Chapter 26

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Wyatt sat across from Addison at the Library, watching intently as she Studied each page and wrote things down in a notebook, all the while softly singing a song to herself. It was Quiet except for Addisons humming and the scrubbing of her pencil against the paper.

Except a blaring ringtone came from her phone, making Her and Wyatt jump in surprise. " What is that noise?!" " It's just my Phone." Addison assured him, pressing a button on her phone screen before standing up. " I gotta go, Cheer Stuff y'know?" Wyatt obviously didn't know. " If Bucky wins this election, I get to be Cheer Captain! If he doesn't, oh well." Addison droned on as Wyatt watched her neatly pack to things up. " See you around?" " Uh- I would like to join in on your Cheer stuff!" Addison blinked in Surprise as Wyatt stood up as well.

" Well come on! The more the Merrier!" Addison waved him over as she began walking out, Wyatt following after.

Addison hummed as she and Wyatt walked through the Halls to the Gymnasium. Once they got there, Addison told him to wait on the Bleachers so she could go change into her Cheer uniform. Wyatt sat on the Bleachers and waited for her as other Cheerleaders flocked in and over to the Locker rooms, somehow not noticing Wyatt sitting on the Bleachers.

Addison came out a few minutes later and waited for everyone else, whom she already explained that Wyatt would be joining them for Cheer today. A lot of them where Nervous about a Werewolf being in the Gym with them, one even remarking that it was Basically putting a Wolf in a Sheep Pen and just watching a Bloody Massacre unfold, but Addison reassured everyone that Wyatt wouldn't hurt a Fly.

Flies and Sheep where two different things when it came to Wolves though.

But Despite that, Wyatt did fantastically with Everyone! Even catching Addison when she did a backflip off the Human Pyramid for the finale.

Unfortunately, Zed and Eliza walked in just as Wyatt caught Addison all Bridal Style, which made Zeds blood run cold. " Yeahh... Good luck with that Bud." Eliza gave Zed a pat on the shoulder before turning to leave as Zed stood there, watching Addison and Wyatt get all Touchy Feely. He watched Addison hold both his hands and jump a Little, which made him feel sick to his stomach.

" You where so good!! You're a Natural, Wyatt!" Addison complimented. " Yeah, Us wolves got to stick together." Wyatt gave her a wink. Addison gave him a weird look. " But I'm not a Wolf..?" Wyatt gave her a small scoff, not an Annoyed one, more like an Amused one. " You're a Great Leader, though~" Wyatt dropped one of her hands and simply held the other, getting close to her face.

Zeds stomach tightened as he watched Addison give him a Smile. And then she finally landed her sight on Zed. She gasped a little and Smiled brighter, Pulling herself away from Wyatt. " Zed!!" She called out excitedly, Beginning to run over to him. Zed froze and turned away, going out of the Gym and away from Addison.

Addison froze and looked back at Wyatt before going back after Zed. She rushed through the door and speed-walked over to Zed. " Hey, What's Wrong?" She caught up with him and watched her Pace with His as they kept walking.

Zed grumbled and picked up his pace a little, making Addison look at him in Hurt. " Did I do something wrong..?" She stopped walking and put a hand on her Shoulder. Zed stopped a few feet away and kind of just stood there before giving a Big sigh. " No.. You didn't. It's just.. Ugh, You're too Trusting! There I said it." Addison blinked in Confusion. " Too Trusting?!" " Yeah! Those hair balls just got here, and your already practically making out with one of them!" Zed turned around and threw his hand in the air.

" Practically Making Out?!" " Yeah! I saw you, The way you two Looked at each other, the way you held his Hands and let him get in your Face like that! What? Am I not Hairy enough?! Am I not Big Enough?!" Zed stomped closer to her and eventually ended up grabbing her shoulders. " Z-Zed stop it, You're scaring me-" Addison peeped out, feeling her heart jump as Zed dug his nails into her shoulders. She got PTSD Flashbacks from when Zeds Z-band Broke during the Football game.

" I am doing this for Us!" " Zed stop-" " And you're what? Going behind my back with some guy you just met?!" " Zed-"

This wasn't like Zed at all. He would never do this to Her, so why was he doing this Now? The two stared into each other's eyes for a second before Zed saw just how scared Addison was. It was like he had an Out of Body experience before he finally got back into his Body. He took his hands off of Addisons shoulder and stared at her for a bit more before walking off without another Word.

He heard Wyatt shout Addisons name and turned around to see him hugging her and asking her if she was Okay. " Did he Hurt you?! Threaten you?! Are you Okay?!"

Zed felt like he was about to Puke. That guy was obviously into Addison, no doubt with the way he looked at her and held her. And now that Zed probably fucked up everything between Him and Addison, there was no doubt that she was gonna go for him too.

She was being too Trusting with this guy. Zed was scared that she was going to trust him so much that He or any other Werewolf was going to take her into a Secluded Area and... hurt her. Or even Worse, Kill her. It already happened earlier today with Willa, and that was in Public, Who knew what those Things are capable of in secret.

" No, No, Zed, he-" Addison inhaled deeply and then sighed. " I don't know why he acted like that, He's never been like that before.." As the words escaped Addisons mouth, they stabbed Zed in the Chest and he felt even Guiltier than before.

Zed inhaled sharply and looked around before turning and walking away, not being able to Stomach any more of this.

Addison walked home alone that day, and when she entered the house she turned to her parents on the couch. " I'm cutting my hair again." Was all she said before turning and heading up the stairs. " Aw, Bad day, Hun?" " Awful." " Cut it as short as you want, Dear."

Cutting her hair was something Addison liked to call: Controlling something when things feel out of Control. And things felt really out of control today. She had already taken those lightly stained Bandages off on the way home as to not make her parents freak out, so all she had to do was walk into the Bathroom, look for the Scissors, and pray that her hair would look good after she Chopped it all off due to stress.

Scissors in hand, Addison grabbed a Chunk of White hair and contemplated how short she wanted her hair to be. She ran the closes scissors up and down the Hair chunk, looking for a good place to start hacking. When she finally found a good place, a bit Shorter that how she cut it last time, she opened the Scissors and lined up again before...


Her hair didn't cut, instead the chunk glowed a slight blue hue. Confused, Addison narrowed her eyes and tried to cut again.

Snip! Snip!

" The Hell?!" She dropped the Scissors in shock . Her hair just wasn't cutting. To make sure the Scissors weren't just Dull, Addison took a random Hair Tie and picked up the Scissors. The Scissors cut the Hair tie without a struggle! " Wha-" Addison grabbed her hair again and tried to cut off a Different section.

She snipped at every part of her hair to no avail. It just wasn't cutting like it did Normally. She groaned, feeling frustrated, and Threw the Scissors onto the Floor, watching them get stuck in the floor by the Tips, piercing through both the Rug and the Hardwood floor. Which just punched Addison in the gut even more. Addison kicked the Scissors out of frustration and they flew into the Tub and ricocheted off the side of it.

And right into her Leg.

She started at it for a Second, the Adrenaline from her Frustration dulling the pain until it ran out.

And then she Screamed in pain.

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