Ch- Mad Dog -Bis

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"From day one, the red dog's eyes land on them

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"From day one, the red dog's eyes land on them. On this being full of secrets and surprises who never failed to stuck a nerve..."

6 months later

"Where..", a low and strict voice, "is.." from an even more server man. "she.", he growled, wearing a cap on his head with the insign of the marine. The Vice-Amiral was stomping in his office while waiting impatiently. The denden rang over and over but never once was picked up. "Y/n !", Akainu slamed his fist unto his desk, breaking it under the pressure.

He was angry. This damn woman has done it again. She always got on his nerves and whatever he had done to get her attention never worked.

If only she could submit to his autority. But, no. Even that, he can't have it.

Six months of waiting. Six damn months and he asked her to be his partner. He was still waiting while she was still missing. All of his troops where under pressure thank to her absence, because Sakazuki had to release his frustration somehow.

The marine was praying for the Reaper's come back. And they were ready to praise them.

The light shown on the headquarter as the sun fell in the immense sea. Marine's ships were going and coming continually while the members from every ranks keeped their own routine. Training, serving or filling papers, nothing could work as well in the marine.

While one of their most feared was still missing they acted as if they didn't exist.

Because nobody can see the reaper following their shadow. Nobody can see the danger ahead but the caretaker of the lost souls knew. And this one time they'll fight against god's will to bring chaos.

Sakazuki grabs his cap and throws it on the floor, a low growl of annoyement coming from him as he hungs up. His eyes dart toward the window as he scouted the horizon. Days ago, the cruise she stole long ago came back, without her.

Using the miserable excuse of taking a turn before coming back right away. She wasn't under his orders, and she was lucky. Because he wouldn't had let it passed from the first time.

When she ignored him the day they meet. When she destroyed his office by 'accident' or when she mocked him in front of the new recrutes.

She was a torn in his foot, but she did a good work. And that's why he was sucking it in, trying to gain even a bit of her interessed so he could use her later.

Soon, a small ship appeared on the deep ocean. Bathing in the last ray of light, like a shine of hope or something stronger.

It was the come back of a true enigma. The one holding the world between their fingers, while their hand played with the pencil that changed fates.

The red dog didn't have a reason to receive them, not now. He was going to hold it and pushed it to the next day. All he needed was a proof of her coming back.

Finally, the light finally disappeared dark sky took controle of the story..

Finally, the light finally disappeared dark sky took controle of the story

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A/N 🗨️

Hey everyone ! Never thought a 500 words' chapters would take me so long. I really hate Sakazuki and I had to force myself to write it. I guess I was just dramatic. I just move out, and now I might be even poorer than before so I fon't know how I am gonna organised my time.

I while write the next chapter anyway, the name might change but you need an idea of what might come ^^

>> Ch- Ball and swing -17 <<

I love you all, have a good day !

LAURYSAMA is not okay. I'm depressed and crying lol.

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