Chapter 22

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" I have my Suspicions, I took this off of the Skin of Wynters Human." Willa held up the Tag from Buckys Varsity Jacket. " SeaBrook High shool." " I think it's Pronounced School, Will." " Don't question my Reading Ability!" Willa pointed at finger at Wyatt. " Addison had the same writings on Her clothing, So it's Obviously their Place of Worship. If Addison is the Great Alpha, then this SeaBrook High School is where She's keeping the Moonstone. We break into Seabrook Tonight, Be Prepared." 


Meanwhile, The Whole Town had been called into Town Hall for an Emergency Meeting.  Bucky stood infront of the Entire town and recalled his Story about how the Werewolves Captured him, held him captive in their Cave, and Tortured him. Once he was done, the City Council told him to sit back down, where he was immediately comforted by Stacey and Lacey while Jacey just sat beside them Awkwardly.

" I'm okay! Really!" Addison whined as her mother had a Grip on her head and was checking her for Scratch Marks or Bites. " Everything's Okay-" " Everything is not okay. We have Wild, Feral Beasts running in the Woods and coming into our City and Threatening Our Citizens!" The Mayor said, Standing up. " People, we have a Serious Problem here. We are closing the Gates to the City and until this whole thing is Over, I'm afraid all of our Anti-Monster laws will be reinstated."

The Meeting was Wrapped up and Zed and Addison met with Bonzo and Eliza outside of Zombie Town. " This is stupid.." " I can't say they don't have a point, The Werwolves did threaten Buckys Life." Addison sat next to Zed on a Bench and they quickly intertwined their fingers. " Who cares about Bucky?! With what happened between the two of you at Homecoming, Im surprised you two Made up that fast!" Eliza stated. " Bucky and I are Cousins, We kind of have to make up that fast for the sake of the Family. Same thing with my Parents. Mom slapped me across the face when I told her I was in love with Zed."

" Yeah well that's not the Point. The Point is they're taking away our Rights because some dumbass ran out into the woods on his own and got in trouble with the Wolves." " Actually, I think the Wolves would've came to Seabrook anyway. They found me out in the woods too and They came here today to look for me.." Eliza groaned and Gripped her hair. " Still, Zombies aren't allow to go to Prawn anymore! I don't even think they'll let us go to School Tomorrow if all of the Anti-Monster Laws are back in order." Addison felt Zeds grip on her hand tighten. " They're probably going to close up Zombie Town again." " But you guys aren't Werewolves. We've all come to terms with you guys, I'm sure the laws don't apply to you guys anymore..?" " Yeah, But We're still monsters, and it's the Anti-Monster law." Addison hummed a little as she felt Zed rest his Head on her shoulder.

" I don't wanna have to go back to what everything was like Before~~" Zed whined. Eliza made a 'tch' sound. " Neither do I.. What did those Werewolves even need from you earlier?" Addison shrugged. " Something about Apologizing for Scaring me in the Forest? But I don't see why that was worth Threatening Buckys life..?" " They probably want something else from you, probably used Bucky to track you down." " But why? I don't know what I've done to them before now."

" I don't know either, but I have a Feeling that they're come back for You." And with that Cryptic Statement, Eliza turned around and walked over to Zombie Town. Bonzo got up, Said something in Zombie Language, and chased after her.

Addison and Zed sat on the Bench for a while longer.

"I really wanted to go to Prawn with you.." Zed said with Disappointment. " Me too... We can make up for it! We dance together in my room alot, We can dress up all Fancy and just spend the whole night dancing.." " We do that all the Time! And I Love doing it with you, I really do, I just.. knew that Prawn was a Special, Once in a Lifetime thing." The Two adjusted themselves on the Bench so that Addison had a Leg pulled up and Crossed underneath the other leg and Zed was resting his head on her thigh. Addison moved Zeds hair out of his Face and looked down at him.

" You can just go without me and Dance with Bree or Something." Zed insisted. " Nah.. I like Dancing with Bree, but if You aren't there, I'd rather skip Prawn." " No. I'm not gonna make you Skip Prawn, DiDi." Zed sat up and looked at him. " Well they Better get rid of the Anti-Monster laws quick, Because if they don't I'll spend Prawn at Your House with You~" Addison went face first into Zeds Chest when she finished her Sentence. Zed rolled his eyes. Suddenly, Alarms where being sounded, ruining their Moment.


Humans began pouring out of Zombie Town as Zombies poured inside. Zed stood up in a Panic and Addison grabbed his arm. Zed looked down at her as he began walking over to the Zombie town Border, Addisons hand slipping down his arm until she was simply holding his fingertips. " I love You!" Zed shouted over the Chaos as people trampled over each other just a mere foot away. " I love you Too!!"

Addison watched as Zed disappeared into the Crowd, feeling a pit form in her stomach.


That night at around 2 AM, the Wolves snuck back into SeaBrook by digging large holes underneath the Fences and squeezing through. The Pack wandered around for the High School before they came across a Large Building. " S-E-A-B-R-O-O-K —" " You don't have to spell it out, just hold the thing up to it-" "Back off!" Willa snapped and Wyatt before turning back to the Building. " Seabrook High School! This is the place! Follow me." Willa turned back into a Wolf and Led the pack up the Doors.

Only Problem: The Door where made out of Glass. Glass that had just been Freshly Polished. Polished so well that Will didn't even see it, and she just ran Face first into it. She turned back into a Human on Impact and stumbled to the ground, holding her face and groaning.

Wyatt huffed a laugh in his Wolf Form and trotted around to the Side of the Building, noticing an Open Window and Jumping through it. Willa scowled and turned back into a Wolf before going over to the Window and jumping through it like Wyatt had done. Once every Wolf was inside the building, the pack began to look for a place to hide til Tomorrow.

Willa pawed at a Vent until it gave way and fell on the tiles loudly. She waited for the entire pack to head in before she squeezed herself in and turned human quickly to pull the vent back into place and turned back into a Wolf.

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