Chapter 29

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" You know, I think I already know where the Moonstone is." Addison said as Willa ran through the Forest. Willa made a sound and Addison continued. " The SeaBrook power plant used to be the host of the most Powerful energy source ever. That Energy and some Lime Soda is what made the Zombies.. Maybe that Energy Source is your Moonstone."

Willa suddenly stopped and Transformed into a Human, Addison still hanging onto her neck from the back. " Really?!" " I mean, I think..? I can't be sure, but it's possible." Willa blinked before squealing and scooping Addison up into a Hug, twirling her around.

" Wait, Wait-" Willa set Addison down. " They're destroying the Power Plant Tomorrow at Sundown... if they destroy it with the Moonstone still inside..." " It'll destroy the Moonstone...." The two looked at each other. "....I gotta get you home." Willa ducked underneath Addisons legs again and transformed, running even faster into the Woods to get Addison home quicker.


After Willa dropped Addison off at Home, Addison went up to her room and had the Strangest Dream.

It had Azura in it.

Unfortunately, when Addison woke up she had forgotten most of the Dream Already. Except that Azura was in a Edwardian Mansion in the middle of a Forest, and it was covered in Thick vines and surrounded by Wildflowers. And there was a very Tall, Very Slender man with her. He wore nothing but Black and Red, and the name 'Viktor' was in Addisons head, so maybe his name was Viktor.

It didn't matter now, The Dream was gone from Addisons Brain now, and there was nothing to do about it. She did jot down what little Details she remembered in her Dream Journal, a Journal she uses to keep track of her Dreams, and quickly went on with her Life.

At School, Addison was met with Hundreds of Posters with Zeds face on them, but Photoshopped to make him look like he did at the... Football game.

Addisons blood ran cold at the Familiar image and ripped the smaller poster off the wall and tore it to shreds, properly disposing the Shredded paper in the Recycling Bin before heading off to Hopefully find Zed and question him about his weird Behavior.

While looking, She spotted the Werewolves huddled around each other, talking about something.

" Hey, What's are you guys doing?" " Super Secret Wolf stuff that Involves the plan to get the Moonstone from the Big Booms! Top Secret!" Wynter explained, blowing the Wolves' Cover and making all of the Groan. " What- Oh! Ugh! I'm a Bad Girl!!" Wynter whined when she realized her mistake, grabbing her hair and pulling it.

" Wait, You're going after the Moonstone? Can I join?" " No, Addison. Look.." Willa walked over to Her and put her hands on her shoulders. " You're Great 'n all, But... You can't come." Willa explained with a Heavy Heart. Addison knitted her brows together. " Why not?" "....... This is a Wolves Only Job. You aren't a Wolf. And I know that Neither was Azura, But Azura had Powers and saved our People from Sickness, but You don't have Powers like Azura. You might not even be Azura."

" But, Wainwright said-" " Wainwright is Blind in one Eye and is Going Blind in the other, not to mention that Azura died when Wainwright was merely Two Hundred and now she's Well over Three Thousand, maybe older.... I'm sorry." Willa turned around a walked away as the rest of the pack Followed behind her. Except for Wynter and Wyatt, who gave her Sympathetic looks before dashing off.

But then Wynter came running back to Addison, grabbed her face, and gave her a Lick on the cheek, and then she ran off to join the others. Addison wiped Wynters drool off of her Cheek as she watched the Wolves leave. She felt upset, but Willa was right. Even If Addison was a reincarnation of Azura, Addison had no Powers to help the wolves out with. Plus, her Duty was complete; She told Willa where the Moonstone was, so problem Solved.

Now to find Zed.

Addison walked through the Halls, having somewhat of an Idea as to where Zed was at right now. He was running for Student President, so the Auditorium was where he was.

And she was right! Zed looked like he was winning too. Addison smiled slightly and simply watched from the Doorway. She still loved him, He just scared her a bit last night. That whole thing that happened at the football game Fucked her up, but as long as it didn't happen again—

" I Promise, People! I'm no Monst—" Zed started, only to be cut off when his Z-Band sparked and Shocked him. Maybe slamming it on a Rock to break it off his wrist wasn't the best move Last night. Addison got flashbacks and instantly positioned herself so that she was ready to run, even though her leg were already getting Numb and Wobbly. " See?! Se, He's a Monster!" Bucky laughed and pointed as people began flooding out of the Auditorium, knocking Addison left and right.

Now she was really getting Flashbacks to the Football game. But she stayed out at the doors and watched Eliza rush over to him and start to tinker with his Z-band. Eliza was struggling to keep Zed steady while she tried to fix his Z-band, and Bucky and the people screaming wasn't making it any better.

"Mm, ngh..." Eliza struggled, glancing at the Doorway and spotting Addison standing there, frozen in place. " ADDISON!!" Addison jumped a bit when Eliza called for her. " ADDISON HELP!" Addison looked around frantically, not knowing what to do and completely missing Zed pull out of Elizas grip, knocking the poor girl down. Addison only noticed Zed running over to her in Full Zombie form, and her body didn't respond in time to brace herself for his body slamming into hers.

Zeds arms were tight around her back and pinned her own arms to the side. He breathed heavily in her ear and she got a grip on his Shirt as she stood stiff as a board.

" Thanks, Addie." Eliza said, rushing past the two and getting behind Addison to where Zeds Z-Band was, wasting no time on Fixing it as Zed kept his arms around Addisons body. " Slamming it on the Rock was a Stupid Idea! Bad Zombie, Bad!!" Eliza scolded him like a Child, only earning a short Scoff from Zed as he slowly turned back to Normal.

Once he was Normal again, he pulled back from Addison, keeping her at arms Length.

" Zed—" Zed took off running down the Hallway, Leaving Addison and Eliza in the Dust. Addison and Eliza shared looks of both Confusion and 'Damn' before Addison raced after him.

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