Chapter 35

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It was complete Chaos as people ran around, looking for places to Hide while Trash blew around, the Thing in the Sky seeming to shoot Lighting Bolts and catching random things on fire.

The Wolves surrounded the Moonstone in some sort of Protection Circle as the violent winds made some of the children's drawing come loose from under their Rocks.

And even though things where being set on fire, Addison seemed to tune it all out. Zed tried to pull her away, but it was like she was glued to the spot, Staring up at the underside of the UFO as the lights and the crystals underneath glowed brightly into her eyes.

The Crystals began to glow a bright Blue, and so did the Moonstone, the Moonstone Necklaces, and... Addisons hair.

Addison was hypnotized, not even jumping away when lasers beamed down from the Space craft and carved something into the Pavement under her.

Zed watched the ground under Addison begin to crack and give away as she just kept staring. Adrenaline filling his body, he Ran over and jumped at her, basically recreating how he saved her at the Pep Rally. Pulling her close to him as he shielded her from getting any Nicks or Bruises she would get from the Ground.

They stared at each other for a second, Zed focusing on how bright Addisons hair glowed, before they Both stood up and intertwined their fingers before running to find something to hide Behind.

A Ghostly light Beamed down from the Crystals and three Freakish Figures slowly fazed into reality. The Three figures where really Tall, but two of them where shorter than the one in the Middle.

They wore clothing that looked like it was made out of Plastic, like Polly Pocket clothes. The Feminine looking one, the Tallest, was wearing something that was similar to a Short skin tight dress, with No sleeves and a turtle neck. From the collarbone up the Dress was a light purple, but the rest of it was a Stark white and it stopped at their Thighs. It had a second skirt that went over the one below. It only wrapped around the back and the sides, leaving the front of their legs fully exposed, the inside of it was Purple and Sparkly and it stopped at the knees.
It also wore a few tight looking bracelets around its wrist and it's shoes looked more like Knee high, skin tight plastic, much like the outfit.

The more Masculine one wore something more like a Full, Skin tight Bodysuit with built in shoes. Its Suit had tailcoats similar to the Feminine one, White on the Outside and Sparkly Purple in the inside. Their outfit, however, had long tight sleeves.

The other Shorter one was different from the other two. It's body looked like a mix between Feminine and Masculine, and upon closer inspection, it was taller than the Masc one but still shorter than the Fem one. It was wearing the Masculine clothes with features from the feminine clothes, such as it having no sleeves and was wearing Bracelets, and instead of its tailcoat stopping at its Thighs like the other short one, it's tailcoat stopped at its knees like the Feminine one, but it wasn't wearing a Dress it was wearing a Full body Suit. Like this one was just Mismatching.

The three of them wore Metallic Face shield that covered their Faces, but they had Long blue Antennae curling over the Face Shields, and the Feminine one and the other ones skin was an Obvious shade of Blue, with darker blue spots on their shoulders and scatters across their arms. Not to mention the Four extra arms. Two arms in normal Arm placements, Two in their Abdomen, and the final set sticking out of their waist. And their Hair was white too, just like Addisons.

Addisons hair was still glowing, and that seemed to have an Effect on the three Aliens, because their hair slowly started to glow Blue as well. The Three of them looked at each other silently before the tallest looked around themself before finding Addison.

The Tallest made loud clicking noises, which freaked Addison out and making her cower in fear behind the tree Zed pulled her over to. The two smaller one joined in on the clicking, it was like they where talking to each other.

" Purrut, Tik tik tik." Clicked the tallest one, taking a few steps closer to where Addison and Zed where. It kept clicking over to Addison, like it was waiting for a Response. When Addison didn't do anything, it simply cocked its head to the side and made a weird 'hm?' Sound, like the 'Hm?' Had came from one of those Talking Parakeet Videos.

It's Antennae twitched and the three Aliens turned around to see police cars pulling up, Sirens blaring. Instead of Running away, the three creatures stood still.


" I don't know, they look Harmless." Addison said, pointing at the Monitors that displayed the Aliens sitting in different Rooms of the police station. " Are you kidding? They caused the whole Town to panic and they shot lightning out of their weird Space Thing! Plus, they're Aliens!" " Aliens that are Coloring in Coloring books." Addison pointed to one of the Aliens, the Mismatched one, who was scribbling in a Coloring book with a Crayon.

" And playing with a Rubiks Cube." Addison pointed to the monitor displaying the Tallest one, who was indeed playing with a Rubiks Cube. " And-" " Okay I get it!" Bucky snapped. " My point still stands. We don't know their intentions, they could be here to kill us!" " If they where here to kill us, they wouldn't be- uh." Addison turned to the last monitor, which had the Shortest one, but he was gone from his room. " Umm..." Addison looked around with Bucky, feeling a surge of Anxiety.

" Hello!" Chirped an unfamiliar voice, making Addison and Bucky snap around. Bucky tried to hide himself behind Addison as the shortest Alien towered over them(by two feet at least), bending at the waist to be somewhat close to their level. They where still wearing the Metal Face shield, so it was still unknown what their faces looked like. All six of its arms where behind its back.

" I apologize for leaving my Confinement, but it was just too Small for my liking! Oh! And would you like your Customary Bracelets back?" They held up the Three hand cuffs it had been placed in. Addisons mouth dropped as the took the Cuffs away from the Alien, confused at it how they got out of all Three without anything to pick the locks. " They are Fascinating, but alas, As a Male of my Species, we cannot wear Bracelets. Only the Females and Gender Non Conforming ones can wear them I'm afraid."

" Oh.. well... I'll make sure to let the others know.. How did you get out of your room?" " It was simple really. The door was simply, how do I say this? Not well made." " Uh-Huh..."

Suddenly Bucky screamed and took off running down the Halls of the police station, making the interrogators for the other two Aliens open the doors in confusion. Which was a Bad idea, because the two other Aliens cam scurrying out of their rooms, looked around, and saw the Alien by Addison.

They Chirped and Clicked as they ran towards him, embracing him in a weird hug as they all Chirped together.

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