Ch- Wa no Kuni -14

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May 6th XXXX

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May 6th XXXX

Like usual the thick forest surrounds their frail frame still sore from the beatting of their comrade. Such a shame to mark their soft (s/c) chair with red and purple. They aren't moving, laying on the fresh ground between wet leaves and crush grasses, the sky lowering above their blurried views. Drenched eyes they stays silent breathing with the wind while creating memories that never happened. After a moment of contemplating their fate they stands up, ready to go back in hell.

It wasn't the first time, this forest, they knows it too well. They also knows what is upon those threes. What the orphanage is hiding, or at least the adults in charge.

Actually this is not any orphanage, some establishements are just an excuse to do some illegal stuff. This one were kiving kids to some mafia and gangs will forming them, using violence.

They walks to nowhere, wandering on the way back, without a care in the world, holding anything that threats to go out, to make them seems weak.. Little by little those threats disappear as years flow by, forgetting emotions, never knowing what love, happyness and enjoyment are.


The sun was burning the grasses while the threes lose its greenery. Summer was approching , anybody could tell. And the same fram was standing in the middle of it. No more burnts, no more wounds could be seen.

"That's unfortunate." Y/n stands in front of a shadow futher away behind a bush. "I didn't want you to fund out." They didn't budge, remaining were they stand without any care in the damn world.

"And ?" They stares disaffected by the previous threats the unknow throwed.

"I can't let you go" They shrugs the shadow still indistinguishable, but does it matters ?

"I wasn't going anywhere" They leans on a three behind them. "But I'm certainly not going with you"

"Indeed, that's unfortunate" The bush shakes as the shadow goes forward. A man, more like a young adulte tower the younger being. They look like sibling side by side while they were now complet strangers to each other "You shouldn't be there" He pauses "You shouldn't know" a long silence follow his words, those merly words that held so much more.

"But here I am .."

"And here it ends." Y/n chuckles finally giving a semblance of emotion, which were just a show of their incredulity.

"What a waste of your time, man, you came all the way here to take me with you." Again a minute passed without any partie utter a word "Funny is that you know I don't give a shit about your little sacrifice party, you just want to end my damned life." They holds their hands as if to play down.

"You're not a waste of time, I care. I do care" As if he was trying to convince himself he keeps repeat himself like a broken reccords.

"You do ? Is that what caring is ?" This question wasn't holding any grudge, it was genuine, from a harmless soul. "When I go with you, the first thing you all will do is shutting me. I don't care about you." They approaches the male "I know I don't care because if something happened to you I will feel this thing that makes me want to kill."

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