Ch- Mortal -1

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December 18th

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December 18th

A soft chatter resounded in the empty classroom, the light above the students' heads flickering. They didn't seem bothered, instead they were acting casual. None were shocked by it. The room kept its own warmth and coziness, desks and boards surrounding them both.

A scary world, this was what most said about earth. About the reality they lived in. On my part, all I could do was enjoy my boring and long days over and over. That is how I ended up forcing myself to repeat the same routine with the same people and most of all, the same fuckers I have to put up with...

The adze twirled between your fingers before it slipped out of your grip and tumbled loudly on the floor. The high-pitched sound was followed by a heavy silence. You bent down absentmindedly to retrieve the poor tool before putting it back on the wooden desk. It didn't matter what happened to it, you were too busy to put your mind to work.

The classroom was filled with the scent of paint and strange chemicals. Desks scattered in the room in a chaos of paintings and sculptures left on them. Through the windows, the sun had just begun to drop, leaving a ray of pinkish and orange lights reflecting on the ragged wooden floor.

In short, I had an assignment consisting of mixing a portrait and a sculpture. And because of the circumstances, I still haven't started it. All of that because we had some visitors from the students from the economics department that came to bash out our work.

And you didn't take it very well, since you tried to make them eat the ground. What made you lose it, is that your teacher didn't do anything about it. After all, he was behind this 'inconvenience' with the screwing excuse of 'practicing with criticism'. Which you failed greatly, and surprisingly, since it was hard to move you. A win for the teacher to see that you can put on a bit of reaction. Even if it is about glaring deadly without blinking for hours.

You only had a few hours to finish your work before the end of the deadline, only a few short hours. As a frown formed on your face, you took a washer and juggled with it, deep in thoughts. You missed the frowns from the person by your side that had been talking for a while now.

Fortunately, one of my classmates agreed to lend me a hand, with the indirect deal of listening to his boring stories...

"Y/n." Your name took you out of your contemplation before you were met with the harsh gaze of your friend. His piercing blue eyes stared at you, making a light chill run down your spine. This made you tilt your head slightly as you let a soft hum escape you. And after a bit of silence and staring at each other, you ended up scratching your chin with the washer, showing him your confusion.

A heavy breath escaped him. "You aren't listening," He narrowed his eyes before throwing his hands around. "Can you at least work? You're not supposed to assist, remember?" He slid his hand in his brownish hair before it fell back on his tanned skin gracefully.

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