The Zombie side of Town had Poor TV Reception, and the only channel that anyone was able to pick up was the Football Channel. And Zed loved Football. He would watch it Everyday with his Dad, but now he would have to wait a bit to watch Football. Zombie Gods, He would give up anything to be able to play football for himself.

A loud commotion and the sound of Yelling caught every Zombies attention.

Near the Police, who where just standing there, Stoic, was a Zombie that was taller than the Rest. His hair was Curly and Green as well, but the side of his head had been busted open and you could see his exposed brain from it. He was holding back a Smaller, Female Zombie, with Curlier Green hair and Bronze Skin. Although her Skin was Bronze, she was still pretty Pale like the rest. The Skin of one Arm was gone, and so was the Flesh from one side of her Cheek, exposing her Decayed Teeth.

" WE NEED JUSTICE!! A REVOLUTION!!! YOU CANT KEEP US HERE FOREVER!!" She shouted at the Police, Desperately trying to kick the Men. She landed a kick right in the Nose of one, and while he was doubled down, and one beside him pulled out a Gun and Aimed it at her Head. She started him down with no fear in her eyes.

The Cop beside the One with the Gun told him to put it down and to just Muzzle her, and they Did. They got the Big Zombie to hold her still and they put a Dog Muzzle on her.

Zed approached the two after the Big Zombie led the girl away from the Police. " Haha, Look, Elizas a Dog now!" He laughed as he Limped over. Eliza, with both hand n the muzzle, desperately trying to claw it off, simply growled at him. " You know you shouldn't be that upset, we're getting somewhere." " We're not going Fast Enough! Did you see what happened?! They where going to Shoot me!" " To be fair, You did kick the guy." Zed picked off a bit of Cauliflower and ate it before handed the rest to the Big Zombie, Bonzo. " That's not enough reason for them to shoot me. They just wanted an excuse.." Eliza tried the entire time to get the muzzle off, but it just wouldn't budge.

" ALRIGHT, ALL ZOMBIES THAT ARE GOING TO SCHOOL, PLEASE LINE UP ON THIS X!" A Cop with a Megaphone announced, Prompting almost every Zombie on the Street to line up in a Single File line. " WE ARE GOING TO SCAN YOUR Z-BANDS AND THE CHIPS IN YOUR UNIFORM! WE ARE ALSO GOING TO METAL DETECT YOU! DO NOT FRET!" And then it Started.

Slowly but Surely, the line moved down the Brick Tunnel that was Made. A Cop was leading the Teen Zombies at the front of the Line. Zed got his Z-Band Scanned along with the Chips inside of his Jean Jacket, long sleeved Red Shirt, and Baggy pants. And then he moved on to the Metal Detector.

" Hey, Did you see that they're having Football Tryouts today at the High School?" " Really?" " Yeah. My boys gonna try out this year." The Cop was was doing the Chip Scanning and the one that was doing the Metal Detecting chatted, catching Zed attention. " Football tryouts?! I love Football! You think they'll get me on the team?" Zed said, Half joking. " Eh, I doubt it. Go." The Metal Detecting Cop said in a Deadpan tone, making Zed drop his shoulders. He limped through the Brick Tunnel, catching little glimpses of the outside world through little gaps in the Bricks.

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