Chapter 5

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Bucky escorted everyone outside and led them to the Van that was mostly used to drive Cheerleaders to the Cheer Championship. No one had the time to change back into their Normal Outfits, so sitting in the back of a Cold Van on a Cold Night was awful. Luckily, Bree had warm hands, so the entire time Bree was rubbing her hands up and down Addisons arms to keep her Warm.

"Where is he taking us?" Bree asked. Addison shrugged. " I don't know.. There's a bunch of eggs here though." Addison looked at the stack of Egg cartons in one corner of the Van. The other girl, who was sitting across from them with her arms folded and one leg crossed over the other, suddenly spoke up. " I heard this Rumor that Bucky takes the new Cheer Members to Egg houses. Specifically the Houses on the other side of Town." " Other side of town? You mean, like, the Zombie side?" The other girl Nodded her head.

" Yeah! My Older Sister was in the Cheer Squad  last year before she Graduated, and she told me everything. They supposedly do it every year for fun." Addison shook her head. " That's Awful.." " I know! But we're gonna have to do it if we want in." Addison and Bree shared a look of Dread. " I think I need to puke-" The Van suddenly jolted to a stop. It was so sudden that it knocked the 3 girls out of their seats and into the Floor. Addison landed ontop of Bree and underneath the other girl, Her Legs where ontop of Bree and the other girl had landed on her Chest.

The doors to the Van flung open and there stood Bucky and the other Three, all of them with wide Grins on their Faces. " Let's go Ladies! Someone grab those eggs in the corner." The girl ontop of Addison got up first and turned around to help her up. Addison moved her legs and grabbed the other girls hand and got pulled up, and then Addison assisted Bree to get up. " Ah! My glasses!" " Here they are." Addison picked up Brees glasses and placed them back on her Face. Bree thanked Addison and the two got out of the Van whilst the other girl grabbed the Eggs.

Anxiety and Dread was in the pit of all three girls Stomachs as they each got an Egg Carton. It wasn't one of the small Egg Cartons either, these were one of the big ones that could hold 30 eggs. Addison gasped and rushed over to Bucky.

" Bucky, These are expensive! Are we seriously going to just waste them?!" " Oh Please! It's not the end of the world, Addison!" " But-" " Shut up!" Bucky walked over to the brick wall they had parked right next to. Bucky strategically pushed some bricks in to make a little hole everyone could crawl through. " The Military forgot to Mortar this one part." Bucky chuckled. " Don't know how, but we use it every year for Initiation." Bucky pushed out the last Brick and stacked the last brick up beside him.

Then Stacey, Lacey, and Tracey took the Egg cartons from the Three girls and handed them off to Bucky, who slid the eggs inside the wall first. " Ladies." Bucky got up and gestured to the hole. Addison, Bree, and the other one Stood still for a second before Addison breathed in and walked up to the hole before crawling through.

Once she emerged from the other side, she stood up and looked around. No grass was growing on this side, and instead of White Picket Fences, every house was surrounded in rusted metal gates. And not the Fanny ones, it was more like the ones you use to keep a Dog in. There were Building, Actual Buildings! Like a Grocery Store and a Movie Theater! Addison had never seen an actual Grocery Store or a Movie theater before! Though, instead of actual words, the names of the places were spelled in Squiggly lines, Addison assumed that it was Zombie Language.

All of the houses looked worndown and Abandoned, except for the Lights she could see from inside. Addison felt a pit in her stomach.

The others crawled through the hole one by one, and once the egg cartons were handed out again, Bucky ordered everyone to go separate ways and to egg separate houses. " Be careful not to get too close, if they see you that will not hesitate." He said in a grim tone, and then the group split up. Addison walked down the street, looking for a house. She didn't want to do this at all, but she felt like she had no choice. She could easily crawl back through the hole, throw the eggs out into the woods, and sit in the Van to wait for the others, but once she got that idea, she had already walked too far, and she forgot where the hole was. She heard footsteps rush up to her, and she turned around.

" Addison, I don't want to do this!" Bree said holding Addisons shoulder with her free hand. Addison shook her head rapidly. "Neither do I!" " Let's just ditch! Look, there's a Trashcan! Let's just drop our eggs in there and head back to the hole!" Bree said, opening her Egg carton and walking over to a Random Trashcan. " Do you remember where the hole is?" " Yeah, it's far, but not that far. Just down the street and to the left." Addison looked around before approaching the trash can as well. She opened her Carton, but just as She took an egg out, and Door to the house that the Trash can was at Opened.

Addison gasped and stopped in her tracks. It was Zed. This was Zeds house. Addisons heart leaped as Zed looked at her with his good eye narrowed. " DiDi? What are you-"

And then he noticed the Egg and the Egg Carton in her Hands, and then He noticed Bree who had also froze with her Egg carton and an egg in her hand. And the pieces clicked.

" Oh."

" Z-Zed I-" Zed stared down at Addison before turning around and limping back into his house. " Zed!" Zed slammed the door shut, and Addison felt awful. She stood and stared at the door, before she slammed her egg carton into the Trash. " C'mon Bree." Bree placed her Carton into the Trash too and followed.

Addison wasn't mad at Zed, She was mad at herself. She should have disagreed to doing this, even if it meant that she wouldn't be in the Cheer Squad anymore. God, So many thoughts were running around In her head that she could barely think right.


" Who was it?" " Hm? Oh, Just some Zombie Raccoons going through the trash again." Zed sat down at the table with his Dad and little Sister. His little sister, Zoey, wasn't eating much, instead she scribbled Pictured on a piece of paper. " Zoey, Eat. You can't Color and Eat at the same time." She really couldn't. Zoey had lost an Arm during a game she was playing with the other Neighborhood Zombie kids. Zombie limbs were fragile as hell, So when Zoey came home with her torn arm in One hand, no one could really see it back on or else with would just fall off again.

So, Zoey had to wear shirts with one sleeve sewn up. She didn't mind it though, she thought it was cool that she could see the Bone sticking out of her Arm socket. 

" I don't like Cauliflower." " What about the Fish Guts?" " I don't like fish guts."  " Road kill?" Zoey stopped to think before setting her paper aside and pulling her plate close to her. " There we go. So Zed, How was Human School?" " and why do you have Wood stuck to your Legs?" Zoey asked bending back to look at Zeds stiff legs from under the table. " Oh.. The Principal didn't liked the way I stood so she duct taped Wood to my legs." Zed lied. His Dad scoffed. " There nothing wrong with the way you stand! I know a lot of Zombies that have Knocked Knees and stand like you!"

Zed made a face. " School was fine, but the Principal said that no teachers volunteered to actually Teach us, so we have to stay in the Basement of the School." " What?! That should be against the law! That counts as Child Endangerment I think." " Not to mention that before we even made it to the School, they out a Dog Muzzle on Eliza because she was yelling at the Police this morning." " Did they take it off??" " No, she had it on all day. I think she still has it on"

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