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3 weeks

Days has passed since my discussion with the king of pirates. And for only one reason,

set my dramatic exit of the crew.

In reality only Roger and Rayleigh knew I was just 'passing by' so I'm a little septic on announcing my depart.

But, hell I'm y/n.

And there is nothing I can't do ! I didn't really tell when I was going to quit. But I clearly said it was imminent. I don't know when the Roger's are gonna fight the marine but from now on, I need to train. I may be fucking strong but I did only 1 year of boxe and I don't remember going -drawing takes most of my time back then-.

I asked Rayleigh -actually everybody, but Rayleigh was the first to accept- to help me.

Am I happy or hella scared ?

I honestly don't know but anyway. The kids decide to join us or more like admire us with big stars in theirs eyes.

I might say, it's fun.

"Y/n. You should focus if you want to win at least once" I turn back to the old blond man and smick

"Really ? I'm sure even with distration  you can't lay a finger on me~" I lift my hand and motion to him to attack first.

He chuckles and disapears.

Or more like he disapears for little Shanks and tiny Baggy because I can see him running to my side and trying to hi-

I dodge and roll on the floor before perform a fighting stance, this time jaming three hit. I didn't budge and wait for the right moment, which come easily, thanks to Shanks.

"Y/n, stop taking and fight back !!!"

"Shanks ! Stop mooving ! I don't wanna die !" Baggy is keeping Shanks from intervening in the fight

"YOU CAN'T SHOW OFF AND GET BEATEN JUST AFTER !!" he takes a big breath and starts squim out of baggy's grip "YOU NOT A PIRATE ! YOU- YOU-" he shuts his eyes and clenchs his fists "YOU ASS !!"

Silver frowns and turns his head surprised "Language !"

I smick,

this was the moment I waited for.

I take two steps back and remember the video I once watched.

The way to do a knock out clean and fast. Then I balance all my body weight in my fist.

Silver realises too late his mistake.

My right fist (if ya did boxe yk you left feet have to be in front of ya~) lunge at him and connect with his nose sending a wave of shock in his whole body until it come back to his brain and knock him out cold.

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