Chapter 20

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Addison stayed out on the ground, pressed up to the Rock, as she breathed Heavily as panic still surged through her Body.

" Addison!!" " AHH!!" Addison snapped her head over to where the voice had came from and saw Zed limping up to her. " Zed!!" Addison cried, Jumping up and running into his Arms, knocking Zed into a Tree and making him go 'oof'. But Addison pulled away a second later and Slapped him across the Face. " That was so Stupid!! Why did you think that was a Good idea?!?" Addison asked, Referring to his Idea to ask her to Prawn.

" G- I don't know! I wanted it to be Special because You're special!" Addison made a whining sound and pulled Zed into get another hug. Zed laughed and Wrapped his arms around her. " Come on, let's get you back to the Bus."


" Hey, I see Addison and Zed!!" A Zombie girl said, Pointing over to the Two. As they got closer, the Group that was now out of the Bus got closer as well. " Have you guys seen Bucky? He hasn't come back yet and the Aceys are freaking out." A Human Girl pointed over to the Aceys. Stacey and Lacey where huddled up together, Crying, while the Newest Acey, Jacey, was sitting to the side, awkwardly. Tracey had Moves away a while ago, so Bucky had to get a New Acey to fill his Place.

" No..? I thought he'd be back here by now, He couldn't have gone Far." " Well we can't find him and his phone is going straight to Voicemail!" " That's Bad.. Bucky always has his phone charged... have you tried his Back up phone?" Everyone Nodded. " His Back up phone for his Back up phone?" " We've tried to call all TEN of his Phones! He's not picking up!!"

After looking around for Bucky for a while, the Nice Afternoon slowly turned to the Evening, and everyone had to pile back on the Bus.

" Wait, Zoey!" " You brought Zoey with you?!" " Yeah! I needed help! ZOEY!!"  Zoey appeared next to Zed, at his Blind Spot. Zed continued to call for her for a few more seconds, not noticing her because, you know, she was on the Side his Blind eye was at. " I'm right here." Zed snapped his head to the side and looked down. " Oh thank god.." " Glitter!!" Zoey threw the Glitter she still had in her Hand up in the air, making Addison laugh. Zed picked Zoey up and got on the Bus.

" Bree, I'm sitting in the back with Zed and Zoey, I talked Bonzo into sitting with you." Addison told Bree as Bree stepped into the Bus. " U-uh.. Okay!" Bree felt her face getting hot as she walked over to where she was sitting at before, but instead of Addison being there, Bonzo was there carving into an Apple. Bree sat down next to him and Bonzo hid the Apple beside him.

Addison sat next to Zed, who had Zoey sitting in his Lap. " Is that my Football Jersey?" " Oh, Yeah. I kinda stole it from you before we left for Cheer Camp." " I was looking for it! I was gonna wear it today." Zed laughed.


When the Bus arrived at Seabrook, finally, and Everyone noticed that there was no Bucky, a whole Search Party was sent out into the Woods. Addisons parents where Apart of that Search Party, So with her Parents gone, She gathered up Bree, Bonzo, Zed, and Eliza for a Sleepover.

Addison wasn't really all that Scared of Buckys disappearance, or maybe the true Anxiety of it all just hasn't hit her yet. Oh Well, She was having a Sleepover with her Friends on a Friday Night, She could Care Less about what Bucky was doing.

Bonzo, Zed, and Eliza sat on the Floor infront of the Microwave, watching the Popcorn Pop and Spin inside of it while Addison and Bree sat in the Living Room, Trying to pick out a Movie to watch.

" Spirits Away?" " No." " Growls Moving Hassle?" " Nah." " Poco?" "Mmh... The Movies cute, but No." " Uhhh.... How about....Caroline? BugWine? The Disaster before Non-Specific Holiday?" Bree groaned as Addison held up all of the Different Movies. " No, No, and No." " Well what do you want to watch?!" " mmm.... Let's just watch Growls Moving Hassle." Addison sighed and fell back. " Finally!"

" Popcorns Done!" " Coming!" Addison got up and walked into the Kitchen. Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo where too scared to reach their hands inside of the Microwave to retrieve the Hot Bags, So Addison had to do it for them. Once Addison got the Bag and Poured it into a Big bowl and Separated the Burnt Pieces into a Different bowl, the Group went into the Living room and sat down while Bree put the movie in. Addison handed the bowl of Burn Pieces over to Bonzo, who specifically only ate the Burn ones for some reason.

And then they all settled down for the Movie, Zed Throwing an Arm over Addison and letting her rest her Head against his chest.


Bucky hyperventilated in the small corner of the Cave as the Wolves he was just Face-To-Face with turned into Humans with long messy Hair with White Stripes. One of them had gotten real Close and Cozy next to him.

" Can we please keep him?! He's so Cute, Look at that face!!" The Girl said, Squeezing his Cheeks and shaking his head around. " For the last time, No!! We are not keeping a Stinky, Filthy, Pathetic Human with us!!" " Pleeaaasssseeeeee!!!" The one beside him Whined and laid across his lap. " At least until we find the other humans??" The one protesting against the one on his lap growled and balled up her fists. " FINE!!! IT CAN STAY!" " YAY!!" The one on his lap sat up and hugged Bucky tightly.

" I promise to Feed You, Hug You, Love You, Clean up your Messes.." The Girl continued listing things she would do for him as Bucky stared off in Horror.

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