Chapter 15

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Addison sat on the Couch in the living room, weaving rubber bands into bracelets. Since she couldn't Cheer anymore, there was no reason on going to Homecoming. As she sat there while her Mother watched her like a Hawk, the Doorbell rang. " I'll get it." Addisons Mom said as she strutted over to the Door as Addison continued with her Rubber band Bracelets.

" Oh hello." " Hello Ma'am! Is this where Addison Wells lives?" Addison stopped immediately at the sound of a Familiar voice asking for her. " Why Yes, I'm her Mother! Who might you be?" " Oh, I'm.. Zachary Needles!" That Obviously fake name confirmed it, and Addison stood up and rushed to the Door, standing behind her mother. There stood a Fair skinned Boy with Brown hair in a really nice Suit with Leg Braces on his legs. Even with the Dyed hair and obvious Makeup on his face, Addison recognized the boy as Zed. She stared at him with Shock.

" I was wondering if I could take Addison as my Date for Homecoming..? If that isn't a Problem.. You see, I'm one of the Football players, and Addison is someone I admired from afar. You could say she's my Lucky Charm, and... I heard she was no longer allowed to Cheer anymore..?" " Yes, Addison isn't allowed to Cheer until she gets over something." Addisons Mother and Zed looked at her. " I'm over it now!" Addison lied, making her mother narrow her eyes at her. " if you don't mind me butting in, but could you please let Addison Cheer again? I can't play Football without her.. You know, Lucky Charm..?" Zed faked a Wide smile.

" Hmm.... Alright. Addison? Are you okay with this date?" Addison nodded her head vigorously. " Yes! I kinda liked Ze- Zachary! I've kinda liked Zachary for a while now, anyways." " Oh Good! I'm so so glad you've finally came to you Senses, Addie! Now hurry up and get dressed for your date!" Addison made a noise and rushed upstairs, coming down a few Minutes later in a Pink sweater and a Pink skirt with Knee high Socks and a pair of white Shoes.

Addison and Zed/Zachary hooked arms and Walked down the Street, with Addisons Mother watching the two before closing the door again.

" Ahh! This is so cool!! How??" " Makeup and Temporary Hairdye! Curtesy of Eliza, of course." Addison flapped her hand. " Thank you so much, Zed!! This means the world to me!!" Zed gasped and turned to face Addison, holding both of her hands in his. " We have enough time too! I can take you on a Date now!!" Addison squealed and pulled Zed into a tight hug. " We should go to the Ice Cream Parlor!! I love the Ice Cream there!" " I've never had Ice cream!!"

Addison led Zed into town and walked up to a little House that had been made into an Ice Cream Parlor. " M'lady." Zed said as he opened the door for her, making her giggle and walk in. Before Zed walked in himself, his Z-Band electrocuted him again, making him double over in pain and grip his wrist tightly. " Are you okay?!" Addison said, opening the Door back. Zed stood up straight. " Yeah! I'm fine!"
He lied and walked in with Addison.

" Vanilla, Vanilla, Vanilla, Vanilla, Vanilla, Double Vanilla...." Zed read off the little Menu at their Small table. " why is it all Vanilla?" He asked. Addison shrugged. " I think it has something to do with Taxes..? Or with how small the Human part of town is? Like, Why waste so much money on different Flavors if there's a Limited amount of People here? Let's just use one basic Flavor!" Addison explained, making Zed go 'huh'.

" You know, Bree told me how many different flavors the Ice Cream shops had at her old town... Chocolate, Strawberry, Mint, Sherbet, Cookies n Cream... It sounds soo good.." Addison said, imagining all of the different Flavors Bree had told her about.

" Here's your Ice Cream!" A Waitress said, handing the two little Cups of Vanilla Ice cream with red spoons in it. The two weren't even asked before hand. " I guess having one flavor also helps with not wasting any time with ordering." Zed remarked, Picking up his Vanilla Cup and taking a bite. " Mmh!" He hummed. " It's good!" Addison smiled a bit and took a bit out of hers as Zed continued to say how good the Ice Cream was. It was his first time ever having the Frozen Treat, so it was to be expected.

After the little Date, the two rushed to the School. Zed hit the showers as soon as he went in the Locker room to wash off the Make up and the Temporary Hair dye. Addison rushed to the Girls locker room and changed into her Cheer uniform before meeting up with the other Cheerleaders. Everyone was rushing around, Everyone sharing what they had like Deodorant, Lipstick, Chapstick, lip balm, hair ties, makeup, someone was even handing out Fake Eyelashes. It was a whole fiasco, but everyone looked Nice at the End.

The Cheerleaders got at their usual spot on the Side lines to stretch and hang out for a bit more while the Football Teams where still getting ready.

" Addie? Why are you here?" " Mom said I could cheer again!" Addison told Bucky, who gave her a look. " Really?" " Yeah! Is that a problem..?" Bucky only made a noise in response and walked away, leaving Addison to give Bree a Confused look.

" Ooh! Cute Necklace!" Bree said, noticing Addisons Brain Charm necklace. " Thanks! Zed gave it to me Last night.." " So what happened?! What did you two do?!" Bree questioned. Before Addison could think of if she should Lie or Tell the Truth to her Best Friend, the Football Teams came out, and the Homecoming Game began.

Everything was going great! The Mighty Shrimp were at 32 and the Eels were at 37, there was enough time left in the clock for a win. The Coach called the final time out and the team made one of those Circle things. The Coach went on one of his things about how this could save his job and how he could even win back his Ex-Wife before the Time out was over and the Mighty Shrimp went back to their Positions.

Zed took a seat on a Bench for a second, Griping his Z-Band. Addison rushed over in Worry. " Are you Okay?" Zed looked over at her. " Yeah, I just need a rest. We're almost there, I just gotta do this and we Win, DiDi!" Addison smiled a little, and went to give Zed a hug, but she couldn't do that when she heard someone clearing their throat behind her.

" Addison!" Addison turned around and Stood up as she was Face-to-Face with Bucky. She made a few hand movements behind her back as a Signal for Zed to leave, and he did. Bucky gave her a Disgusted look before grabbing her Wrist and pulling her back to the Cheerleaders.

" You're disgusting." Bucky whisper yelled at Addison once she was back in Position. " What?!" " You heard me! You're way too good of a Cheerleader to throw your life away." " God, why can't you leave me alone for once?!" Their little commotion got the attention of the rest of the Cheer Squad, who watched intently.

" Fine then! Do it, Cheer for that thing."

Addison stared Bucky down as she backed up a bit. She looked up at the Crowd infront of her and Smiled Brightly.

" GIVE ME A ZOM!" She shouted, putting one hand on her Hip and the other in the Air.

" ZOM!"

" Addison.."


" BIE!!"

" I'm warning you!"

Bucky was in Addisons face now, and her heart Pounded in her Chest. But she Ignored it, and she ignored the Wobbly Feeling in her Legs.



" Last Chance!"



As soon as Bucky shouted that, it was like the whole world went silent. Addison felt her heart about to leap out of her throat and she felt her Fave and Ears Burn. The Cheer Squad went Silent, and Crowd went Silent, and the Football Players and the Announcer went Silent. So did the Coach and Principal Lee.

Addison dropped her Pom Poms, and Bucky began to laugh. But that laughing was cut short when Addisons fist made Contact with his Nose.

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