Ch- Farewell -7

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2 days after I quit the crew

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2 days after I quit the crew

The water gently stroke the barque, swaying in the vast ocean. From time to time the wind brings birds or fresh air to my travel.

But I think I'm going insane cause I started earing voices.

..alright, just one.

I don't know why but it keeps saying he's Adam. But I'm not a fool, I tatooed an eye not a mouth.

Plus I lack in sleep because I'm a light sleeper. The ocean is not as quiet as we believed.

Also, I forgot to bring foods and water.. A normal person migh die but fortunaly I'm me !

Y/n the immortal !

It does sound good isn't it ?

I had many things to prepared and the conversation I had with Roger was one of them. Mr. Matt gave me a similar speech but I didn't take it the good way..

I don't like when people see me as someone lazy -even if I am-. It's like my body does the contrary of everything because I don't like when others give me 'order'.

Suddently a bird with a hat flys above me. I flinch and stand up abrutly narrowly avoiding a fell in the sea.

"Hey !" The bird was already flying past me.

I take a quick deep breath "HEY !" this time the sparrow takes a sharp turn in my direction and stops in front of me a newspaper in spout.

I extant my hand to take the paper but the bird frowns and dodges. "Give that will ya !" I try again and fail.

"Okay what now ?" He stares at me and huffs "You want my money ?" he nods.

I sigh and start searching in my bag "Wait up, okay ?" I hold my purse and pull two berries.

"Is that enough ?" the bird nods and drops the paper.

I stuff the berries in his bag, he flys off right after.

"Lovely" I say sarcastically and look at the news.

Not very interresting.

There was things about the Donquixotes and new victories of the marine. Oh and new bounties of unknow peoples. "Well it doesn't matter" I shove the paper in my bag and sit down -waste of money-.

"Adam, if you're really him.. Talk now !" I wait impatiently and frown "Please ? I'm bored~".

Minutes pass and nobody answere "I knew it ! I'm just bloody crazy" I attempt to lay down in a 'confortable' position and sigh heavily.

'I'm mad at you'

I blink a few times and look around "Who's here ?" I get up and squint my eyes..

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