Chapter 27

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Said fuck it and I decided to give you guys a short Musical-ish chapter?? Idk, I just put lyrics to a song in this chapter bc I felt like it

" Seriously, I don't know what you where thinking! Kicking the Scissors?! Now you've got Blood all in the Bathroom floor and on your good Pants!" Addisons mother Scolded as she Bandaged up Addisons leg. " Everything today just sucks.... Zed thinks I'm in love with another guy..." " Are You?" " No! Wyatts a Friend! I'm pretty sure he's.. Y'know.." Addison held up her hand and made her wrist go limp. " Ohh..." Addisons mother understood immediately. Addison sighed and flipped back into her bed. " Good night Honey." Addisons mom finished up her leg and gave her a kiss on the Forehead.

" Can I go sit in the Garden?" " Sure hon." Addison got up and grabbed her phone, walking out of her bed, down stairs, and put back.

The old Vegetable Garden had been torn out since the Grocery Store in Zombie town opened and Fresh Vegetables where being sold there, so everyone gave up their Fruit and Vegetables Gardens because Buying Groceries was much easier than Growing your own for Free apparently.

So now, The Fresh Fruits and Vegetables had been replaced with Flowers, much to the Dismay of Addison. Her Favorite memories where coming outside every Spring to Plant seeds with her Mom and Dad, and coming to Water them every so often and seeing a fresh Bud once in a while.

Addison walked into the Backyard and sat down on a lawn chair, laying back with her phone on her chest to watch the stars. The Atmosphere tonight was perfect for Sky watching. After a minute or two, Addison picked up her phone. Bree hadn't responded to her texts from earlier, which was simply;

Hey BB
srry, left caps on. Anyway, I'm bad at Science HW, Can you help a girl out? 👀👀

She had sent those while her Mom had been bandaging her Leg earlier, but for some reason Bree had left Addison on Read instead of responding like always. Addison huffed and put some music on to listen to as she stared at the Sky.

" Aloonne at the ends of a Universe, Humming a tune. For merely dreaming we were snow."

The song gave Addison the feeling of Melancholy, and was therefore the Best song to listen to while Sky watching. As the music played, Addison heard the bushes from beyond the Fence rustling and twigs breaking, making Addisons already bad anxiety skyrocket.

She jolted up and turned to Face the Fence just as a Giant Wolf with two White tipped ears jumped over it, making her gasp and fall back. The Wolf stood up on its hind legs and slowly morphed into a Human.

" Willa?! What are you doing here?!" " Shhh!" Willa(who was back in her Normal Werewolf Attire and not the outfit Eliza had got her) put a finger to her mouth and looked over at the house before back at Addison. " I need you to come with us!" Addison stood up and cautiously walked over to Willa. " I dunno.. I have lots of homework to do.." Willa huffed and ran behind Addison, Shifting into a Wolf as she ducked underneath Addisons legs. And before Addison even had a second to process what was going on, Willa jumped the fence with Addison on her back.

" So we'll go together in Flight." Rang out from Addisons phone in her pocket as Willa was Mid-jump, which made the whole thing feel Ethereal and Slowed down.

Addison grabbed Willas fur as Willa took off into the Forest behind Addisons house. The cold air filled Addisons lungs and chilled her to the core, this along with the Scenery and the music made her feel Nostalgic in a way. Addison gave out a short laugh before lowering herself closer to Willas body. " Can you go Faster?!" Willa huffed and speed up to Addison request.

" Un ensemble d'enfants La galaxie s'étend. Jardin de l'imagination Combler la lacune Voler face à la lune Vois comme nous évoluons."

In the Moonlight, Addison noticed another Wolf come running up beside Willa. Addison narrowed her eyes and leaned forward slightly, seeing the other Wolves eye flash Brown and Green. " Wyatt?" She called out, Making other other Wolf look at her and Yelp happily. " Wyatt!" Addison giggled, making Wyatt give out a short Howl beside her, making her laugh.

Addison imitated Wyatts Howl, Which made Willa perk up and Howl as well. Addison giggled and buried her face in Willas fur.


Addisons face stung from the Cold air, and she was glad when Willa stopped infront of a Large Cave. She was also kind of sad that the Free Wolf ride was over, but she was sure that Willa would give her a ride back home.

Willa stood up on her hind legs, making Addison slip off her back as she changed back. " So what did you need me for all the way out here?" " We'll tell you more when we get inside." Willa grabbed Addisons wrist and led her inside the cave alongside Wyatt.

Inside the cave was lit up with Torches and full of Werewolf Children running around and watching other Werewolves Tell stories or Dance. " Ooh.." " Come, You must meet the Elders first." Willa pulled her off to the Corner of the Cave, where Four elder Werewolves sat on the floor as Children kept running over and giving them little Twigs, to which the Elders would throw somewhere else in the cave. It was like they where playing Fetch.

" Willa!" One of them Exclaimed, standing up to Hug her. " Mom." Willa sighed, hugging her back. Willas mom pulled away and sat back on the Floor as Willa got on the ground as well, pulling Addison down with her. " Elder Winona, Elder Wren, Elder Wes, Elder Wainwright." Willa took each of their hands one by one as she said their names, placing each of their knuckles on her Forehead. Her Mother, Winona, was the Youngest of the Four. Wren and Wes where in the Middle, but Wren was obviously much Younger then Wes. And the. There was Wainwright, who was definitely the Oldest. She was a Wrinkly old lady, but she looked so Nice and Comforting.

" This is Addison, Wyatt and I suspect that she May be the Great Alpha." The Elders, and Addison, Froze up at the Claim. " Willa, Sweetheart, That's a... very bold claim.." " But look at her! The White hair, The Muscles-" Willa pulled up Addisons shirt to show her soft muscles off, making her scream in shock and pull her shirt back down in embarrassment. " I know it's a big Leap, but please hear me out! She could be the one to lead us to the Moonstone! She could be our Savior!"

Addison was completely lost. The Elders turned to each other and talked amongst themselves, all except Wainwright. Wainwright simply stared at Addison, thinking. Then, She stuck a hand out. " Come here, Girl." Addison looked over and inched a bit closer, taking Wainwright's hand into her own. Wainwright put a hand on Addisons chin and looked into her eyes.

" I see it."

" What?!"

" I see it in her Eyes. It might not be there Entirely, but it's definitely there." Wainwright spoke softly before using her grip on Addisons hand to help herself stand up. " Willa, Come with us." The Old Lady said, making Willa and Addison stand up. Wainwright took a hold of Willas hand as well and led the Two girls over to a Hold in the Cave with a Deerskin curtain thing covering it over.

Willa moved the Deerskin aside as Wainwright led them through. It was a big space, and on the walls where Paintings and Murals made from nothing but scratches on the wall and some Paint that's as presumably made from Wild Flowers. " Willa, Torch." Willa was quick to grab a Nearby Torch and Scrape it across the side of the cover, making it Spark and ignite instantly like a match.

Wainwright turned to Addison and held both of her Hands. " Let me tell you the Story of The Great Alpha Azura."

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