Chapter 6

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Addison was dropped off at her House with her Gym bag with her clothes in it, and as soon as she entered the door, her parents stood there waiting. " Where were you?! Are you hurt?! Did you get bit?!" Her parents bombarded her with questions. Once they calmed down, Addison explained. She told them that she had made the Cheer Squad and that Bucky had taken her and the others out for a Celebratory Dinner(which was the lie Bucky told the girls to say to their parents).

Addisons parents cheered and congratulated her, but Addison didn't feel happy about it at all.

" Actually, I think I'm going to bed now. Im kinda tired." " Of course Sweetheart, Sleep well." And Addison went up to her room and got changed into some Night Clothes, then she threw her Gym Clothes and the Clothes she wore to school into her Dirty Clothes basket. She flopped on her bed and Sat up against her pillows, pulling her laptop over on her lap and opening it. She didn't feel like reading any Zombie Fanfiction right now, so she opened a new tab and started playing some online games.


As Addison was walking to the Entrance of the School Building the next day, she spotted Zed heading inside with two other Zombies. She rushed up to the Wire and grasped onto it. " Zed!" She called, standing on her tippy toes. Zed ignored her, so she called again. " Zed please!" " What?!" Zed stopped in his tracks and looked at Addison. " Zed, Let me explain, Please!" " Let you explain what? How you where going to Egg my House?!" Zed walked up to the wire and looked Addison in the eyes while the other two Zombies stood back.

" We where throwing the eggs away! We weren't going to Egg anyone's house, I swear! I'm so sorry.." Zed sighed as the Girl zombie stormed up to the Wire. " Someone egged my house last night. Who was it?" She asked, her voice a bit muffled from the Muzzle she still wore. " It was Cheer Initiation, It was Me, My Friend, some other girl, My Cousin, and his Three Friends. Me and my Friend, Bree, Threw our eggs away. It was probably one of the Others." Addison explained. The Girl Zombie scoffed. " Like I'd Believe that."

" I believe her." Zed said, grabbing the Wire next to Addisons hand. " What?!" " DiDi helped me out yesterday when I snuck out, I trust her." Addisons heart fluttered at the nickname. " I'm so sorry about your House.. I can make it up to you! I can talk to the Principal about arranging something for you guys.. The Pep Rally is Today, I can talk the Principal into letting you guys come!" Zed turned to Addison. " Really?" " Yeah!" Addison and Zed started at each other for a while, smiling at each other. The Girl Zombie scoffed again and walked off.

" Come on, Bonzo!" The Girl called for the other Zombie, Who shouted back some Gibberish that Addison assumed was Zombie Language. " You Promise?" " I promise." Addison stuck a Pinky finger through the gaps in the wire, and Zed wrapped his Pinky around hers. Addison felt a little zap on her finger, but she barely noticed it. She and Zed shared one final smile before Zed pulled himself away from Addison and headed to his Door. Addison watched him Disappear before she walked into her door, determined to make it up to the Zombies.

Once Addison stepped foot in the School, her first stop was the Principals Office, where she Begged and Pleaded for the Zombies to come to the Pep Rally. After a few Minutes, the Principal sighed and begrudgingly said "I'll think about it." Which was enough for Addison.

Later that day, While the Whole Cheer Squad was getting ready for their Performance for the Pep Rally, Addison was applying Lip balm and making sure her Cheer Uniform looked good. The Cheer Uniforms were the same for almost everyone, Long Sleeved, Skin tight Onepeices, and the girls got Skirts for theirs and the boys got Pants. The Uniforms were the School Colors, Pink and Green, and they all had a giant 'S' on the Chest. They were really cute, and Addison adored them.

" I saw you heading into the Principals Office today, Addie. Did she want something?" Bree asked as She readied her hair Too. " Not really. I just wanted to ask her something." " Oh. Hair tie?" Addison gasped and took the hair tie from Bree. " Thank you! I was actually looking for one." As Addison pulled her White hair up into a Ponytail, she saw Bree walk over to the place everyone was going to exit from and peek around the Corner.

" THERES ZOMBIES AT THE PEP RALLY!!" Bree exclaimed, and Addison had a shocked expression that slowly turned into a Cheerful grin. She turned around and rushed over to Brees side. " Really?!" Addison looked around the corner as well as she heard Bucky get mad. Bucky ducked under Addison and was followed by the rest of the Cheer Squad, Addison was the only one who was Grinning from ear to ear.

Police Officers where directing a Crowd of Zombies over to one side of the Bleachers, and through the Crowd, Addison saw Zed, the Muzzle girl, and 'Bonzo' or whatever his name was. Addisons heart leapt, but soon sunk to the pit of her stomach when she heard Bucky order Stacey, Lacey, and Tracey to get the Spirit Sticks.

" Ugh, I can't believe we had to come here. All because of little Snow White." Eliza groaned as she took a seat. Zed scoffed and sat next to her, and Bonzo sat next to Zed. " You just can't be happy, Can you? Didi said she'd make it up to us." Eliza grumbled and leaned back on the bleacher behind her with her arms tightly folded around her chest.

When the Cheeleaders came out, everyone sitting on the Humans Bleachers stood up hand Cheered, leaving the Zombie side confused. Once the Zombies all caught on, they stood up and Cheered too. Zed stood up and cheered with everyone. Addison running up caught his eye and he saw her Smiling bright at him, which made him smile back at her.

Then, Some guy jumped through a poster of.. himself? And landed Perfectly. " Whoa." Zed exclaimed as the human crowd went Wild.

" Hello SeaBrooke High!!" The Guy said after being passed a Microphone. " Welcome to the Cheer Rally!!" The Human side went wild again while the Zombie side simply sat back down. " This is going to be a Great Year! We are going to win the State Cheer Championship, Again!" And the other crowd went wild again. It was like every single word that came out of that guys mouth set off a Trigger in everyone, and only the Zombies were immune to it. Every zombie except for Bonzo, who was going wild along side the Human crowd, though no one but the Zombies could tell what he was saying.

" Yeah!" Zed cheered with Bonzo. Eliza did nothing, she simply side eyed the two beside her before looking back at the Gymnasium.

And then the Music picked up and the Cheerleaders began to do their thing.

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