Ch- Sukaipia | Part 1 -13

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9th january 20XX

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9th january 20XX

The classroom was dark just like the humor of the newly teenagers. As the school year had already begun the civil year only started with new friendship and its share of problems. And of course for now a bit of time the same child came out with their new identity.

And honestly ?

It does suit them, as much as they are an idler.

This loner was just like always -cause who has the time to care about a bit of change- at their place in front of the other siding the window to glance outside -nobody said they was a good schoolar-.

"Eww did you hear ?" One of the kids behind shifted as his chair creaks on the floor supposely in a discreet way as he mutters loudly.

"Hum, well I hear a bunch of things.. like right now your stinky breath on my face.." The other one respond with and obvious annoyed tone while scrolling on his homework.

"Huhhh- duh !? how can- you can't hear smells-", "Whatever do you remember the rumor about weirdo ?" The discussion was controvatial as one tries to mutter and the other didn't give a shit about being conspicuous.

"Weirdo ? You mean Y/n ?" He stats as a matter of facts -which is-.

"Yeah her, apparently, she's not just weird... She's like a real psycho !!" He whispears-yells the last part holding an hand to his mouth,

is he dumbs ?

"You sure ? I mean even if they doesn't look like the kind type, I don't believe they could hurt anybody."

"I tell ya ! She starbs someone when she was 10 or something ! It creeps me out so much I want to change classe- no you know what I want to change school. Just don't wanna be her next victime-"

"Hey ! What you two are talking about ?" A tiny girl show off out of nowhere pratically coming from under the desk and surprising the two teens.

"Huh ? None of your buisness." The 'so not descret one' turn around with what's look like an atempted lie.

"Really ? I hope you're not talking about Y/n who is like just in front of you two and can hear everything you two say...." she squints her eyes making a shiver run down the boy spine. "Plus I don't like when people talk ill of my friends."

"Not your damn friend." The stars of discussion sighes and finally grantes importance on the conversation they didn't quite care about just seconds ago.

"See they can hear you well enough" She girl scrolls and laids angryly her hands on her hips.

"That beside the point. Let them be, their life is so boring they need to stick their nose in my buisness." The 'weirdo' side glance the girl offering their full attention.

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