Chapter 19

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" Zoey, Slow Down!" Zed laughed as he Chased Zoey through the Town and into what had once been called Zombie Town. You couldn't even tell that it was Zombie Town Anymore! Everyone worked hard to make it look like the rest of town; Nicely Paved Roads, Most if not All of the Buildings had been Rebuilt, Grass and Flowers were Growing in all the Yards, and there was a Giant Fountain near the Entrance now!

Zoey ran up to the Coach, Who was working a Frozen Yogurt Cart now that Football Season had ended. It was Springtime, which meant Football Season was out, but Prom Season was in! Or, as the Humans in SeaBrook Called it: Prawn. Zed planned on asking Addison to Prawn/Prom, but he would have to wait for her to get back from Cheerleading Camp. After the Mess that happened Last time, Addison, Bree, and the other Cheerleaders that had been kicked out where now back in the Squad. They had been given a Second chance by Bucky and Principal Lee, and now they where all off at Whatever the hell Cheerleading Camp was.

" Hey Coach!" Zed greeted as he caught up with Zoey. " Hey Zed and Little Zed with Pigtails." Zoey slammed a Five dollar Bill on the Froyo Cart. " Chocolate, Please!" " I'll take a Vanilla." Zed placed a Five on top of Zoeys money. Since SeaBrook expanded and there was Wayy more people than before, There was finally more Flavors than just Vanilla, but Zed still liked Vanilla, it was good.

The two got their Froyo and began walking around to find a good spot to sit. Since Zoey only had one Arm, she didn't get a spoon with hers, she could simply eat it out of the Cup. Zed also didn't have a spoon, Only because he had a Dog leash in the other hand with a dog attached to the other end. So they both ate out of the Cup without a Spoon.

As they walked past the old Power Plant, Zed stuck an arm up. " Hey Dad!" The Power Plant was getting Torn down, and the Mayor hired a bunch of Zombies to scout the Power plant to make sure it would be Safe for destruction. Another Monster invasion was the Last thing Seabrook needed. Zeds Dad was one of the Zombies chosen for this Job.

Zeds Dad waved back before going back to whatever they where doing over there.

Eliza was nearby with a Megaphone, chanting about how the Power Plant shouldn't be Destroyed. She had been standing outside of the Building with the Megaphone ever since they announced that the Power plant was getting Destroyed. Something about how it was apart of History, and History shouldn't be Destroyed just for some Pavilion.


Today was the last day of both Cheer Camp and Spring Break. Everyone was either Ready to go home or Sad that they would be going back to School for a few more weeks until Summer. The last of the activities have been Finished, Lunch was done with, and everyone's stuff was Packed up. The last thing to do was to wait for the Bus to come and take them back to SeaBrook, which was almost a 2 Hour Commute.

Addison stretched from her place beside Bree inside their Cabin. " I can't wait to go home and see Zed again!" " I can Tell! The first morning here I saw you smell Zeds Football Jersey!" Bree laughed which caused Addison to slap a hand over her mouth. " Shut up!" Addison whined while Bree continued to laugh. " Does it smell like him, Addie?" "...... yes." That made Bree laugh harder. " Shush!!"

Everyone in the Small Cabin walked out with their Bags, Talking about who they where going to ask out to Prawn. " I think I'm going to sleep on the way back to SeaBrook, I didn't sleep well last night." " Hey me too! What kept you up?" Addison asked Bree as they walked out into the Afternoon Sunlight. " I kept hearing Howling..? Does this place have Wolves?" Addison shrugged. " Maybe..? When I was little my Parents told me stories that when the First Settlers came to SeaBrook they fought off some Gigantic Wolves that stood on two legs! But since then no ones seen any. So... I dunno."

" Yeah, that seems like a Fairytale. Wolves don't stand on two legs." The Two girls made it to the Large Group of other Cheerleaders at the edge of the Road. Addison sighed and stretched again. " Hold my Bag." She handed her Bag to Bree and when Bree took it, Addison grabbed the bottom of her Shirt and pulled it up. " Whoa, What are you-" Bree stopped when Addison pulled her shirt off and Untucked the one she was wearing underneath her normal shirt from her pants. "... How long have you been wearing Zeds Football Jersey?" Addison shrugged. " I dunno."

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