Chapter 10

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The next day at School, Addison was Approached by Principal Lee, who was holding a Box. " Hello Addison!" " Hi Principal Lee. What's in the Box?" " Oh, Just something for your Zombie Friend. It's his Knee Braces. I was wondering, since you're so much braver than I am, if you could head down to the Basement and Give these to him."  Addison gasped and took the Box. " Yeah, Sure!" " Great!" Principal Lee lead Addison to the Gated side of the School and unlocked the door. Addison slipped through and looked down the stairs to the Basement.

She heard Principal Lee lock the door behind her. " Just incase." Principal Lee forced a smile at Addison, who looked at her Weirdly before descending down the stairs. Once she got to the door, she moved to box to be pressed against her Side as she Opened the Heavy Door.

" Wha- Hey, No Human students are Allowed down here." An Older Zombie Man that Addison assumed to be their Temporary Teacher said as Addison stood in the doorway. All Eyes were on her now. " Um, I just came down here to give this to Zed..? It's his Leg Braces." " Oh Sweet!" Zed said, popping up from the crowd and making his way over to Addison. Once he got there he took the box into his hands and looked at the picture. " This is great! Now I can go to Football today! You think you can help me put them in, DiDi?" " Sure! Erm- If that's Okay?"

Addison and Zed looked over at the Teacher, who sighed loudly. " I don't care! Just do it quick!" Addison nodded and Zed handed her the box back before going back into the crowd. He emerged from it with a chair over his head and he sat it down infront of Addison and Sat down on it. Addison unboxed the Braces. The Braces looked exactly like they did on the Box.

(I honestly don't think there's a way for me to describe them properly but they look like this:

(I honestly don't think there's a way for me to describe them properly but they look like this:

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So yeah)

" Whoa, they look so cool." Zed said as he tore off the Ducttape that kept the Wood to his legs and pulled up his pants legs up to his thigh." They look expensive!" Addison got in position with one of the Braces. " Now watch me while I put it on, because you have to to it yourself after this." She said, and then she put the Braces on. She fastened the Velcro, did the Buckles, and once the first one was on, she made Zed do a little Stretch test. Once the Stretch Test was done, she did the other Brace, and once that was done, the two stood up.

Zed pulled his pants legs back down to cover the braces, and he couldn't stop smiling. He embraced Addison in a tight hug, but once he pulled away, Addison gathered everything up and said goodbye. Zed was sad to see her go, but he knew he'd see her later during football.


Addison watched from the Sidelines as a Member from the Rivaling Football Team dug their shoulder into Zeds abdomen, sending the zombie flying over his shoulder and landing on his back. Zed was getting his Ass handed to him the whole time, and Addison was resisting the urge to run across the field to help him out a bit.

" Whoa! Zombie down!!" Bucky laughed before turning to the Cheer Squad. " Five, Six, Seven, Eight!" At the Count of Eight, the Cheerleaders did their synchronized Cheer, all of them smiling Brightly. Except for Addison, who made eye contact with Zed as he Stumbled up onto his legs. She gave him a sympathetic smile and mouthed "Come on". He read her lips and gave her a Nod before jointing up with the team again.

" It looks like the Mighty Shrimp are doing what they do best; Losing!" The Announcer Laughed.

Addison watched as Zed finally caught the Football, but just as he looked like he was getting somewhere, he was tackled to the Ground. Zed lifted his head up from the ground and saw the opposing team get another Score and he slammed his head back into the ground, biting his lip hard as he felt the little pricks of fresh tears in his good eye.

" It is now Halftime, and the Mighty Shrimp are getting Barbecued, Skewered, Fried, and Flayed!"

Addison watched as the Football team retreated into the Locker room, watching Zed trudging behind. People were Booing and throwing trash at him, holding up 'No Zombies!!' Signs. Addison bit her Lip and approached Bucky. " I have to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." She lied, handing her Pom Poms off to him. " Alright, Hurry." He ordered, and She rushed off.

" Here's what you need to do, Okay? I'm only gonna do this once, so pay attention." Addison peeked inside and saw the Coach drawing circles on a Chalkboard. " All you need to do is MOVE FORWARD!!" The Coach said Frantically, and the Entire Football team looked at Zed. " MOVE ALL THE WAY FORWARD! Dont go back! There's nothing back here! This is Empty!! You don't need to go back there you need to go up here!!!" The Coach's drawings where getting more and more frantic, lines over crossing as he drew in a Hurry.

" Look, I know we're gonna lose, Alright? And you all know it too, so let's go out there and lose..... Better..?? Ugh.... What do you want Cheerleader?"

And then everyone's attention was on Addison, who made a little noise from surprise. " um.. I just need to have a word with Zed." The Coach sighed and shook his Head, obviously frustrated. " Hurry up, I need a word with him too. Everyone else, out." The Team walked out of the Building, stepping around Addison. Once they where all gone, Addison stepped inside and grabbed Zeds arm. " Could you step outside too, please? This is Private." The Coach left without a word. Addison pulled Zed over to a Corner just to be Safe.

" Hey.." She said softly, noticing that he looked like he was on the Verge of Tears. " You're doing great." Addison licked her Thumb and used it to wipe some dirt off of Zeds cheek. " No I'm not.." " Well... at least you haven't broken your Leg Braces." " Mmh." Zed hummed in annoyance. Addison looked at him for a while before sighing. She Slowly wrapped her arms around his Torso and hugged him tightly. " If you Win the game or Not, I'll still be Cheering for you." Addison mumbled as she felt Zed hug her back.

They soon broke it up and Addison waved him Goodbye, letting the Coach walk back in. Addison jogged back up to the Sidelines and got her Pom Poms from Bucky and resumed her Position next to Bree. Bree sniffed the air for a bit before taking a sniff of Addison. " You smell like Lime Soda.." Addison gave Bree a Weird yet Amused look. " Did you just smell my hip?!" Addison asked. " Yes! But only because you smell like Sprite!" Addison took a sniff from her arm. " Hey I do.. weird.." " Where they cleaning the Bathrooms?" " Huh?! Oh, Yeah, I saw a Janitor nearby, it must be the Chemicals."

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