Chapter 36

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" If you're here to invade SeaBrook, our pack won't go down without a fight." Willa threatened once the Aliens calmed down a bit. " Oh, No, We are not here to invade!" The second Tallest said, cocking its head to the side. " We are here for..." They hesitated, not wanting to give away their Mission of upmost importance to some Lowly Humans. Their eye caught sight of a Bulletin board and they snatched the closest thing pinned.

" We are here for your Cheering Competition!" They announced, struggling to pronounce it. " Oh, Yes! Even though we do not know what a... Cheering Competition is.." " A Competition is when you Challenge others to prove you're the best!" Addison Explained. " Oh. We are a Harmonious Species, we do not Compete! .... but it does sound intriguing.." Said the shortest, making eye contact with Zed.

" Uh, Hi. I'm Zed, Zombie, Football Star, Generally well liked." Zed introduced himself to the Shortest, walking up and holding out a hand. " Ooh! Competition!" " What? No-"

Too late, the shortest one already clasped two hands around Zeds hand, which seemed to electrocute Zed seen by the bright blue Bolts of electricity that trailed from Zeds hand and up his arm. The Shortest one jumped back as Zed groaned in pain. " I apologize! Our people have a special Spark in our bodies that allow us to survive. I did not know that it would cause you pain!" " It's fine, just... just tell us your name." Zed moaned, doubled over as Addison patted his back.

" I am A-Lan, Male. This is A-Spen, They are a Gender Non Conforming member of our Species. And that is A-li, a female, which is why she is so tall. I see that Human Females are inferior on that Aspect." Addison let out a small chuckle at that.

" Well, we've decided that we will allow you to say til After the Cheer Competition. So, Welcome to SeaBrook!"


The next day, when Addison left her house to walk to school, there were Aliens in her front yard. They where kind of just standing there at the sidewalk, staring at the front door. They also didn't have their Face Shields on anymore, so their Faces where exposed. Their Eyes where Big and Almond shaped, and they had blue spots on their Cheeks that matched the ones on their Shoulders and they had no noses. Their mouths had no lips and just looked more like flat lines.

" Um... Hi?" " Hello." The three said in unison, and for a second Addison saw two big Fangs in each of their mouths. ".. What are you doing at my house?" Addison walked up to them. They cooed softly amongst each other before turning back to her, not saying a word. Addison furrowed her brows together before awkwardly stepping around them at they maintained eye contact the entire time.

Addison sped down the sidewalk, hearing them following her. At first she was kind of scared, but then that slowly melted into annoyance. As she reached the School, she noticed Bree and Bonzo at the front. " please help." She whispered softly to them as she opened the doors to the school and walked in.

The Aliens came scampering up just as the doors closed, leaving them confused. The tallest one grabbed the bar for the door and pulled. After a few confused chirps, the tallest Pulled again. " Um.." Bree walked over and Pushed the door. " It's a Push door." " Oh! Thank you!"

" There's no way they came across the Galaxy just to cheer.. They're here for something else.." Willa said from a Table as her and her pack watched the Three Aliens shuffle around and chirp. " I don't know. Maybe Addisons right and they are just.. Harmless?" Willa huffed. " I don't trust them.." She suddenly stood up, her chair scraping against the tile, and she left.

Willa tracked down Addison to the Library, where she sat, taking notes for a Class. " Addison," Addison jumped a little and turned to face Willa. " Yeah?" " I don't trust the Aliens. The last time Outsiders came to SeaBrook, our Moonstone was stolen." Addison hummed softly. " Azura was an Outsider." Willa scoffed. " I know that. But Azura had a reason to come and aid our people, She stated her business and did it. We don't even know what these Aliens are here for." " They're here for the Cheer Competition." Addison shrugged. Willa leaned over and put her hands on the table. " They obviously made that up on the Spot. They're lying, Addison. Who knows what they're gonna do, They might mess up our shot at going to Mountain College."

Addison was quiet for a While, biting her bottom lip as she thought of something. " I'll leave you alone now." Willa turned and left, leaving Addison alone.

" So when's your Application due?" " Today, so.. not technically last minute, But.." Zed spoke to Eliza through the Tablet. " So, the only way you can get in is as a Exceptional Student?" " Yeah basically." Last Night, Zed had found a Loophole with getting into Mountain College. So the only other way for him to get in was to be an Exceptional Student.

" Let me pull up your Transcript.." Eliza said, doing something with her Computer off camera. " what?" Eliza softly muttered. " What? What is it?" " Uh..." Eliza watched Zeds GPA Rank drop from 3rd Place to 18th Place.

Suddenly, a Whistle caught Zeds attention and he looked over to see Principal Lee motioning for him to come over. " Gotta go." Zed told Eliza, turning the tablet off and tucking it under his arm before walking over to Principal Lee. " Yeah?"

Principal Lee nodded her head in the Direction of the Classroom she stood infront of. " It took them Twenty Five minutes to Complete the Entire course. It only took them that long because they couldn't figure out how to use a Pencil Sharpener, and now they're infatuated with it.."

Inside the Classroom sat a whole Swarm of Aliens, Chirping and Clicking as they surrounded Three others. One was using a Pencil Sharpener, cranking the Handle before taking the pencil out. The whole Group of Aliens Trilled in excitement at the sight of the Sharp Pencil, surrounding the One who sharpened it in Amazement.

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