Chapter 24

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Everyone screamed and Panicked as the Werewolves rushed inside, snapping and growling at anyone that was close. It was like being in the middle of a Stampede. Addison was being pushed around before ultimately being pushed to the ground. As she pulled herself up, She made eye contact with the Biggest Wolf there. Willa growled as her ears laid flat against her skull and after a few seconds of inching closer to the ground, she Leapt and pushed Addison back on the ground, pinning her to the Floor. Willa transformed back just enough to regain her Voice but still appear more Wolf than person, her Claws digging deep into Addisons shoulders.

" WHERE IS IT?! WHERE IS THE MOONSTONE?!" " Th- The what-?" Willa used her grip on Addisons shoulders to her advantage, Lifting Addison up a few inches before quickly slamming her back down on the Hard floor. Addison cried in pain as Willa got closer. " Where.. is.. our... Moonstone?" Addison shook her head Profusely. " I-I-I don't know! I don't know what you're talking about! Please let me go-" Tears began streaming down her face, and Willa finally loosened her grip on the poor girl.

But not before knocking her head into the Floor again, making her yell in pain once again. Willa was grabbed by Security and Yanked off of Addisons body as Zed rushed to her Side. " Didi! Did she Hurt you?!" Zed helped Addison sit up and let her cuddle close to him for comfort. Zed didn't want to Alarm her, but when he rubbed his hand through her hair, his hand and the back of her hair was stained in red. It wasn't enough to cause a Panic, but knowing how Addison already had Bad Anxiety, it would definitely freak her out a little.

Willa and the rest of her Pack had transformed back into humans at this Point. " I sincerely Apologize," She started, flashing a Grin. " Our Wolf Forms are very hard to Manage when our emotions get too extreme." She lied, looking over at Addison and Zed. Addison, despite having just been Jumped by Willa, suddenly felt a Rush of Calm and Familiarity rush over her. She loosened her grip on Zed and pulled away from him a little. " Us Werewolves mean No Harm! We just Admired Humans for so long that we decided that we Wanted to join your Shool-" " School-" " School, Yes. We want to join your School."

" Uh- no. You can't join our School-" Bucky started before getting cut off by Principal Lee. " Even though you just Cause a Panic, I have no choice but to Welcome you all seeing that you've traveled all this way for an Education!" " I don't think that's how it works—"


Addison had to sit in the Nurses office for a bit to get Bandages around her head. It wasn't anything Serious, just a Minor head wound. But for the rest of the day, she had to wear bandages tightly wrapped around her Skull. The bandages obviously stood out against her hair, Tan on White, but it was only for one day so it didn't really matter.

In the few short minutes that she had been gone, Zed already printed out a Million Posters advertising himself for the School President Campaign. They where plastered around the Halls, in the Bathrooms, in the Classrooms, Zed had gotten some Zombie Friends to help him pass them out, and Bozo had even made a Sign for him to wear as he handed out Posters.

Willa muttered under her breath as she led the pack through the halls of the School. " Can you calm down, Wills? You promised we'd lay low-" " I AM LAYING LOW!!" Willa snapped as she continued walking. " Don't you see how LOW IM LAYING?!!" She Swiped at some poor kids lockers as she passed by, her nails cutting through the Metal in one swoop. Willa always had a short temper, but Wyatts never seen her like this before. " Let's find that Moonstone." Willa said through gritted Teeth.

No one noticed Wynter stopping to watch someone drink out of a Water fountain. Once that person was done and had stepped to the side, she eagerly pounced on it and pressed the button before lapping up the water like a Dog. Her tail slowly came out and began to wag furiously, making a lot of people stop and stare.

" Hey, Wolfie." Wynters head perked up and saw a Curly haired Zombie with no Skin on her Cheeks standing beside her. " Help me get a Drink?" She asked. " Uh- Sure! What do I-" The Zombie put a hand over the places her cheeks where missing and Leaned down to drink from the fountain, Wynters hand still on the button. Once the Zombie stood up straight, she took her hands off her face. " Thanks." Wynters tail began to this against the lockers beside her. She did something good! She was a Good Girl!!

" My names Eliza, And I think I can help you and your Friends fit in a lot better here." Eliza pointed over to the rest of the Pack, who where watching Willa lose her Temper on any Highschooler that passed by. " First off, Those outfits. They're cute, but they aren't very School Friendly... Tell Hothead over there that I want to meet up in Zombie town today after School." " Uh-Huh!" Wynter booked it over to Willa and Eliza watched the interaction.

Willa huffed and made eye contact with Eliza." Wyatt, Go find Addison while I deal with this." Wyatt huffed aswell and left the pack to wander through the Halls in search for the Big Bad Wolfs Little Red.


Wyatt managed to track Addison down to the Library, where he watched her read books and take notes. When she got up to get a Different book, Wyatt discreetly followed her a few Bookshelves away. When she had her back turned, Wyatt sprinted to the Bookshelf Behind her, grabbed the nearest thing off the Shelf, and stuffed his nose in it, pretending to read.

Addison walked past him, before stopping and turning around. " You're reading a DVD, By the way." " T- Uh.." Wyatt sputtered as Addison took the Case from him and closed it back before setting it back on the shelf. " I saw you watching me, Whatever your Name is-" " It's Wyatt. And Willa told me to keep an eye on you." Addison gave out a sigh before going on with finding another book. " What is you guy's deal with me? Do I smell bad or something? I used my Dads Ten-in-One this morning, maybe that's it..?" Addison questioned.

" Actually- Uh- I don't know if I'm allowed to tell you... It has something to do with your Hair." Addison picked up a book and flipped through the Pages. " Yeah? It's some kind of Rare Genetic thing, What about it?" Wyatt slowly shook his head. " I don't think I'm allowed to tell you.." Addison looked up at him(he was way taller than She and Zed were) and tilted her head. " Hm. I like your Eyes." Addison pointed at his eyes. One eye was Brown and the other was Half Brown and Half Green.

" Sectoral Heterochromia. That's really lucky, You know. Less than one percent of the entire Population has that, so You're really Special. I guess we both have Rare Genetics.. And we both have white hair too!" Addison giggled as she pointed to his White stripe in his hair before she flashed him a smile before walking off with her book.

Wyatt stood there for a second before his tail popped out and began wagging so furiously that it almost knocked him off balance.

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