Chapter 30

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" Zed!" Addison called as she chased after her Boyfriend. " Zed, Please! I just want to talk!" Zed was only a few feet infront of her so it would be easy to catch up to him, especially with his Leg Braces locking up at random. Although now, when Addison really wanted them to lock in, they didn't.

" Why are you acting like this? Did I do something to make you Mad? I-I can fix it if you need me to! I can make everything better, just Please Zed!" She pleaded to no avail. Zed took a Sharp turn around a corner, which made him slip and Fall on his face. Addison finally got a Chance to catch up and she knelt on the floor beside him, laying a hand on his Hair. The two panted before Zed slowly turned his head around. " You didn't do anything..." He mumbled. " It's me. I'm the one that got mad and scared you, I'm the one that Overreacted when I saw that Wolf guy catch you and hold your hand... and now I lost the Election and we won't be able to go to Prawn together! I'm sorry, Didi..."

" Aw, Zed.." Zed flipped over on his back and held Addisons hand in his. They looked at each other for a second before Zeds eyes narrowed. " What? What's wrong?" " Your hair." Zed reached up and grabbed a chunk of Addisons hair, pulling it softly. Addison looked at it too and her mouth went agape.

It was glowing again.

Addison grabbed the hair chunk from Zed and looked at it herself. It was glowing a soft Blue, just like it was doing yesterday when she tried to cut it. The two looked at Addisons glowing hair in awe and confusion until it slowly faded away. " Does it always do that?" Zed sat up as Addison shook her head. " No, I-I only seen it do that Yesterday!" Addison became distressed, not knowing what to do about the glowing hair, until it clicked.

" azura..." " Who?"

Addison looked up at Zed and grabbed his Shoulders. " I'm Azura Reincarnated!!" " I don't know who Azura is—" Addison ignored him and stood up. " Go find Bonzo, Bree, and any other strong Zombie you know! Meet me at the Power plant!!" Addison rushed off to find Bree, leaving Zed confused on the floor.


Muzzles were snapped on, Tasers went off, Nets were tossed, and Colloidal Silver was sprayed in their Faces. The Werewolves had failed.

The entire pack was left Coughing up Blood on the floor, the Tasers messed up their nervous system and the Colloidal Silver worked it's way into their lungs. This, along with their incurable Sickness and their Moonstone Necklaces slowly going out was not a good sign.

Willa coughed up a clot of blood, watching it splat on the ground. " ew.." Wyatt mutter from beside her in human form. Willa looked over at him and gasped dramatically, turning into a human herself and coming to his aid. " Wyatt.." Wynter went to go to his aid too, but collapsed as soon as she tried to stand up. " Wynter!" Willa grabbed her by the back of the shirt and pulled Wynter over, setting her head on her thigh. Then she did the same with Wyatt, Setting his head on her other thigh.

" okay, You're gonna be fine." Willa said with a wobbly voice. " Everything's going to be fine. D-don't go into the bright moon, please don't go to the big forest in the sky.." Willa rubbed their heads with her hands, Wynters forehead was hot whereas Wyatts was cold as stone.

Willa let out another bloody Cough, little Spots of Blood sticking to her Fist as she coughed on it. " I wish Addison was here..." Wynter muttered as her eyes began to get heavy.

It was as if The big Owl in the sky heard Wynters Wish, because not a Moment later, the doors to the Power plant busted open and in rushed Addison with a whole Mob behind her.

" STOP!! STOP, PLEASE!!" She cried, rushing up to her Dad and Zeds Dad. " Don't Destroy the Power Plant! You'll kill them!" Addison begged, grabbing ahold of her Dads nice Suit and shaking him around. " What?! Addison-" " Dad, If you blow this place up, They are going to die!" Addisons Dad scoffed. " Explain to me how that's gonna happen." " Their Necklaces, the only thing keeping them Alive, are going out and the only thing that can Charge them up again is underneath this Building. You blow it up, It destroys their Moonstone, and You have the blood of a Hundred Wolves on your hands."

Addison explained it pretty well, but her Dad still looked confused somehow. " You have to call off the Demolition, please." She looked her Father in the eyes before her Dad turned to look at Zeds Dad. Addisons Father sighed and put a hand on Zeds Dad. " I know you worked hard for this Job, But we have to call it off." " I hear you! Addisons a smart girl." Zeds Dad looked over at Addison and gave her a Smile, making her smile back. Addison Dad turned around to the rest of the Demolition Team.

" Shut Everything off and get these Wolves some water."

Everything was shut off and all the Wolves where handed a bottle of Water, which seemed to help them a bit. Addison approached Willa, who was busy helping Wyatt and Wynter drink their water. " Hey..." " Hi." " So... I didn't listen to you.." Willa chuckled. " I see that. I'm glad you came, really saved our Hind legs." Addison gave Willa a smile. " Oh! And there's Someone else who wants to say Sorry!" Addison turned and Gestured for Zed to come over, which he did, just very, very awkwardly.

" Uhh... Hi." " Hello Addisons Mate who threw my Brother into the Wall of our cave." Willa greeted sarcastically. "... I'm sorry. I was... Jealous, honestly. Jealous of Him holding and Touching Addison, and being Jealous of how easy you guys fit in so quickly.. Zombies didn't really have everything handed to them when we first joined School, So..." " Dude, you should've just told me you didn't like me being around Addison! But you don't have to worry about it anymore, I really like that cute Zombie chick over there anyways."

Wyatt had gotten up and pointed over to...

" Eliza?! You like Eliza?!" " I Imprinted on her, actually." " What?! When did you Imprint on her?!" Willa asked, giving him a playful slap on his back. " I saw her talking to Wynter the day you sent me after Addison and I Imprinted." " and You didn't tell me??" " Instead of slapping me around, don't you have something for Addison?!"

" Oh yeah..." Willa reached into a small Bag on her Hip and stood up, holding a small box carved out of Oak. " Today, Addison, You proved your Worth and Bravery for us, much like Azura did for us in her final Moments. Therefore, I give you This." Willa opened the box, and Inside was a Shining Moonstone Necklace, intricately Carved into a heart and surrounded by beautiful Grass Weavings.

" This Necklace belonged to Azura, and I give to you." Willa picked it up carefully, put the box back in the Bag, and held up the Necklace. " Since Azura wasn't a Wolf Herself, I doubt this will have any Effect on you. But it would not matter if it Does or Doesn't; You are still apart of our Pack."

It was too faint for anyone to notice, but Addisons hair started glowing again as Willa gently slid the necklace over Addisons head.

Addisons heart leapt as the necklace was put around her neck, but nothing could prepare her for what happened next.

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