Ch- Ball and swing -17

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After the reincarnation

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After the reincarnation...

The wind blows in their hair, messy from the 'surviving' in the jungle. They were watching their skin healed back after being torned by some giant dinosaure. In their other hand, they held a fruit and bite into it to gain back the energy lost with the healing process. 

That was strange, dying and falling in a world they watched their whole life. What was supposed to be done here ? Was their world the original one, liking all the other ? If they die here, will they wake up in another one ? Can they die somehow ? What happened if they can't eat while healing back ?

They weren't invincible, stronge and immortal but their flesh was as soft as any other. And the monster they killed still had the time of its life while tearing into it.

A monster, at the end was they one too ? Definitly, but who's dumb enough to see monster as something bad. The one that is feared is the one that held the power, illegitimately.

"It hurts" They poked at their wound blankly and looked at the corpse  beside them. "What a waste." 

Soon they stood up and walked back into the jungle to explore some more, the wound now a distance memory in the back of their mind..


"I'm not wearing that."

"Please, Vice-Amiral. It's a gift from Akainu. Just put it on for one night." The girl begged and held the long dress with trembling hands.

"Hell no. I've fashion sence and this smell bad. Can't you bring me my usual clothes. Everybody is going to wear their uniform." I waved her off, not even giving a thought about it. She sighed defeated and walks away to return the gift.

What a stupid idea to arrange a ball, we weren't high nobles or anything. This was a waste of time for a stupid celebration. As to say 'we do our work so well, we can be lazy and danse'. I flopped in a couch near a window and waited for new cloths, that would be a trouser and a shirt, because never will I put a dress on.

"Y/n sama !" I turned my head toward the door while my shin rest comfortably in my palm. 

"Godji, what is it."

"Did you get your clothing yet ? They call me for mines." He saluted and sat down in front of me while tapping his fingers on his knees.

"Why can't we wear our own clothes !" I groaned out and ignored him the rest of the time.

Godji sweatdroped and looked around to make up for the silence. What was justice, a lie ? Like this place may hold many secrets. What forced other to follow the rules and most of all the jugement of complet strangers. Getting clothes for an event or killing for a belief. There's no limits to engraved in justice, the ultimate power. And if I've to held it in the palm of my hand to dress how I want during a ball, then damn yes I will. Godji gave me worried glances when I smirked slyly and chuckled evily.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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