Chapter 8

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" And the Way he caught you?! Oh my god, that was so-" Bree stopped mid sentence, getting cut off by the Announcement.

" Hello Students, this is Principal Lee. As you all may have heard, Zombie Students are now allowed to eat in the Cafeteria. Be nice."

The entire Cafeteria groaned and Immediately started complaining, but Addison smiled to herself and took a bite out of her dry as fuck Chicken Sandwich. Addison saw a police office Unlock and Open a Door, and the first person she saw was Zed, with his back turned, getting high fives from the other zombies. Zed stumbled back a little when the door fully opened, and he turned around and Awkwardly led the Group of Zombies into the Cafeteria, following the Police Officer.

Addison made a sound and put her chicken sandwich down, waving a hand high in the air so Zed could see her. Zed did, and Waved back as he Passed.

From the other side of the Cafeteria, Bucky scowled as he noticed Addison waving at Zed. Zombies in the Cafeteria were bad enough, but Addison being friends with a Zombie was even worse. He saw her talking to Zed this morning through the Wires, he eavesdropped on her asked Principal Lee to let the Zombies into the Pep Rally, and he especially saw her Love struck face when Zed caught her.

That though alone made him sick. A Human and a Zombie? What was she thinking?! She would be kicked from the Cheer Squad, the School even. News would spread and no other town would accept her or let her in. She'd have to live in the Zombie side of town, simply thrown over the Wall like a piece of Trash.

Addison watched Zed from the Zombies Table at the very back of the Cafeteria, near the Trash and where the lights done work. She watched his Amazed face as one of his friends juggled some Apples, like an Ungodly amount of Apples. Where the hell did he get all of those apples?? Anyways. Bree droned on about whatever she was talking about and noticed that Addison wasn't listening to her.

" Addie? Are you listening?" "... Yeah..?" Bree followed Addisons line of sight and Gasped loudly before turning back to Addison. " are you looking at that Zombie guy?? The one that caught you earlier??" ".... I guess." Bree grabbed onto Addisons shoulders. " Addie, do you have a Crush on a zombie?" Addison snapped out of it, and a look of horror crossed her face. " Oh no! I think I do!!" Addisons voice dropped to a whisper. " Oh god, that's bad. That's a Bad thing! Do you know what'll happen to me?!? I could get kicked out of School!!" Addison whisper yelled, now on the verge of hysterics. " My Parents will kick me out!" She cried pulling her hair.

Bree put an arm around her for Comfort. " Hey... If your Parents find out, you can stay with me and my mom! And who cares if you get kicked out of School, School is lame anyways. I've got your back, Addie." Addison bit her nails as she started to Reevaluate and Question her future, which led to her thinking about the Future in general, which led her to begin to feel Sick to her Stomach.

" I've gotta Puke." Addison stood up and rushed out of the Cafeteria. Bree watched her leave, not noticing Zed getting up almost as soon as Addison bolted out. " Hey, Excuse me." Zed approached the Police Officer. " I have to use the little Zombies Room. You know, the Bathroom..?" The Police Officer groaned. " Down the hall and to the left. You're lucky I don't feel like escorting you, but get back soon or we'll tear this whole school down." " You have my Word Mr. Police Officer man." Zed turned and limped out. ".. My name is Gary."

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