Ch- Sukaipia | Part 2 -13

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Second stop : Skypiea

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Second stop : Skypiea

I can't believe it, seconds ago we were in the sea and now we sway in bir fluffy clouds. How the hell is that possible ???

Can I swin in it ? Will I go through ? Does it even has a bottom ??

So many questions and I'm not given the times to proceed them.. this is impressive.

They said themself that's the first time they comes and nevertheless they keeps going forward. The crab lead us on a road. A cloudy road. I think I heard them called it the 'Milky Road', that isn't milk.

"Where the hell where you ?" Ah. Her again...

"You're swearing now ? Still that's none of you're damn business." I stare at the blond. I don't hate her, but if I could a good punch in the face won't hurt her..

"Ah. We aren't competiting, you know that ?" Panom sents back my stare.

Oh now it is a competition.

"WOW ! Not you two !!" We turn our head in Y/n's direction. The look on their face says 'cut the crap' and so we did. Or Panom did, I content myself with a tsk and go off. From where I stand I can say we have a bit of time before reaching destination. A cough resounds "I have some instruction to share" they clears their throat a megaphone in their right hand.

Where the hell does it comes from-

"EVERYYYYYYYONE LISTEN !" Panom and I cover our ears simultaneously "We are going to angel beach. I don't want any trouble, also try to not run around the air here is rare so if you faint I'm gonna mock ya for the rest of your miserable lifes." They lowers their voice "I have an appointment soooo.. have fun" They turns in our direction still holding the megaphone "Kanda ! Where were you by the way ??" I wince greatly, damn can't they turn off this shit..

"None of your business" I pout and look away. I'm not embarrassed that's just has nothing-

"You pratically fall off the boat I saw you hanging at the bottom" I jump 360° ready to kill whoever the bitch who talks. The scientist girl freezes and starts laughing ankwardly before running off I griet my teeth and hound her. Or so I thought, 20 meters of run and I was breathing heavily.

"Wh- What the H-ell " I hold my knees and take deep breaths.

"Annnnd that why I told you not to run~" Y/n mocks me and ruffles my hair before I try to snatch it. "Calm calm" They smirks "You wanna come on my mission ? I'm sure you brat wanna. Plus I will stop ya from troubles" I heard the last part they tries to mumble.

"No." I stand up "I don't need a caretaker." They sents me a glare and next thing I know I am hit on the head.

"Of course you don't." They goes off and waves before waiting by the rails. I look beyond them and saw the 'Angel Beach' coming closer. Someone nudges me and I end up facing Godji.

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