Ch- Egguheddo -15

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Fourth stop

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Fourth stop

"I can't believe they remake Trigun" I take a new handle of those imaginary popcorns and swallowed them whole. "I mean" I start with a mouth full as I turn slightly my head in Adam's direction, my gaze still casted on the TV. I was sleeping when Adam suggested to watch a new anime together and draged me in my mind. Honestly as this point it was more his mind than mine with how personnalized it was.

Dude had put a fucking couch in my brain. And I was laying on it, AND IT'S SUPER CONFORTABLE.

I think a bit about my sentence. "I love it, like the old one is already gold but the new one is so good. I don't even feel like the two of them can be compare it feels like they are two differents animes, you know ?"

Adam hums lazyly as he watches the show. "I should watch the old one" he mumbles to himself not really paying attention to me. I narrow my eyes at him, seriously this brat is worst than me.

"Who's your favorite characteres ?" I say absent mindly with a slight frown forming as I take another mouthfull of popcorns.

"Hard to say.." He answers deep in thoughts. "Roberto" He concluds simply and leans to grab his can of sprite.

"Roberto ? He's cool" Nice taste.

"And you ?" He asks his attention mostly on the screen.

I glance at him from the corner of my eyes humming. "Knives, he's funny" Adam gave me a look as I look at him innocently with a playfull shrug.

"You just found him hot" He says in an accusating tone as if it wasn't a good reason.

"He is but I just like how they make him as a villain in this version. I don't know he's like more showing of ?" But yeah, don't get me wrong it's because he's hot.

He rolls his eyes and throws me his empty can. I catch it with ease and it disappears into tin air. "Where are you taking them next ?"

I smirk at his question. "Paradise" I take a handle of popcorn and throw them at him. He frowns and brushes his hand making the tray disappears with the popcorns.

"Already ? Aren't you going to have a last trip ? You still have time before going back to work." He was now paying full attention to the conversation, a bit too much to my own good.

"I was gonna hang around and pull prank..." I look at him suspiciously. "But since you're so interessed I suppose you've a place in mind ?"

His eyes instantly sparkle and he beams on the couch making me bounce a bit. "Egghead island !" He raises his arms raised with a determined expression making me sigh deeply.

"Wow you scared me I thought you were gonna lead me under water" I mumble warely. "Well egghead it is.. but no more random stop after." He nods and stands up. He did a little victory dance before changing himself into a shinny budgie and flying around some more as he chirps joyfully. "You're not even going for real don't be so heat up" My mood breaker didn't work on him as he keeps being incredibly full of energy for someone that was laying lazyly on a couch seconds ago. I smile as I watch him make his scene before it turns into a sheepish smile when he lands on the head of the couch right my side.

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