Chapter 14

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Finally, Addison was alone from Bucky. Bucky was at Class in the Third Floor, Addison was Roaming the Halls on the Second Floor. She was looking for Zed, aching to tell him everything. As Addison played with her Brain Charm necklace, Zed turned the corner behind her. He rushed up to her and gave her a Hug from behind.

" DiDi!" " Zed!" Addison turned around and gave Zed a proper hug, and then the two pulled away. " Zed, Last night-" " I-I know, I'm sorry I didn't help out when Zombie Patrol showed up. I'm sorry I didn't get you outside of Zombie town Sooner-" " No, No! It's not your Fault, it's no ones Fault! I just need to tell you something!" Zeds nerves calmed down a bit and Addison bit her lip. " Zed, My Uncle told my Parents everything last night. Now Bucky won't leave my Side, and that's why I didn't come and find you Earlier. My Parents don't like Zombies and they don't want me near you anymore because they think You're taking advantage of Me! And because of that, They don't want me to Cheer anymore!"

Zed looked at Addison with a Hurt Expression on his Fave and he yanked Addison in for another tight hug. " 'm sorry." " Sorry for what? You didn't do anything.. You just wanted me to come to a Zombie Party." " I shouldn't have invited you in the first place! This entire situation is just so.. Stupid!" Zed pulled away from Addison. " I mean what where we thinking?! Did we just think that We'd get away with this?! Fuck... I wish we could just flip a switch and Change everything—" Zed stopped in the middle of his Rant.

" What is it-" Zed rushed over to Addison and grabbed her Shoulders. " I have an Idea." " What-" Zed gave Addison a peck on the Lips before rushing back down the halls. " IM GONNA FIX THIS WHOLE PROBLEM!!" Zed shouted at her, turning around to point at her, which was a bad idea because he tripped and Fell. But he quickly got up. " IM OKAY!!"

Addison placed her finger tips on her Lips, realizing that Zed just Kissed the Cherry Chapstick right off of them.


" Hi, Excuse us, but we need Bucky- Like, Right now." Stacey said, poling her head inside of Bucky current Classroom. Bucky was excused by the Teacher and was pulled out into the Hallway. " Bucky, We figured out what's going on with Zed! He's hacking his Z-band to win Football!" " And Addison had his Tongue in her mouth last night!" Lacey and Tracey said. " I already knew about Addison sucking Zombie face... but not about the Z-band hacking. Tell me more."

Stacey, Lacey, and Tracey told Bucky everything they heard. How Eliza was hacking into Zeds Z-band and that was what was making him Win Football and how it was messing up his Arm and making turn Red.

" Interesting.... Go get Elizas Laptop, I don't care what you do to get your Hands on it, just Grab it and bring it to me." The Blonde and the Black haired boy nodded and rushed down the Hallway.

Eliza was sitting at a Table next to a Large window, Studying her Notes for Computer Class and writing up some new Coding Formulas for herself. Her laptop right beside her arm.

" Eliza! Can we call you Liza? Or Liz?" "... No." Eliza shot down Stacey before going back to her notes. " You know, You're super cute for a Zombie." Eliza lifted her head and gave Tracey a Confused look. " Maybe a bit cuter with some Contour, Highlights, Concealer, Blush, and some hair dye-" " You know I'd love to, Really. But uh, One Problem." Eliza stuck her Pencil through the large holes in her cheeks, the Pencil going in one side and coming clean out the other. " Yeah but, Ignoring... that." Stacey made a hand gesture in Elizas direction. " When was the last time you treated yourself?"

" Right now." Eliza said blankly, gesturing down to her Notes. " Plus, I don't like Makeup.." " But, uh- Computers! Yeah, Computers are Cool!" Stacey said, faking a Smile as she saw Lacey inch closer to Elizas Laptop. " Oh yeah! Computers have been my Special Interest for years. I built my laptop from Computer scraps from the Junkyard in Zombie Town-" Eliza went to pat a hand on her Laptop, but only patted the Empty table beside her.

" Huh?!"

" Well, gotta go, See you!" Stacey and Lacey rushed off, leaving Eliza confused. But she quickly shook it off and began looking under the table for her Laptop. She looked under her Papers and rummaged through her Bookbag for her Laptop a Million times, and she was beginning to feel a Panic Attack coming on. Her mouth got Dry, She felt Dizzy and Nauseous, all she could do at that Moment was rest her head on the table and cover her hands over her head, not knowing that her Prized Possession was in the Hands of the Two people she had just spoken to.


" What do you mean you lost your Laptop?!" Zed asked as Eliza sat on the Floor of her room, curled up in a ball. Her room was Trashed with Paper thrown everywhere. " I don't know!!" Eliza sobbed, grabbing her hair and pulling hard. " It was with me while I was studying and then it wasn't, And I don't KNOW!!" Eliza cried, pulling out clumps of hair from her Scalp. " Jeez! It'll be alright, Liz. We'll find it!" Zed comforted her as she Sniffled. Eliza calmed down a bit. " okay.." She said, her voice wobbly.

" What did you need again?" " I was gonna ask for something, but since you don't have your Laptop, you can't really do it.. I was wondering if you could turn me human-" Eliza punched Zed in the Nose, sending him flying backwards. " Oh, So now being a Zombie isn't good enough?! Being a Zombie is gross and Disgusting now?!" Eliza ranted. She got like this sometimes whenever she gets Worked up enough. " No! Look, Addison can't cheer anymore because of what happened last night, and I though that maybe I could become a Human to trick her Parents into letting her Cheer again! I need my Lucky Charm with me tonight, Eliza!"

Eliza sighed and smoothed her hair down. " Okay... Um, I have some old Makeup in a Drawer over there, there should be something with a Human skintone.." As Zed looked through Elizas forgotten and unused makeup, Eliza laid down flat on the Floor with her eyes closed, taking deep breaths as a form to calm her down.

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